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When I came across this recipe the other day, I knew I had to try it! I had bought a couple of donut pans from Amazon a few months ago and was eager to try them out and, let me tell you, this recipe did not disappoint! I’m a huge fan of donuts in general but, baked donuts? Even better! They make me feel like I’m eating a healthier snack…well, as healthy as a glazed donut can be I guess! 
The best thing is you can whip up this recipe first thing in the morning and enjoy them with your morning cup of coffee before even getting your day started. I loved the fresh, tangy zip of these in the dead of Winter as well, made me feel like Spring really was just around the corner. So lets dig in and make ourselves a batch, shall we?
Makes 6 donuts
for the batter
1 Cup all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 Cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon poppy seeds
1/2 Cup buttermilk
2 tablespoons butter, melted
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 large egg
zest from 1 lemon
for the glaze
1/8 Cup lemon juice
1 Cup powdered sugar
To Make

Preheat your oven to 350F

In a medium bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, sugar and poppy seeds.

In another bowl, whisk together the buttermilk, butter, vanilla extract, egg and lemon zest.

Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and stir til well combined.

Grease your donut pan and fill each mold, dividing the batter evenly

Bake for 15 to 18 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean. Remove the pan from the oven and let donuts cool completely.

While waiting for these beauties to cool, make your glaze by whisking together your lemon juice and icing sugar. I squeezed my lemon juice by hand for a super fresh taste but bottled juice works just as well!

Place a cooling rack on top of a cookie sheet to catch all the drippings from the glaze then, one by one, dip each donut into the glaze and set aside to harden. I had enough glaze mix to double dip each donut which, really…makes them that much better wouldn’t you agree?

 At this point, sit back and marvel at the fact that you just made donuts for breakfast (or lunch or dinner or even a snack!) Pat yourself on the back because these, my friends, are delicious! My first bite was full of a tangy, sweet flavour and I inhaled mine. Thankfully Hudson started crying to eat so my donut count stopped at just one (whew!)

Trust me, bake these and get a taste of Spring in your home today!!

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It was ten after one in the morning and I had just shut out my beside lamp and snuggled in for the night. There was still no sign of baby so Adam was back home on the farm for a few days while I hung out at my mom’s, anxiously waiting. Just as I had closed my eyes, I felt it. That uncontrollable sensation of fluid gushing out! I always thought I would panic when this happened but instead, I was ridiculously excited! I immediately called hubby to wake him & tell him to get in his truck then proceeded to look down and realized I was losing blood, not water, and a lot of it.
At this point, I still didn’t think anything was wrong..just a normal water break! But I called my mom from the basement to help me get to the bathroom as I was afraid of ruining her beige carpet. When she came down and saw the blood, she panicked.. I assured her I was fine then proceeded to take a shower to clean myself off but the blood kept coming! Mom called the ER who immediately requested we come in .. and away we went! At this time I still hadn’t felt a contraction so felt this trip was unnecessary but I obliged and I am SO happy now that I did! (always trust your mothers gut!!!)
Upon our arrival I had already almost blacked out twice from the loss of blood and low blood pressure but I still didn’t think anything was wrong! The nurses assessed me and put me on oxygen then monitored the baby’s heart rate to ensure he was still safe & sound inside me. In the period of the next two hours, my blood pressure dropped dramatically 3 times and with that, so did babys heart rate. I was so scared to see his little heart go from 140 BPM to 40 in a flash. I knew he had to come out and thankfully, the drs took no chances.
Adam arrived at 3:40 and within a half hour, I was being taken in to the OR for an emergency casaerean. Now, up til this point I had dreaded the idea of a csection. It scared the daylights out of me to even think about it! But when it came time to saving my little man? I didn’t even blink an eye! The drs wheeled me in and immediately administered the epidural (again, it was nothing!) and had me all ready to go before letting Adam in to be with me
Of the moments during the csection, I really only distinctly remember 2 events:
1) Adam coming in and the drs telling me they were going to clean my belly with antiseptic; and
2) The drs telling me the head was born approx 1 minute later
I could hardly believe how fast it had gone! And then…
we heard his first cry. And it was a sound I will never forget. It was the most beautiful, amazing, surreal son…the sound of my son!! Immediately I cried and I couldn’t wait to see him. When they brought him up to me, I fell in love…*hard*
After that moment, life became a blur. I was holding my son within a half an hour and I can guarantee you, I haven’t let go. Sure we’ve had some very long nights and I have seriously doubted myself more than ever before, but we’re making it through. The first month was the hardest by far. Not knowing what you’re doing at 2 am with a screaming newborn will cause anyone to question themselves..but day by day, things got a little easier and we got a little more relaxed. To be honest, we’re getting spoiled with this one. For the most part, minus a gassy tummy, he is the most content little baby I’ve ever met! I love him something fierce, but, I’m sure you already knew that 😉
Nowadays I don’t get much else done in the day except for nursing, cuddling and loving on my little boy. I adore being a mommy and am so grateful for him in my life. This is by far the hardest/most rewarding thing I have ever done!! My life has changed immensely now…and I wouldn’t change a thing..
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  • dawn - Hello Dawn,
    So glad I saw this post, what a story this is to remember on his birth. Happy everything turned out ok and baby and mama are doing fine. I never got to experience that moment when your water breaks, each of my kids did it differently and on one of them they had to pop it themselves. Thankfully you were with your mom who could get you there and be with you till Adam came. So thrilled for all of you!!
    I know you are a loving and wonderful mama, no doubt on that part. The days/nights can be rough at times but you will get thru it. YES, your life changes so much and all in good ways, YAY!! So excited for you!

