We woke up to another beautiful day here in Southern Alberta! With the warm weather and snow completely melted, I decided to take my boys out for a country walk with my dad..and let me tell you it was the most peaceful Saturday in a very long time
We drove out of the City and once we hit prairie, made a few turns down a gravel road and pulled the truck over in a wide open field..there is something about the open land out here that just lets you breathe a little deeper, you know?
We came across this old beauty in the fields..shot up and ripped apart..but something about it was just begging me to photograph it, and I’m glad I did!

After running for about a mile, I finally got Otis to sit still long enough for me to take his picture..isn’t he just a handsome little guy? Don’t let this picture fool you though..he is a VERY active border collie..even at 8 years old!

And we also managed to stumble across this one day old calf..I couldn’t resist taking his picture either 😉

And last but not least..a photo op with me and my boy!!

So whether you are out in the country or surrounded by buildings..get outside and enjoy the beautiful Spring weather! You’ll be happy you did