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Happy Friday Everyone!!

Every Friday to me is a good one, but none is better than a Friday of a long weekend!! Many people are off camping or vacationing but my plans are to stick around home and fill card orders..and I couldn’t be happier!! And to make my Friday even merrier? I caught wind of a new product being released at CHA (as I write this, the show is going on down in Florida!) ..its none other than Quickutz’ Letterpress tool!! I got giddy when I read more and more about this product as I had resolved earlier this year to learn everything I could about this art form so that one day I could buy a letterpress for my own studio..and now the day has come (in a much more affordable package!) Needless to say I’m on the list for pre-orders here.. and at $134 for the complete set, I really cannot complain!

I have been browsing their letterpress plates that will be released as well this Fall and am in love with each and every one of them..the idea wheel is turning already! Here is one of their wedding plates!

Isn’t it beautiful? I cannot wait to have this in my possession!! This upcoming season is looking better and better!! Have a great Friday everyone!

Happy Crafting!

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Just hear those sleigh bells jingle-ing, ring – ting, tingle-ing too..Come on its lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you..

Okay, so maybe its not Christmas yet, but you wouldn’t know it to look at my studio! Greens and Reds and glitter and Santas everywhere! I have high hopes to place my cards up on my Facebook group for August 15th and I have a lot of work to do before that day comes! I know it might sound silly to have them ready for August, but I figure that this will give my stores and customers enough time to look around, place their orders and it gives me enough time to make them all for everyone who orders them!

Here’s a little sneak peek of whats to come..

Have a great Thursday everyone!!!

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Okay so I admit it, I’m a bit of a planner and list maker…who in their right mind isn’t? I love writing lists and planning my days/weeks/months and I flip over anything that lets me do all that while still looking organized and oh so pretty:)I adore this time of year because next years’ calendars come out for sale and this year, I think I hit the jackpot!! I just ordered this sweet 2010 planner!!

You can buy it here for under $20 and its practical yet stylish!! A list maker/planners dream!! I am ridiculously excited to get this in the mail!! Have a great Tuesday everyone!!

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Happy Monday Everyone!!

How was your weekend? Mine was great! The Stampede was here this past week so we took advantage of the extremely hot weather and hit the rodeo and fair grounds Friday night! Then Saturday I saw The Ugly Truth, which was another great movie to add to my list..I’ve decided that Katherine Heigl is one of my new favorite actresses to watch:)Now its Monday and I have the day off and I’m getting to work on many holiday projects, but made this cute summery one for today…

I finally inked up my new Vintage Picnic set from PTI and chose the apple image to go in my basket, I really wanted the strawberries (more summery) but once they were stamped, I just didn’t like it:)The trick with this set is to stamp your basket, then your filler and then stamp, color and cut out another basket to place on you can see below..

I’ve never made a red and yellow card before but these colours mean summer to me and I loved the end result!! Now I’m off to do a little shopping and then its back to the studio where Christmas cards are being made like crazy!! I am entering a table at a local event in October as well as sell my cards through this Facebook group and am planning to “reveal” them on August 15th! Which means.. I’ve got a LOT of work to do!!! Have a great Monday everyone..

Happy Crafting!

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Hey Everyone!!

I’m taking a “card break” today as I’m super busy with prepwork for tomorrows’ Western potluck at work. I made brownie s’mores and they look delicious!! I’m trying a test piece tonight and if I love ’em, I’ll post the recipe for them right here for you!!

Until then, I saw this picture over at this blog and it totally summed up summer to me…have a great night guys!

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