Its another week in the books for me and I cannot tell you how much I’m loving this project this year! So, so, SO happy I am sticking with it! It excites me to sit down and go thru my photos and just record our life. Looking back on my album just makes me smile..what a treasure this will be for our family for years to come! What I loved most about week 8? Nothing significant happened. I mean it. I loved that it was just a quiet, regular week..nothing big, nothing news-worthy..just photos of us, our family..our animals..our life. I love it.
Here is my 2 page spread
Here’s the left side of this week

This was the week of near white – out conditions and bone chilling cold so we stayed in most days and I didn’t complain one bit. The dome was quiet, we were together…it was perfect.
And the right side of my spread
The right hand side feels very “Spring in the Country” to me, which I love. Of course it isn’t quite Spring yet but I do live in the country 😉
My title card this week was really just plain fun for me. I have so many embellishments that I decided I needed to start bringing them out and using them. I’m hoarding them, if you must know, and it isn’t healthy!
I snapped this photo of my farmer with my phone one random morning and just fell in love with it. When he wears his rabbit hat {its usually freezing} I, for some reason or another, find him adorable. I added an Ali Edwards brush on top of the photo that is totally how I feel about Adam, “my life is awesome because you are in it”…*sigh*, so true
Ahh, my Jakey. How I love him. And how I love that “dogsicle” beard of his!! I swear, less than 20 mins outside on a cold day and this is what you’ll open the door to..its hilarious!
As y’all know, I love my chickens dearly. They are my pets, my babies…and sometimes the ones I hang out with the most around here, besides my farmer {worry about me folks!} and when I realized I hadn’t been spending any time down with them since being gone all the time..I made a point to be with them every day, a few times a day. I just love that I have chickens!
On Sunday, Adam & I took a roadtrip down thru Montana! I love going down there, especially since we are so close to the border here. Montana is truly a beautiful State and it really inspired me while we were there {more on that soon!} This photo was a snapshot of our drinks on date night! Love it

This photo truly was a random one to add in to this weeks spread as, technically, it was taken last Summer. But, I like to bend the rules 😉 I found it on my computer this week and it made me excited for there it is!
I know, I know..a lot of chicken stuff going on this weekend {remember, woman obsessed!} but I HAD to include this as this week was the week I found out my big lady, in fact..a Lance! Yup, another rooster that has been quietly hiding out under the disguise of a big ol hen. Way too funny!
Again, kind of random but also worth documenting. Friday morning, Adam serenaded me as per usual and I snapped this shot of him when the morning sun came streaming in to our just seems so serene to me! Also on Friday, I planted my first seeds of the year: Tomatoes, Chives, Basil and far the tomatoes have just taken off and the chives are coming up already too!
And, finally, my week in review card as well as yet another photo of me and one of my barred rock hens. The bottom of this picture was going to be all about how much I missed my chickens but then, when I started typing everything just came pouring out of me about how much I just want my own home and how badly I just want to be settled for once. Guess theres nothing better than raw emotions for an album like I left it and I love it!
Thats Week 8 friends! Thank you so much for stopping by and staying for awhile..your visits and comments are so appreciated, I can’t even tell you how much! Hope you had an amazing weekend and are looking forward to a great week!

A photo I took of my dad this past Summer at our cabin
I can’t believe today marks the first month our family has gone on since my dad died.
{For all my readers, I’m so sorry if all I’ve been talking about lately is my sweet Daddio..this blog and writing in general has become a form of therapy for me lately and I promise, although I will never stop talking about my dad..I will start talking about other things again soon}
This morning has been harder on me than I think I thought it would be. I cry most days for a few minutes at a time, usually in the shower, but then I am able to go on with my day. I plan things, I remember, I enjoy the small things, I create, I laugh..I live exactly how he’d want me to. But today, it feels like a milestone. A month that he hasn’t been here..I hate it. I hate the aching hole its created that will never go away. I hate the questions I have that will never be answered. I hate the hurt its caused my poor momma and brother.. I find myself questioning why..why him? Why now? Why not someone else? {horrible, I know}
I find myself talking to my dad every day. Asking him questions that, although I know he can’t answer, I know he’s listening. I see a flickering lightbulb and I smile, thinking its him letting me know he’s here. I think about his voice every day..think about how I’d give anything to pick up the phone and hear his happy voice say, “Hey! Hey! Sweetpea! How ya doin’?” it was always so full of joy and love. Or when he would answer and say, “hellooooo..what are you doing?” made me laugh every time. I think about how every time I would come for a visit, even when I lived in the city..he would walk me out to my car and stand on the porch, waving goodbye to me. Its these things I miss. I miss the constant love, the support. I miss how out of everyone in my family, he “got” me. He understood me. Maybe he didn’t always get the things I would do..but he let me be me. He let me make my mistakes and he never judged me..never to my face. He made me believe anything was possible. He dreamed with me..sometimes he would dream bigger than I ever imagined. He kept me going. He read my blog every day and when I didn’t post something..he’d ask what I was doing and what I would write about next.
