![]() I love being home at the farm. I love the peace and feeling of calm it gives me. I love being with my animals and I love, love spending my days in the garden. But my heart also yearns to travel. Its a love that was sparked in me when I first met Adam and its a fire that only seems to grow each passing day. While sure our trip across the sea to Europe and our holidays to Hawaii have been true hilights, I also carry a torch for the other kind of travel…the kind that involves cramming yourselves into your vehicle and just seeing what there is to see. Exploring the unknown…getting lost somewhere completely unexpected..
![]() We have taken quite a few roadtrips in our 3 years together, and I know so many more are going to come. The farthest we’ve driven so far was from our farm here in Saskatchewan, Canada all the way thru to California. We stopped in San Francisco, Monterey, Carmel by the Sea, Los Angeles, Anaheim (Disneyland) and San Diego..it was a dreamy 2 weeks for me that I think about often.
I love planning roadtrips. I love all the little stops in small, remote towns that we would have never seen before. And the food? Oh gosh, the food..sometimes its in the most unexpected places!
![]() Last night while driving home from the field, the desire to travel crept over me once again. We are just getting in to our busy season so I know we won’t be going anywhere any time soon (unless its on a parts run!) but my gosh..I want to travel again. I need to see something new..experience something different. I’ve been seeing some beautiful photos of the Oregon coast lately via social media sites and, I have to admit, its been added to my list!! Sure I have big trips on my “Travel Bucket List”, {Ireland, anyone?!} but roadtrips truly do have my heart…
So, this Summer while I’m tending to my garden, I’ll be daydreaming about the places we should go…some day….
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![]() Happy May Day everyone!! If I could, I’d send you all a basket of flowers but I can’t. So I hope this will do!! I have been looking forward to May for quite some time now. This winter has overstayed its welcome and was definitely not very nice to our family..so I’m throwing open the windows and doors and welcoming in the fresh May breeze with open arms!!
I am keeping myself busy and occupied in the garden lately and with my chickens and I’m feeling so grateful for these things in my life that keep me moving forward. May is going to be a busy month for me and I’m looking forward to it. And I will be planting a lot more zinnias like those in the photo above because, as you can see, last year they were very good to me 😉 Zinnias were the flowers my sweet Daddio and I used to plant together every Spring so they have a very special meaning behind them to me. I am thinking of dedicating a space in my garden for my Daddio that will be filled with zinnias, a little memorial garden if you will, that I will tend to often and speak to him daily. I’m really looking forward to it!
So bring on May..because I for one am DEFINITELY ready!!
Hi Friends!! Today I will be documenting my Day in the Life alongside Ali Edwards and hundreds, if not thousands more. I will be including my photos in this weeks Project Life spread but I’m sure I’ll share pics here before then. I hope you will join us! We were supposed to start seeding today {thought that would have been an amazing day to capture Day in the Life}, but last night it decided to snow/hail/freeze on us so it looks like we’re stopped for a day Nevertheless..I’ll be taking pics with my IPhone and hopefully even my big girl camera as well 😉 Have a great Tuesday everyone!!! Hi friends! ![]() I hope you all had yourselves a wonderful weekend! Adam has been in the field steady since Thursday evening so I have been mostly on my own, tending to my garden plot and working on catching up on my Project Life album. On Wednesday I planted my first rows of radishes, peas, potatoes and arugula so I have been faithfully watering those seeds daily ever since..and I’m anxiously awaiting them to pop up towards the sun and show me their beautiful green selves! Its been a long winter friends…and my garden may just be the salvation my soul needed this year 😉 I will be posting a lot about my garden this year..sharing my triumphs and failures and I hope I can encourage you to stake out your own little piece of land for growing your own food. The rewards far outweigh the sweat. But even then, there is nothing like the feeling you get working up a sweat in the garden. Truly priceless! Last night I worked in my garden til sunset, pruning all my old corn stalks & sunflower seeds and cleaning up all the dead foilage left behind from last Fall. I didn’t expect to get as much done as I did but, once I started I just couldn’t help myself! Pruning takes quite a bit out of you and so I worked out some pent up frustrations that I’ve been holding on to and I have to tell you..I walked away from the garden last night feeling a weight lifted off my shoulders. And I knew in my heart that if I pour my blood, sweat, tears and heart into my garden this year..I think it will reward me with a healed heart, and I couldn’t ask for anything better! So here’s to another growing season…may it be fruitful to us all in more ways than one!!
![]() Happy Friday everyone and welcome to a new post entitled: Friday Farm Dreams. This will be a place for me to dream a little about features I would love to some day add to our farm, be it growing something specific, building, learning…you name it! I am a bit of a dreamer by nature and am always thinking of ways to add more beauty, my life, more oomph to our daily lives and that is when the thought came to me, why not blog about it? When I told my farmer my idea he was pretty excited..a place to keep all my dreams locked away until the day we can start working on them and making them a reality. Now, this feature won’t be posted every Friday, but I have plenty of post ideas to keep me going so, I really hope you enjoy them!!
As the warm weather approaches, I am chomping at the bit to get my hands dirty in my garden and can almost taste the flavors of the fresh produce that I will be able to eat in just a couple of short months. But then I got to thinking, wouldn’t it be amazing to grow my own produce year round? Enter the greenhouse..
![]() I can just picture it now, its the dead of Winter, the snow is falling and I’m inside my warm, light filled greenhouse, tending to my tomatoes, my broccoli, my flowers and maybe even a dwarf lemon tree for good measure. I would tend to my seedlings and harvest the fruits and veggies for year round fresh produce for my family. And in late Winter I could plant all my seeds for the coming gardening year and never have to go without eating straight from our farm again..
![]() even today as I tend to my tomato seedlings I started last month, the smell of the potting soil and the leaves when brushed against them inspires me. It leaves my hands dirty and rejuvenates my soul. I can’t even imagine what an entire greenhouse could do for a person!
![]() Can you see it yet? Close your eyes and envision it. Walking in to a warm, humid lightfilled greenhouse that smells like Summer eternally. Its full of lush greenery and veggies as far as the eye can see. Outside its cold and miserable but here? Here is where you belong..
![]() *sigh* some day friends, some day..
I love daydreaming! Especially when it comes to life here on the farm. I hope you enjoyed taking a moment to daydream with me today..and if you yourself have a greenhouse already, consider me envious 😉 Have a great weekend everyone! I’ll be here at the farm, hopefully prepping for our upcoming seeding season or, better yet, seeding! See you next week! Which reminds me, are you participating in Ali Edwards Day in the Life series? I am going to start this month which takes place on Tuesday, April 30th…I hope you will join me! You can learn more about it here.