This week I finally was able to get in the soil and start planting some of my seeds! Trust me when I tell you I was giddy about this! With the weather doing what it did, we needed a few days of dry winds before getting back in to the field so Adam worked in the yard and took some time Monday afternoon to till my garden with the tractor attachment {SO much easier than the green beast I used earlier!}and then proceeded to help us seed peas, potatoes & popcorn. I have many more seeds/veggies to go..but this was a nice start!

After Adam ran thru the garden with this amazing attachment, we spread on some inoculant over where I will be growing my peas {My brother in law promises me that I will be growing more peas than I know what to do with!}

And then after all of that prep work was done, it was time to plant my first rows of peas! I will be planting a new row every 2 weeks so as to keep the harvest going even longer in the season. Reason being is that although my hubby & I do love fresh peas..I happen to know a father in law who really loves them too 😉

I never knew this contraption existed before but it is just about the best thing since sliced bread! It is a seeder that comes with different sized discs according to the size of seed you are planting. It spaces the seeds out for you, digs the trench and covers it back up! All just by pulling and pushing it along! Genius!!
I have to say I am truly ecstatic that I finally get a vegetable garden to play in that is all my own. I have wanted one for years but just never got around to it nor had the ability, yard wise. But this year is the year! It is truly an experimental garden for sure and I am anticipating many failures..but heres to hoping for some successes as well!
dawn - Hi Dawn,
I missed you this week, glad to see you blogged. Thanks for your comment on my blog also. I’m crazy for doing one layout a month but it’s sooo nice to do this again.
HOORAY FOR FIRST GARDENS AND PEAS!!! We just did our first peas last year and we do potatoes every couple years also. The peas came out soooo good. My hubby will want to read your blog now just to hear about the garden. He’s the one that does all that in the family. He is verrrrry excited to start planting and just did the onions last week. He’s buying seeds this weekend to finish up the garden. You will have so much fun growing veggies and eating them. Good luck on it!!
How much land do you have, that is a big garden!! My husband dreams of having this much land.
Have a good weekend!
Dawn Cosgrove - Hi Dawn!
we call it our own little Disneyland! The guys farm a lot more land but the yard, is ours to play with!
Yes it is a very big garden but we live on a pretty nice sized farm! Our yard is 6 acres
dawn - WOW that is so awesome, my hubby would love all that to play in also. It would be so peaceful to enjoy and not hear all the cars and neighbors some days. When they get too loud in the summer we have actally had to close our windows just to hear our own tv and selves talking. LOL
Dawn Cosgrove - Before moving here I lived in the city on a street like yours! SO LOUD!! It was a main street with constant traffic, school kids walking all over my lawn & a main bus route with buses driving alongside my home every 20 mins!! Nothing can express my gratitude for the peace I have!
Lynette - That looks like a lot of hard work. Here in South Africa we have farm laborers that do most of the hard work. Thank you for your kind comment on my blog.
Dawn Cosgrove - Haha – yes it is hard work but I love gardening! For me it’s very relaxing & rewarding! Thank you for stopping by!