Number of Photos I took today: 25
I definitely did not take many photos today!! This morning I woke up to a cool, cloudy & very windy day, fed Jakey, made lunch for Adam, unloaded/loaded the dishwasher, ate breakfast while watching Ellen, walked my 2 miles on the treadmill, did laundry then went down to check on my chicks before I drove down to Havre with my mother in law around noon and spent the rest of the day with her running errands and doing a little shopping before rushing back to make the border and coming home to unpack my purchases and settle in for the evening – none of which I photographed. A little disappointing for me BUT I do love the freedom that comes with this project, it can be anything I want it to be, it does not have to follow any rules!!
Thoughts so far: I am loving this project and am so happy I decided to commit myself to it. I have peered in to the lives of many others through the years and always regretted not starting/following thru but this year – I am making the conscience effort to remember the memories..the every day routines that make up our lives. It is a blessing to look back on and realize what happened on a regular day of our little farm life in the country and I know it will be something I will cherish for many years to come!
What did your Thursday look like? I would love to see your blog post! As always, feel free to comment below, adding a link to your blog!! Happy creating everyone!!
dawn - Hello,
Love your photos again for the day. Great job on the self timer ones of yourself. I esp. like the one of you making the bed and the angles you used today like on the treadmill. They came out so fun and really shows your routine and everyday life.
Good for you staying committed to the project, it is time consuming and draining some days. I’ve done one completed WITL and another one that didn’t get finished. This time I’m sticking with it also. The end result is sooo amazing to look at. Keep up the good work!!!
I did a theme for Thurs. photos about looking for the new in the everyday routine which I really liked doing.
I’m about to post my Friday photos now, not sure how this one is going to go.
By the way how are you putting yours together? I’m thinking of couple different ways so I need to make a decision quick so I can get started next week.
Thanks for stopping by my blog, hope you can again. I also signed up to follow your blog.
Enjoy the weekend.