It has been absolutely beautiful here lately..we’re hitting 24 degrees most days ( that’s about 75 F!) I come home for lunch and sit outside enjoying the sunny weather and wishing I didn’t have to come back to this office of mine! For the most part (in winter), I’m very thankful for the job that I have. But, come Spring I’m wishing I had a job that allowed me to A) be outside, and B) have my dog with me wherever I went. But since I don’t see that happening any time soon..I’ll just make the most out of what I can have!
Things have been going really great in my new house. Today marks 3 weeks that I’ve owned my home and already, soo much has changed! All the walls are painted, new light fixtures, kitchen completely gutted and ready for the new cabinets that came in last week and need to be installed and now I have a new front porch that I’m in looove has a nice landing, strong and wide stairs and an oh so welcoming appeal! Once I build my new fence to match this place will have done a complete 180! I’ve already even worked up my flower beds and listed all the flowers that will be going in there goal is to make people stop and see that with a little TLC, any house can sparkle 😉
AND, speaking of sparkle.. a little sneaky peeky of my new bathroom..eeek! I love it

This is the old bathroom…

And this is my bathroom now, not totally done..but wow

Pretty much everyone told me I was crazy for wanting a black chandelier in my bathroom, but I didn’t care! I knew what I wanted and once it went in..the amount of compliments has been hilarious..isn’t it beautiful??! I painted the walls ‘Seascape Green’ from Pitsburgh Paints and the vanity a plain black. Changed the faucets and took out the medicine cabinet, which will be replaced by a flat, black trimmed mirror. I can’t wait to put this room all together and show you the final result! But for now, hope you enjoyed the peek!