Friday night we enjoyed a golden hour so lovely, I actually believed Spring was around the corner. We went out for a walk and put Hudson in his still-too-big rubber boots and tried to show him how to splash in the little felt like a dream and I absolutely soaked every minute of that evening with my boys up..

and then we carried on with our evening routines until, eventually, we fell deep asleep..
…and woke up to Winter

yes I knew it was still January and yes I knew we were still in the midst of Winter..but for 2 glorious weeks it felt like April around here and, I have to say, I was getting quite used to the ‘no jacket required’ weather! But it has now been snowing for 24 hours straight and things are looking a little bleak here on the farm once again..

… well, the Spring-like weather was fun while it lasted…hello old man Winter, once again…