It doesn’t seem like a full term pregnancy could have happened already, but here we are. In our 40th week and anxiously awaiting our little baby boy any day now..

What can I say about pregnancy…its been utterly breathtaking. From the shock of finally seeing a positive sign on the pregnancy test to the tears shed by family and friends when we were able to share our news. The worry I felt for keeping this baby safe and strong to that most beautiful sound of hearing his heartbeat for the very first time. Watching my body grow and morph into this beautiful little bump has been quite the experience. I will admit it took me quite some time to adjust to this belly, even if I did realize it was for a greater purpose! But my favorite parts, and most memorable, have been seeing him on that ultrasound for the very first time & feeling his kicks for the first time after waiting for what seemed like forever.
Since Dec 19th, we have been camped out in the city at my mom’s house, waiting for him to make his arrival. Normally I would be staying in my own home til his birth day came but, due to the placenta issues we were going thru (and this being our first child), we made the decision to stay close to the hospital.
I’m very happy to report that this weeks appointments showed us the placenta has now moved into a safe range and we can expect a more “normal” delivery experience (whatever normal may be!) and that, between contractions and other progressions, we can expect baby any day now!
I’m so ready to meet him. I’m ready for him to join our family and bring the true meaning of life to our hearts. Our hearts are already filled with love for this precious baby, I can’t even imagine what it will feel like once he is here. Stay tuned everyone…one precious little baby will be gracing this blog very soon!!
Lynette - Sweet moments. Can’t wait to see him.