I have been working on a “2010 in Review” layout that will capture all the momentous occasions that occured in 2010..let me tell you, it was a busy year!!! I’ve pulled some of my favorite photos to use and thought I would share my year in photos…so here we go!
January 2010 – Happy New Years, Bought my First home and Pole Class!!

February 2010 – My 26th Birthday ( I was Greek dancing)

March 2010 – Sandra’s Birthday – the Night of the Lemon Drop

April 2010: Took Possession, Petrick Easter Egg Hunt and Jennie is Engaged!!

May 2010: Jaelyn Petrick is born and Renovation Central at my home!

June 2010: Fell in Love …

July 2010: Moved in to my home – Reno’s Complete!
August 2010: Robyn’s Stagette, First Harvest, First Magazine Publication out on newsstands and
Petrick Family Reunion at the Lake! Whew!!

September 2010: Robyn and Ian got married!!

October 2010: Our first Halloween together and Makiya’s 3rd Halloween!

November 2010: Adam surprised me with a trip to Niagara Falls!!

December 2010: Makiya’s 3rd Christmas and our First Christmas together!

What a beautiful end to a beautiful year!! 2010 was amazing and very busy, but I know that I will love 2011 even more! Bring it on! I’m ready for you!!