Hey friends!
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and enjoyed spending some much needed time with loved ones. We shared an early Christmas with my inlaws at the farm then drove to the city on Christmas Eve to be with my family. My Daddio is still in the hospital {insert sad face} but he was able to get a day pass on Christmas Day to be with us from 8:30-5:30, and it was the best present ever! Now, you all know that I love Christmas more than most..{in fact, I’m already planning next year!} but I’m about to say something I never thought I would say..
I am so happy its over. Yup, I just said that. The month of December has been particularly hard on our family and it really just wasn’t Christmas for us and we weren’t at all feeling the spirit of the holidays. So with that, we are definitely looking forward to a fresh start in 2013!! And, because 2012 wasn’t all that bad, I thought I’d spend some time focusing on my favorite photos/moments if 2012…enjoy!!
![]() this photo has always been a favorite of mine, taken in January as we were just settling in to our newlywed life!
![]() We celebrated our first Thanksgiving as newlyweds this year and I love this shot
![]() I got baby chicks on April 10th and its no secret I love them 😉
![]() In August, I walked in to the coop to find my very first egg! I was so excited I ran to tell anyone I could find! Of course, no one was near as excited as me. And thats okay!
![]() For Thanksgiving this year, I made my very first pumpkin pies..YUM is all I can say!
![]() This Spring our new sprayer was delivered and Adam was like a young boy with a new toy!
![]() Ack, this photo makes my heart melt. I just love it
![]() ![]() This Spring, I planted my very first vegetable garden and became obsessed with it all summer long!
![]() In August, my garden became a passion {I miss it already}
![]() This Summer, my mom and I made our very own dill pickles and they.are.AWESOME
![]() This Spring, Jakey & I spent a lot of time walking amongst the lilac bushes around the farm – so beautiful!
![]() Our 2012 Christmas card photo
![]() In June, my grandparents celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary!
![]() In September, we went fishing way up North..this fish was the very first one I caught
![]() We had a really great harvest this year and I managed to grab quite a few photos to record it!
![]() In February, we flew to Hawaii. It was my first time visiting that place and I fell hard for it
![]() While in Hawaii, I finally learned how to snorkel! I love it now and can’t wait to do it again!
![]() I spent a lot of time this summer with this guy. My new soon to be nephew
![]() In May, I finally sold my house in the city after 50 weeks on the market!
![]() In February, while my bestie came to visit us on the farm, I learned to shoot a gun 😉
I just love these little projects that make you look back at the year and realize what all you accomplish!! I’ll be back with more photos that hilight 2012! Can’t wait to share them!!
![]() Just wanting to take a moment to wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas! Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving sweet comments this year. Your friendship has meant so much and I look forward to 2013 where I plan on sharing my life and ideas with you, right here on this lil blog. Have a comfy, cozy holiday with those you love!!
I couldn’t sleep last night. I got a good 4.5 hours in before Jakey woke me up having to go to the bathroom, {he’s a very good dog and never wakes me up unless its an emergency}, so I got up and let him out then came back to bed when he was finished and laid there, staring out the window at a pitch black starry sky and let my mind wander… And, although I knew my body needed rest, my mind was awake so I dragged myself out of bed, enjoyed a nice hot shower, made coffee and sat in our living room staring at our Christmas tree. It was a moment of pure bliss for me. The soft lights, twinkling in the dark and the quiet that surrounded me was needed and it was so very welcomed. ![]() The beautiful trees in our yard
To me, the Christmas tree has always been magical. From the moment its dragged out of its hiding spot to the first time the lights are flicked on right up until its taken down for another year..it holds so much power that sometimes I can’t help but sit and stare at it. And thats exactly what I did this morning. My family is going thru a hard time this year with my dads illness and his still being in the hospital so close to the holidays has taken away quite a bit of the sparkle of the season for us – but its still a beloved holiday, and for that, I’m thankful. And, while sitting under the tree, staring at it for a few hours enjoying the peace I felt..my mind got to wandering again. This time, I thought about the experience of Christmas as a child. Yes, in many ways I haven’t changed much since then..I still “believe” in Santa, I still get excited to see the first Christmas commercial of the year, Christmas carols are played often {and thru out the year!} and I’m always so giddy at the thought of Christmas Eve and the magic that occurs thru out the world. But, Christmas is different as a child. It holds so many wonderful memories for me and I love how little things bring back those feelings.. For instance, often times my farmer will ask me to tell him a story about my childhood {we have so many conversations like this} and I delve in to my memory bank and conjure up some of the best stories. Recently, I told him about a particular Christmas when my brother and I fell asleep, anxiously awaiting Santa’s arrival, and we awoke to a noise. We were so excited as we quickly yet quietly snuck upstairs to see if Santa had been to our house yet. When we looked in our living room, the lights were off but we saw Santa bent over, surely he was emptying his sack?! We raced back down to our bedroom and tried so hard to fall asleep before Santa knew we were awake. And in the morning, our stockings were stuffed and the cookies and milk were gone.. ![]() My first Christmas – 10 months old
