Hey friends!
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and enjoyed spending some much needed time with loved ones. We shared an early Christmas with my inlaws at the farm then drove to the city on Christmas Eve to be with my family. My Daddio is still in the hospital {insert sad face} but he was able to get a day pass on Christmas Day to be with us from 8:30-5:30, and it was the best present ever! Now, you all know that I love Christmas more than most..{in fact, I’m already planning next year!} but I’m about to say something I never thought I would say..
I am so happy its over. Yup, I just said that. The month of December has been particularly hard on our family and it really just wasn’t Christmas for us and we weren’t at all feeling the spirit of the holidays. So with that, we are definitely looking forward to a fresh start in 2013!! And, because 2012 wasn’t all that bad, I thought I’d spend some time focusing on my favorite photos/moments if 2012…enjoy!!

this photo has always been a favorite of mine, taken in January as we were just settling in to our newlywed life!

We celebrated our first Thanksgiving as newlyweds this year and I love this shot

I got baby chicks on April 10th and its no secret I love them 😉

In August, I walked in to the coop to find my very first egg! I was so excited I ran to tell anyone I could find! Of course, no one was near as excited as me. And thats okay!

For Thanksgiving this year, I made my very first pumpkin pies..YUM is all I can say!

This Spring our new sprayer was delivered and Adam was like a young boy with a new toy!

Ack, this photo makes my heart melt. I just love it

This Spring, I planted my very first vegetable garden and became obsessed with it all summer long!

In August, my garden became a passion {I miss it already}

This Summer, my mom and I made our very own dill pickles and they.are.AWESOME

This Spring, Jakey & I spent a lot of time walking amongst the lilac bushes around the farm – so beautiful!

Our 2012 Christmas card photo

In June, my grandparents celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary!

In September, we went fishing way up North..this fish was the very first one I caught

We had a really great harvest this year and I managed to grab quite a few photos to record it!

In February, we flew to Hawaii. It was my first time visiting that place and I fell hard for it

While in Hawaii, I finally learned how to snorkel! I love it now and can’t wait to do it again!

I spent a lot of time this summer with this guy. My new soon to be nephew

In May, I finally sold my house in the city after 50 weeks on the market!

In February, while my bestie came to visit us on the farm, I learned to shoot a gun 😉
I just love these little projects that make you look back at the year and realize what all you accomplish!! I’ll be back with more photos that hilight 2012! Can’t wait to share them!!
dawn - Hi Dawn!! I’m so happy to see this post, love love your looking back thoughts and pictures. I think you two are sooooo cute together and LOVE the Christmas card photo for this year, how pretty!!
I’m sorry your December wasn’t what you wanted it to be, so glad your dad is on the road to mending though.
I’m excited to follow you in 2013 and all your new adventures and stories and photos and more!! Wishing you a very Happy New Year!!