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Okay so this post is approx 2 weeks overdue so please, forgive me! I have been back and forth to the city so often, we’ve had company, we’ve been tiling and I’ve been caring for my newest baby chicks that I just can’t seem to find the time to get on the computer and write about everything! On March 11th, Adam and I went and picked up 9 freshly hatched baby chicks from the same hatchery we got our chickens from last year. I ordered 6 Buff Orpington hens and 3 Australorp hens. I also wanted Wyandottes but they hadn’t hatched yet so I happily drove home with my 9 little ones, thankful that I was able to provide them with a good farm to grow up on.

By the time we got them home to the farm, it was evident I was going to lose one of my Orps as she was extremely lethargic, couldn’t eat or drink and just wanted to lay down. She was such a sweetheart so for that reason I called her “Sweetie” and I snuggled with her til she took her last breath before bedtime. My heart broke that she didn’t make young and cute but I was so impressed with myself for handling it the way I did. Last year when I lost my first baby, you would have thought the world was ending. I was so sad for days! But, with everything thats happened in my life as of late..I knew it was a sign that I’ve grown up in many, many ways. I texted my mom and told her my Daddio had a new baby chicks to take care of now in heaven..and I’m sure he’s just tickled pink to have her 😉
Once I contacted the breeder about my chick she offered to replace her and so that Sunday, I went back and picked up 1 Buff Orpington, 6 Wyandottes and 1 “mystery” bird. I picked up 2 Blue Laced Red Wyandottes and 4 Gold Laced Wyandottes and my gosh – they are cute:)I had 2 from last year, both of which turned out to be roosters so I’m really hoping to get some hens out of these ones. I left my babies for 3 days to pick up the tiles for my inlaws and I was so nervous in doing so. I kept telling Adam I shouldn’t go because they were so little, but I went anyway. And I came home to another loss. This time a sweet little gold laced Wyandotte was lying in the soft pine shavings, waiting for me. And now there are 15
To me, its very important that my chicks are handled every day to ensure they get comfortable around people and don’t get scared. Not enough handling creates an environment that I don’t want. chickens that are afraid of people are rarely good with children and I don’t want that at all! My Orps and Australorps are quite comfortable with me since I had them close by that first week but now I’m working on my Wyandottes. They are still pretty afraid..just this morning a blue laced red wyandotte tried to bite me when I picked her up (it doesn’t hurt a bit) so I carried her around, petting her and allowed her to fall asleep in my hands…don’t worry, I’ll get them all to love me soon enough 😉
Without further delay..I’d like to introduce you to the breeds of my 2013 flock:
In my flock are now 6 Buff Orpingtons. They are new to me as last year, although I really wanted them, the breeder was completely out! They are a big, beautiful tan colored hen that is easily one of the largest birds in the chicken world. Most hens weigh, on average, 10lbs and its already easy to see the truth in that as my 2 week old babes are quite a bit heavier than any other breed!
Next I added 3 more Australorp hens to my flock. I currently have 4 pullets in the coop outside that I adore for their friendly and docile personalities and I knew I wanted more. Love these ladies..and, as a side note, my current Australorps have been laying thru the winter like crazy. Of the 7 hens I easily get 4-5/day still..even when the temps dip way below freezing!
Next up, my 3 new Gold Laced Wyandottes. Aren’t they beautiful? I had one last year that grew up to be a rooster (Lance) so I’m really hoping these turn out to be hens so I can finally get some Wyandotte eggs! These are gorgeous, gorgeous birds and so, so quiet!
Also new to me this year, Blue Laced Red Wyandottes. Really, really excited to see these 2 grow. From pictures, adult birds have the most gorgeous plummage..I can’t wait!
Last but not least is Purdy, my mystery bird. The breeder gave her to me because she knew out of everyone she knows, I would be the one that would raise it up to be a healthy bird and let it grow so we can see what it turns out to be. The breeder figures its a mix of Orpington and possibly a Wyandotte but all I care is that she is such a sweetheart and I am so excited to have her here with us
And there is my new flock!! They are currently 2 weeks old (most of them) and are living it up in the brand new brooder my farmer built for me. This is where they will reside for at least another 6 weeks til they are big enough to move to the coop. And then thats when things get interesting. As this is only my 2nd year keeping chickens, I have yet to introduce chicks to a coop and I’ve been doing some research so stay tuned..I’m sure some funny stories are about to unfold..
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  • dawn - Dawn, I LOVE LOVE this seeing these cuties here!! Thanks so much for sharing about them, I never knew about all the colors and different types there are. I’m so excited for you and your babies and look forward to watching them grow and change. Have fun and get lots of snuggles in with them.ReplyCancel

Hi my friends!

I don’t know why I’m not blogging more but I have to admit..I’ve been busy. We are still under so much snow here at the farm that its hard to believe it actually is officially Spring now. This time last year we were working on farm machinery, getting things ready for seeding and buds were appearing on all our shrubs. This year..its cold, its still snowing and we are getting pretty anxious.

I know I for sure cannot wait to throw open our windows to let the fresh, Spring air in along with the chirping of some neighboring robins in the treetops below us..