I miss him. I miss him more than I ever thought was possible. I think about the future and I want him there..I want him to share in my life. I want to hear his stories. I want to take him places with me. I want him to hold my babies and give them things that only he could. These feelings I’m feeling..they’re so raw..they’re the most powerful emotions I’ve ever felt. They hurt and they also push me to keep moving forward..keep making him proud.
I remember while dad was in the hospital and it was still early on. Dad had a little chat with me that I kind of brushed off because a) it was typical of my dad so I didn’t realize at the time how valuable each word he spoke was and; b) it felt like one of those talks that parents give to their children before they pass and I had no idea that would actually happen to us and so, I didn’t want to go “there”. But dad told me how proud he was of me. How talented he thought I was with my publications, my photography and “everything you do”. He joked that I got it from him and then said, no..thats all do that”. And I knew it then and I know it now..I have the most amazing parents in the world. My mom and dad love me so much. They are so proud of me and that truly is a blessing that, growing up..I didn’t realize how special it was. So, every day..I want to live with purpose. I want to be that person that would make my mom and dad proud. I want to continue to make dad be proud of me..because I know he is watching, listening, caring…I just can’t hear him or see him.
I saw this on the internet today and, although it made me bawl..the reality cuts way too close..I loved it. Its so true..
The main reason I love the above photo? It brings to mind a memory of my childhood that I hold on to dearly. My dad and I were big in to taking morning walks together. It would be our time for just him and I. I loved it. There was one morning in particular, it was Summer and we walked and walked and walked around our neighborhood..I think it was the longest walk we had taken together yet and I would not shut up! I kept talking and talking and talking..I have no idea what I talked about but I do remember that day..I remember it clearly. And I remember dad always talking about that day and how much he loved it..and here I see a dad with his daughter, walking…and its he and I, perfectly.
So here’s to one month of my Daddio being the most protective guardian angel I could have ever asked for. Here’s to the man who created an amazing world for our family. Here’s to the first love of my life…my Daddio. I love you, I miss you….I wish you were here
So, so, SO happy I am getting back in to Project Life. I’m currently 5 weeks behind but thats okay, I’m still here..still going! Week 7 marked the week after we lost my sweet Daddio, dealing with the emotions that came with that as well as marked the day I left my momma to come back home to the farm. I didn’t really realize it but I hadn’t been living at the farm for almost 2 was strange getting back into normalcy here but I am loving it once again! This week I included an insert that holds the newspaper clipping for Daddio’s “card of thanks” that I wrote from our family. I’m still not sure exactly what I want to write beside the clipping so I’ve left it blank and will go back to it when I’m ready. Weeks 5 & 6 haven’t been started yet but they include Daddio’s passing and his memorial and again, I’m going to take my time with those as well.
On to Week 7!
Here is the full week spread, with the insert:
I’m really loving going thru the weeks I have completed and reminding myself of what all we’ve already gone thru this just 7 short weeks!
Here is the 2 page spread, minus the insert:
The left hand page starts with one of my favorite weekly date cards..ever. I think these wood veneer alphas came in a December Daily kit, but I’m not sure. Also the 4×6 card itself id from the Seafoam kit..
The bottom of the left side showcases a little cutie that I had the pleasure of hanging out with this week, Grayson. His mom and I go way back to the summer before grade 3 but thru the years our friendship, like many others, went thru some ups and downs. The health of my Daddio and eventually, his passing, reunited us and I can’t help but think my Daddio knew what he was doing all along 😉
and the bottom right photo was something I knew I wanted to record: all the flowers, cards, food and love we received from so many friends during this hard time. It blew us away!! I also made sure to record the hilarious incident that within one day of my Daddio passing, we received 3 hams. Now, its very much appreciated but the reason its humorous? My dad asked mom to make sure she cooked a ham after he passed so that she could feed everyone who came to visit her..that man thought of everything, let me tell you. So, once again, I’m pretty sure he had a hand in that as well!!
Off to the right hand side of the week – my uncle shared this photo with me of him and his brother, my Daddio, when Dad was still in Calgary – just after his surgery. I love it so much and I just had to include it in my album! Also included, a snapshot of mom and I before our Valentines Day movie date, a snapshot of the email Adam sent me for Valentines Day {he was at the farm and I was in the city} – he recorded himself singing a song for me and sent it to me by 4:30 am to make sure I’d wake up to it *sigh*
Daddio wanted Adam to have his guns so Saturday, after coming home from a lunch date, we went on to our deck and Adam shot off a few rounds…and absolutely loved it!