And so while Christmas this year has lost some of its luster..I will hold on to these memories and to the knowledge that next year, when Christmas comes around, I’ll be ready for it. But, for now? I’ll keep sitting and staring at the tree. I’ll keep walking thru the yard and enjoying the exterior lights we put up that are now covered in snow and I’ll keep watching favorite Christmas movies that make me feel all warm n cozy inside. Tonights movie? A classic from my childhood – one that I loved from the age of 5… its One Magic Christmas. And if you have yet to see this movie – please do so this holiday season!! ![]()
Hello my friends! I am so sorry that I have been MIA on the blog here…trust me, I had huge plans for making everything festive..every post was going to be filled with sparkle and cheer. Holiday recipes, decoration ideas, December Favorites posts, cards, etc…and what happened? Well, its officially December 17th..Christmas {my most favorite time of year} is coming up in 8 days and..I have zero Christmas spirit. Gifts are bought but not one is wrapped & under the tree. One batch of holiday cookies has been baked, Christmas cards were {thankfully} ordered in November and so have been sent out to friends and family. I’m trying desperately to get some Christmas spirit going here, but this year..its just too dang hard. Its the circumstances of the year and our family health issues so I’m okay with it..but it sure does make me sad that this beautiful holiday…the one I get giddy for by August and wait all year long for, has passed me by. But – we still have a few days so I’m going to try my best. First and foremost, I would like to thank each and every one of you for all your kind emails, comments, messages, etc about my dad. It has been more appreciated than you will ever know. My dad is still in the hospital, recovering, but Adam & I came home last Wednesday and have been busy running errands and working on the dome. I swear, no one here realizes its Christmas soon either! I will be writing a post about my dad’s surgery and what we’ve been up to for these last 2 weeks but, I’m just need ready to write it out yet so until then, lets look at a little festive layout I completed a few weeks ago using my new American Crafts stash and a Christmas photo of my mom, 4 years old, in her Christmas dress!! The year was 1963 {sorry mom for aging you, lol} ![]() I love this layout! Its a little bit busy compared to my usual style – but I couldn’t resist! I just kept adding more and more patterns, I was having so much fun!
![]() Those wood veneer stars from Studio Calico? Yeah..I’m hoarding them 😉
![]() Ugh..I just love every aspect of this layout. The black and white polka dot thickers for “1963” just seemed like the perfect vintage embellishment to mark the photos’ date
![]() And thats my very first Christmas layout of the year!! Thanks so much for stopping by everyone!!
Hi Friends The roads are still icy as ever from yesterday’s freezing rainfall, but I’m hoping to make it to Calgary if the sun shines. On The Weather Network this morning they showed videos of children on ice skates skating on the roads!! I couldn’t believe it! Fingers crossed we can: Now, why do we have to go to Calgary? Well, back in September we were hit with some major news that affected my family and today is the day that, that news back then becomes a reality. Yes, I know it sounds like I’m speaking in code but here’s the history for you. Four years ago, after a normal check up with his doctor, my dad was diagnosed with colon cancer. We were shocked/terrified and determined to beat it. And, after months of chemo/radiation and a major surgery..my dad was cancer free. And after 4 years of regular blood tests, and physicals, the doctors found more cancer cells when his gall bladder needed to be taken out this past September. We were shocked to say the least. My dad has passed all tests/exams with flying colours, there was no hint of cancer at all. So now we’ve spent the fall waiting for a surgery date and we found out in October that today, December 3rd, is the day. My dad went in to the OR at 7:45 this morning and is booked in til 4:45 this afternoon. Its a major, major surgery. They are going thru his entire body to find any/all cancer cells and removing them. After he recovers today he will be moved to the ICU for one on one care and could be in the hospital for a few weeks. So far thats all I can say for now. I need to get to Calgary to be with my mom and care for her while she waits to hear about my dad. I’ll do weekly updates on the blog to let you know how my daddio is doing. Until then, your thoughts and prayers would be greatly appreciated!!
dawn - Hi Dawn!! I’m so happy to see this post, love love your looking back thoughts and pictures. I think you two are sooooo cute together and LOVE the Christmas card photo for this year, how pretty!!
I’m sorry your December wasn’t what you wanted it to be, so glad your dad is on the road to mending though.
I’m excited to follow you in 2013 and all your new adventures and stories and photos and more!! Wishing you a very Happy New Year!!