Today we celebrate 3 years of marriage..just a scratch in the page of life compared to many but oh, how much we have conquered! Adam & I met on Eharmony 4 years ago in June..by our second date, I knew he was the man I would marry!
What I didn’t know, however, was just how much this love would change me. It’s taken this city girl from an office to a chicken coop (Uggs included!), it’s taken a girl who loves take-out to a woman who loves to cook straight from Julia Child, it’s turned a VW Jetta driver into the blonde behind the wheel of a Chevy Silverado. This love has cultivated a hobbyist into a photographer, an animal lover into a farmer, a reader into a doer.
This love has taken me all over the world (Paris, Rome, Venice, Hawaii..), it has nurtured me when I suffered the loss of my dad and grown with me as I myself grew into the role of mother..
this love…oh this love has become the biggest part of me. And what a blessing in life that is..