Sunday marked two weeks since Daddio passed and we spent the day quietly at the farm. On our way to the chickens, a beautiful snow was falling and Adam pulled me behind him in our little water sled..he grabbed this shot of me and I still love it to this day..
and last but not least, the insert. Very simple, very plain. I’m not sure what all I want to put on here but I’ll wait til I’m positive..for now its just this..
and at the back of the insert, I attached a photo of the snowbanks we have here at the farm. Pretty sure we’re going to want to remember this in the coming years!!
This is my first full week back at the farm and I’m loving all the time I’m getting with these little cuties!!
Drinking: DavidsTea…so many flavours that I couldn’t possibly choose a favorite! But, I have to say, if you are sick and have a sore throat? North African Mint is the best for making you feel better!!
Eating: lots of comfort foods lately..and trust me, its been tasty. Maybe my waist doesn’t need the creamy homemade soups or the cheesy pasta, but my heart sure loves it 😉
Listening: lots and lots of country music – I have it playing in the background when I clean, when I cook and especially when I create!
Wearing: all black – my favorite for just laying low
Reading: I’m currently getting back in to all my chicken books I bought last me, I’m a woman obsessed! I’m adding to my flock in a few short weeks and now that I’m accustomed to my layers, I need to brush up on my chick knowledge!
Feeling: Sad, emotional, hopeful…each day brings new challenges and emotions but, I’m taking it in stride. Not sure how to deal with the emotions of losing a parent so young but learning as I go
Weather: Its sunny but cool…we still are under so much snow and I desperately want Spring to come!
Wanting: my Daddio
Needing: my Daddio
Wishing: our current situation wasn’t really our current situation
Thinking: about Spring. about Family. about possibilites. about things to come
Enjoying: the quiet peacefulness of the country. This is definitely the best place to hide out when you want some downtime!
Loving: Pinterest!! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again..Pinterest is my favorite past-time…dinner ideas, reno name it, they’ve got it! Follow me here
I had a feeling today might be a hard one for my mom – Valentines Day is pushed as the “most romantic day of the year” and all..but, thankfully, my parents weren’t too big on celebrating love on just one day..they managed to celebrate it It made today just a little bit easier to take..
I went ahead and got my mom a cute little card for today – looking thru the variety in the card aisle, I came across a really beautiful/sentimental card that I loved but I knew it would just open the flood gates so I went with one that went along the lines of telling her just how lucky she was because kids like me don’t just happen to anyone 😉 It made her smile and of course, made her cry..but thats life right now so we’ll take it. In my card I asked mom to be my date tonight to the movies. Its been a thing for her and I for many years now – matinee’s on weekends have been a favorite past time of ours that I love and I knew we were long overdue. The movie, Safe Haven came out today and, although I really want to see it, I knew laughs were required so we went to Identity Thief with Melissa McCartney {love that girl!}
The theatre was sold out and we definitely enjoyed ourselves. It was worth standing in line for and I’m so glad we did it. Mom won’t be going out much for the next little while but I’m so glad she came with me, I enjoyed every single minute with her, as I always do!!
Now tonight, as my farmer is back on the farm, I’m spending time with my momma and my baby, Jake..
I hope wherever you are, you enjoyed a wonderful Valentines it with your sweetheart, a loved one or even your favorite movie..whatever you did, I hope you enjoyed every minute of it. And because I couldn’t resist adding a photo of my Daddio, who is my mom’s true Valentine..I thought I’d throw this oldie but goodie in for good measure 😉 Happy Heart Day everyone!!
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dawn - Dawn, this was so good to see, I love quiet weeks! That snow on Jake is my favorite I think, so dang cute our dogs can be. So happy your back with your chickens, bet they missed you crazy! I love that you made it look like spring in here, might borrow that idea of using last years pictur. How sweet that Adam seranades you, what a great hubby you have. HOORAY FOR PLANTING AND GROWING ALREADY!! The title card is so fun to see, love the colors and brads on it.
So happy your doing PL and enjoying it, great job on another week done.
Lynette - Your PL is awesome…it shows everything that you love so much. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Linda - A hen that turns out to be a rooster, i love it. here’s a question for you, do the eggs freeze when its so cold or is that a stupid question?(no farm girl here)
Love your 2 page spread and the stories behind the photos and yes USE all those embellishments don’t hoard them.
Thanks for the comments on my last posts and my sons cook book haul. I am really getting into the David Chang Momofuko one, i have left the Julia Childs one to last to look at. Joes last 6 months of his apprenticeship are in a French Bistro here at our big Resort so i guess he is studying up.Hope he does some practice on us.
Dawn Cosgrove - Hi Linda!
Not a silly question at all! Yes!! The eggs WILL freeze if not collected fast enough. I have gotten very comfortable with their “schedules” and am lucky enough to be home most days so can collect whenever. Plus, regularly collecting them ensures they won’t get broken! Once hens get a taste of an egg, it’s a bad habit to break!
Can’t wait to hear about more of your experiences from your sons cooking trials! I do love a good cookbook 😉