Happy New Year Everyone!!
I hope you all had a wonderful evening filled with love and laughter as you rang in the New Year! Adam and I went to the States for the day, came home and had a quiet night of appy’s and movies, which was definitely alright with me! At midnight, Adam popped open our bottle of champagne to celebrate and that, dear friends, was our first new years eve as newlyweds 😉
And today brings us a new year: 2012!! I feel really good about this coming year, I think it’s going to be another amazing one, which it’ll have to be to beat 2011! This morning as I was on the treadmill (resolution # 5, I believe) I was thinking about everything I wanted to do and accomplish this year. How I really want to push my creativity and see what I truly have inside of me. I want to study photography and learn everything I can about it. I want to capture our daily memories and scrapbook them like I always say I will. I want to create my business from home and make it a success. There are so many ideas brewing in my head..I can hardly wait to get them all down on paper and start working on making them come true!
A few goals of 2012 that I can share with you at the moment are the goals I have set for my blog and my memory keeping. First off, I suck at blogging…I know this. And I really don’t want to suck at it any more (in my defence, we have no internet at the moment, nor have we since the beginning of December..so when I want to blog, etc I have to go over to my inlaws and do so). But we will have the internet problem solved soon enough and I vow to blog more frequently..I promise. Also, I suck at sticking with a project (photo a day challenges, December Daily, etc) but I really want to see something thru. So, I have decided to work on Project Life for 2012. I know it’s a HUGE challenge for me, but I whole heartedly accept that challenge! I figure it would be an amazing way to document our first year of marriage! My core elements and page protectors have still not arrived in the mail yet though, but I am taking photos and documenting the “who’s & whats” of our daily life and will record them in my album when it arrives and plan on sharing my weekly layouts with you every week {gulp}. So please stick with me…I promise this is going to be a very good year 😉
I was actually SO motivated to get on my goals of memory making that I already made my 2012 title page for my regular scrapbook album (not my PL album) and I thought I’d share it with you here, today.