    Take care of yourself and that sweet handsome boy of yours. HUGS!!!ReplyCancel

Hi everyone!!

Just a quick post, as I am currently enjoying time with my family, to announce the arrival of our son – Hudson William Kenneth Cosgrove

Hudson was born Sat, Jan 11th, 2014 at 4:54 am via c-section, weighing 5lbs, 15oz and standing 17 3/4″ tall!!
We are so in love with our little man! I’ll be back soon to tell his birth story but, for now, I’m off to tend to my son!!
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  • Melissa Crosby - Congratulations! No sweeter time than with a newborn :)ReplyCancel

  • Lynette - Congratulations Dawn…he is precious.ReplyCancel

  • Anonymous - I predict he will be the most photographed baby in the south …enjoy…and shareReplyCancel

I have been reflecting on this past year a lot lately and am really hating that I did not document 2013 properly. Sure, I share photos almost daily on my Instagram feed, but I barely took the time to really document our everyday. Life on the farm is busy and exciting year round but I just kind of..let it go by. When I look over the photos I *did* take, I realize that this is quite the beautiful life I’ve been blessed with and it needs to be recorded!!


I have access to some of the best camera equipment available and an IPhone yet I stopped taking pictures like I used to. I used to carry my camera everywhere and snap photos of everything! My surroundings, the people in my life, flowers, name it! Now, I know this may sound silly to those that know me because I’m still always taking photos..but, to me, they aren’t enough! So, I’ve set a goal for myself..
Take my camera with me, use it, get those photos onto my computer, make prints, share them online..record our lives. Such a simple task, in theory! And with that goal comes the hope that I will pick up blogging again as well. I posted so much in 2012 and it felt good, really good to sit and write about our life and my random thoughts. So here we go in 2014..I’m hopeful the motivation stays to truly share our farmlife with you here on this little country blog. 
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  • Lynette - Try and stay in the moment and carry your camera with you. Sometimes I wish I ould take photos with my eyes.ReplyCancel

Every January/February is the same. Christmas comes and goes, the tree and decorations come down and then the New Year is rung in with hopes, dreams and aspirations for an amazing New Year full of goals and resolutions to do better, to be better than the previous year. January’s excitement is met with dark, Wintry days that go on for what feels like forever til Spring arrives. Many people, including myself, start daydreaming about warmer weather and create lists of what all we want to achieve. As a gardener, I start perusing seed catalogs and nursery websites to plan new additions to my garden and flower beds. As farmers, we start making plans for which crops we’d like to grow this coming summer and where. Fields are rotated, fertilizer and seed are ordered, trucks are hired to haul last years grains to the terminals and contracts are signed.

It’s an exciting time for us on the farm. A time I treasure every single year. I am especially looking forward to this year as I have a lengthy To Do list I’ve created for myself on the farm (all of which is fun & exciting to me!) and, the best part (of course) is we will have our little man with us for his first Summer on the farm! I’m already daydreaming of his first tractor ride and harvest..the memories and the photos I want to capture will be priceless!

For myself, I have already placed orders for flower seeds and Spring bulbs, I’ve started design plans for my *new* garden beds (since we now live in the old farmhouse that my inlaws used to reside in, I have her established yard to change and play with to my hearts content!) and I am eagerly anticipating Spring to see if all 140 bulbs I planted last Fall will poke their heads up thru the frosty ground and make their initial appearances.


While I will no longer be utilizing the vegetable garden space that I have had for the last 2 Summers (that is now where my inlaws reside) I have a huge empty plot of my own to work in that is just as big! But, this year I plan to scale way back on growing vegetables for a couple of reasons:

– this is my first summer with a baby and I already will have a huge yard to look after so do not want to over extend myself. And;
– this plot will be my dream vegetable garden so, I want to do it right! Nothing has been grown in this area, ever, so I want to spend this summer with hubby planning out watering systems, electricity and modifying the soil so that, come Spring 2015, it’s ready to get growing!


But, that being said, I *will* still be growing a lot. They’ll just be intermingled amongst flowers and herbs, sprinkled around the yard. It’s going to be a lot of work but something I truly enjoy!

Adam also has a lot on his plate this year when it comes to the farm. Yesterday, we had new fertilizer bins delivered to hold more fertilizer for our growing farm and, last Fall we decided to change up our farm equipment for seeding so pretty excited to see how our 2014 farm season goes!


Of course I can’t forget about my little farm babies, the chickens. I have wanted a new chicken coop for a while now and, if our list of things to do ever shortens a tad, we will get to building one soon enough! Currently, our coop is placed at the South end of our yard by our bins which is fine but, I now would like them moved up North to within viewing distance of our farmhouse. In truth, I want them placed in the same plot as my garden so that I can be out working in my yard and always keeping an eye on them. Especially since a certain Mr Fox has recently found their home and taken 3 of my babies for his dinner (grrr).


Just reading over this post makes me excited! Living a life in the country is hard and demanding work but my gosh is it worth it. I am ever so blessed and grateful for this life and so grateful I get to share a bit of it here with you!

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