Until then, we’ll keep plugging away on the construction of my inlaws’ monolithic dome that we currently reside in. At the moment, the 4,000 sq ft of tile are being laid and its a mighty big job..but its getting done!
As for me, I’m so far behind Project Life it isn’t even funny. I currently have 4 weeks completed out of the 12 that I should have..ugh. And the truth is, I’m taking the pictures..I’m trying to stay afloat because I really do want to record this year for so many reasons..but I just can’t seem to find the time. Its a goal of mine here in April to get fully caught up, so be on the look out for posts and updates!
Also, as per my previous post..I have some sweet little fluffballs in a brooder once again this year and I am loving them to bits. I have a post planned thats all about them but for’s a cute “watering hole” photo I took of them last night..
Talk soon friends!
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  • dawn - Hi Dawn,

    Thanks for this cute update! I LOVE LOVE seeing all those fluffballs together like this, so CUTE!! The dome is looking amazing, I love all that light from the windows. Keep taking pictures and have fun in April catching up with Project Life. Keep it simple, photos and words and a few skipped days is ok too, shows that you were busy.
    Thanks for visiting my blog, I love our first mini Disney album. This time will be so different now that they are older. Might just add on to that album and of course tons for my PL that week.
    We are waiting for spring also. Just got more snow and snow showers expected today and tomorrow. Going to head to the track hopefully this morning though. Tired of waiting and letting this cold weather stop me from my walks.
    Take care Dawn, hugs and prayers!ReplyCancel

Yes..that title is correct..I could blog..but, well, I’ve been busy with these ladies..

*sigh* ..little fluffballs of happiness
I’m not sure if y’all knew this, but, I love my chickens!!
Farm life just kind of rocks my world..I love it!!
Once things warm up here, farm life will get exciting again so, hang on folks..
fun will be returning to the blog shortly! I promise!
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  • Linda - Oh they are cute, will you keep them all? Great photos hope your spring comes soon.

    • Dawn Cosgrove - Hi Linda! Thank you so much for stopping by!! Yes I will keep all of them..they’re my babies 😉 some people say you will lose 50% of new chicks but last year I only lost, hopefully, I don’t lose many of these either!!ReplyCancel

  • Glenda J - So adorable! Great photos. Heard you were getting more snow… stay warm!ReplyCancel

    • Dawn Cosgrove - Hi Glenda!
      Thank you!! Yes we received about 5″ of snow again yesterday and woke up to -22 temps..I’m begging Mother Nature for Spring now!!ReplyCancel

I’ve been sitting at my desk today, trying to create something – anything, really. And the gumption to pull off such a feat appears to be seriously lacking. I fear the willingness to “do” isn’t here right now. Some days are great and I get so much accomplished. Other days are more like today where I can honestly tell you I’m proud I fed my boys, my husband and my chickens. I’m proud because then at least that means I did something..

Sunday was a whopper day for me. My Daddio’s 1 month anniversary seriously rocked my boat in a way I did not expect. The afternoon got better but I didn’t sleep a wink that night. Yesterday was a much better day, I actually accomplished quite a bit! I felt tired at the end of the day and proud of all I had struck off my to do list..and I slept like a baby. But today? I’m merely existing. And I hate when I just…exist. My mind wanders – to my dad mostly, and then it really just goes down hill from there. I feel sad, down…and downright mopey. And I hate mopey. My dad would hate it too. But its how I feel and lately, I really am trying to open myself up to however I need to feel. I don’t know how to deal with such a loss, but, I’m trying. And you guys? Its so hard!!

I went for a walk today because the fresh air feels so good and the sun warmed my face perfectly and I just enjoyed being out there in the country, alone with my boys. Its my time to just be, to just think and talk out loud with my Dad, (because I always know he’s with me). And it hurts because my dad loved nothing more than being out in the countryside and going for walks with me and the dogs. Its like everything is a reminder of how similar we were and it reminds me of who I am, where I came from and where I’m going. Now, more than ever, I realize why dad and I butted heads while growing up..its because he “got” me and he just wanted to be a part of my life, even when I fought him on it. But he never gave up..not once. Nope, my daddy??..he loved me thru it.

My Daddio and I on a country walk in 2010

The point of todays’ post? Nothing really..I just couldn’t focus or think today about anything except this guy and I felt it important to just sit down and write about him.

And with that, I’ll leave you with a walk down memory lane…

My Dad was a huge jokester. In fact it got so bad that I no longer believed a word he said, unless of course it was serious, {but thats another matter}. No – I’d ask my dad a question and he, quick as ever would say something so witty that, if you didn’t know better, would’ve thought it must be true. But, from rarely was 😉 So my response would always be…”..Mom?” haha..every.single.time

*sigh* I miss that man..

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  • Linda - It will take time, don’t push too hard.

  • Lynette - Sending a big fat hug your way…and prayers that the Lord will be your comforter.ReplyCancel

  • dawn - Dawn,
    I’m so sorry you had a bad day, thanks for sharing it with us and letting us be there for you. I’m still lighting my candle and praying for you at night. Wish I could do more, if we lived closer we would craft, walk, COOK, play with the chickens, and just sit and enjoy the peace where you live. I think it’s good for you to allow these bad days, nothing works kinda days. It’s all part of the grieving. Be kind to yourself and do what you and your heart needs. If I don’t get to chat with you before you leave, have a good visit with your mom. Both of you need that right now!!
    I have no doubt your dad is right there and SOOOO VERY PROUD OF YOU!! One day at a time my friend! LOVE AND HUGS!! DawnReplyCancel