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Happy April 1st!!

This morning I woke up to the most beautiful sunrise, it was a perfect blue sky frosted with pinks, lavenders, oranges and yellows ..and while I was outside snapping photos of said sunrise .. it hit me, I was standing outside in my pj’s with no coat on ..and was comfortable! Does that mean? .. Could it be? Spring? Yes..I think it is!! Well yes, Mr Weatherman has threatened us poor Albertans with yet another winter storm watch for the weekend .. but its in the pluses this week and I have no fear that Spring has actually sprung.

While talking with my mom yesterday I found out that both her and my grandma have seen some perennials popping up already .. I ran out to check my garden..and sadly nothing to report … yet! But now that warmer weather is here my thoughts have shifted from the dark doldrums of winter to all that is green and fresh! I planted my beds with as many cottage plants as it could possibly hold, so this year I’m excited to see what survived and what will finally bloom now that it is in its second year .. peonies, roses, foxgloves, lupines…oh goodness I can’t wait!!

And speaking of cottage gooness..I came across this mosaic last Spring and fell in love with just ..ack, I can’t stand it!!

Photo: My Romantic Home
And what’s even better than this? the realization that next year I will have an entire farm yard to make this a possibility! Ohhh …just you wait SK, I have BIG plans for you!!
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