Number of Photos I took today: 253
First day of A Week in the Life is documented and WHEW was today ever busy!! Adam woke me up at 5:45 to let me know he was heading out and I was up & at ’em by 6:19. Watered my growing strawberries, made some breakfast and sat down to do some pinning on Pinterest. Then it was time to get dressed, make the bed and head out to the shop to find my hubby and check on my 2 week old chicks (who were awesome, by the way). I took a couple of my chicks on their first adventure outside and my gosh were they ever curious! Afterwards I proceeded to take a walk with Jakey, pump out our septic tank and pick rocks in my future garden site. When I came back inside I found my little love note Adam had left me on our white erase board then was called to come help drive vehicles down South where we are seeding. Adam did a few depth checks to see how the air drills were working and I grabbed a couple of shots of the boys in action. When I got home I showered and headed over to the farmhouse where my brother-in-laws girlfriend braided my hair (second day in a row). Then Adam & I enjoyed a picnic lunch on the swing while Jake took in the sunshine on the patio. This afternoon my BIL’s girlfriends boy was running through the sprinklers, making me miss my youth and we relaxed on the lawn with my mother in law, visiting and taking in the beautiful weather today. Then I came in, enjoyed some leftover chili for supper, a glass of wine and before I knew it, it was time to head down South to help Adam move vehicles in the field. We were able to hang out with my brother in law and his girlfriend this evening in the field as well, who are down here this week to help kick off the seeding season.. and that folks, was my Monday!! I’ll be right back here tomorrow evening with my Tuesday photos..Happy Crafting!!
Sharis - Love the baby ducks!
Dawn Cosgrove - Thanks sharis! Actually they’re baby chicks – but both are adorable