Hi Friends!
I’m back for a second look at my favorite photos/moment of 2012!! It has been so fun going thru the many folders on my computer of photos I took this year and remembering all the great moments we have had. Its further proof to me that I definitely want to continue with Project Life in 2013 and I want to approach it in a different manner, a way that forces me to complete each week and not get so far behind. To continue taking more and more photos {they really are so worth it!} and to document and record our thoughts and memories. I hope you enjoy this little walk down 2012 memory lane…

In January, we had a massive bonfire to burn old wood etc that was laying around the farm

Okay, I know I mentioned Hawaii in Part I but I just couldn’t resist adding another photo..

In March, we brought Jakey to the farm and after a few hairy encounters..Simon accepted him and my heart was finally all together again!

In April, mom & dad came to visit us for a weekend

Most April mornings were spent in the sunshine, planning my future garden and researching chickens!

and of course 2012 was full of my babies..the chickens!

2012 will forever be the year I forced myself to learn how to cook. And cook I did!!

This Summer we were able to spend a few nights at the family cabin, including time spent there with my own family..and it was pure bliss!

During one of our visits to the lake, we brought Jakey in a canoe with us..best canoe moment ever!

and y’all know I can’t talk enough about my garden.. *sigh*

this summer, we made it to the Calgary Stampede and were lucky to see Garth Brooks in concert!

In August, mom and I learned how to make apple pies!!

In September, while up North fishing, I got to enoy this view nightly

I got to co-pilot the plane that took us from our fishing spot to our truck!

When we got home from fishing…the boys installed a new tin roof on our farmhouse {looks so much better!!!}

In 2012 we made some major progress on the dome!!

In October, I helped make my very first turkey for Thanksgiving!

Autumn in the country

Also in October, I surprised Adam with a trip to Disneyland for his 30th Birthday!

For Halloween, we carved some beautiful pumpkins {including ones from my own garden!}

a huge hilight of 2012? In November, I got to meet and hang out with Kelly Purkey!

In December, my mother in law taught me how to make their secret family recipe for fudge!

Christmas Day with my family..so grateful
I have about a million other photos from this year that I could add to these posts, but I know neither of us have time for that 😉 These just hilight a few special moments that hold so much meaning to me and I’m so glad I could share them with you all. If you missed Part 1, please stop by here. I have high hopes for 2013..I think its going to be challenging on many levels and I don’t know how I’ll fare against them, but I’m going to do it anyways! Thank you all for stopping by today..I have 1 more post scheduled for 2012 and then, its off to start the new year!! See you back here soon!
dawn - WOW WOW WOW!! You have done so much in 2012, lots of good and happy things! What a great year you had learning/doing new things, you should be so proud of yourself. I can’t imagine how you are going to top this year but can’t wait to see you in 2013.
Thanks for sharing these with us, love it! Should do this on my blog if time.
SOOOOOO happy you signed up for OLW too!!
Inspired in Second - You have some amazing photos! Looking forward to seeing more.
– Amanda
Inspired in Second