I can’t believe it..but today is Adam & I’s 1st Wedding Anniversary!! We have officially been married for a year..how did that happen? On one hand it feels as though our wedding day was light years away, on the other hand..it feels like just yesterday I was walking down the aisle towards him. I still remember waking up, just like it was any other day and feeling kind of shocked that my wedding day, a day I had dreamt about since childhood, was upon me.
It was an amazing day, everything went off perfectly {except it was so freaking cold!!} I had no complaints, I was beyond thrilled! My girls came over in the morning and we got our hair done, did our makeup and relaxed until it was time to get dressed. When it came time for the flowers to be delivered there was a minor hiccup when the flowers were 100% delivered to Adam instead of me but, other than that..not a hitch!
When it came time to get in to the limo I was a nervous wreck. All those people, staring at me, what if I fainted? What if I needed to sit down? The nerves, people…they almost killed me! But, we pulled up and it was showtime! I remember holding on to my dad for dear life as he walked me down the aisle. There was loved ones all around me but I only saw him, my future husband. His eyes had teared up and his face was glowing..I kept it together until it came time for dad to give me away..
The ceremony went quickly. Before I knew it, we were husband and wife!! And, as those fairytales say…we lived happily ever after….
Okay so that isn’t true. Yes we are happy…beyond happy..actually we are one of those touchy feely couples that make other people sick {I’m sorry in advance if you are one of those people!} but our story hasn’t always been lollipops and sunshine, let me tell you! They say the first year of marriage is hard and ours rang true to that! Making an adjustment from living in the city to living on a farm is huge..it was so hard for the first few months! Living right next to my inlaws, while at most times has been a huge blessing, it has also been a huge adjustment. We have gone days where I had major doubts and questions and its been hard..really hard. But then, all I have to do is look over at my husband and see his smiling face and I am reassured that this is all worth it. He is worth it. And all my questions, fears & doubts fly out the window..
So here we are..our first year of marriage is in the books. We did it..and we are more in love than ever! I am the luckiest woman in the world to be married to my farmer…I can’t say it enough how amazing he is…
We did it babe!! On the the next 60 years we go!!
Hey Everyone!!
What a crazy week we have had! I feel as though we have jumped from one holiday {Halloween} straight to another {Christmas} and I think that, because there is currently no snow on the ground, I feel as though I’m celebrating a tad bit early this year, anyone else feel the same?
We have gone from bone chilling cold temperatures to light sweaters and no jackets today, the fog has lifted and it has come back..its truly an odd time, weather-wise. But, we are expecting more snow this week and something tells me it might stick around for the long haul now..winter is upon us!!
And with that, my weekly wrap up {still loving this project so much!!}
This week:
-I want to remember Hurricane Sandy. Although it did not affect us what-so-ever, I felt so connected to everyone via social media (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook) and my thoughts go out to everyone who is struggling to recoop after the devastation that hit so many people. Its definitely something I want to add/record in my PL album! -I want to remember the construction that happened this week in the dome. The framing on the second floor went up so quickly and it really is starting to feel like a home is coming to this empty shell. Its pretty exciting! -I want to remember being so down on Halloween as it was my first spooky holiday at the farm and not in the city. It meant I couldn’t see my nieces while they were trick or treating, it meant I couldn’t go and get another pumpking when mine {that I had left outside} froze and turned to mush because the store was all sold out, it meant I wouldn’t see a single trick or treater come by {and trust me, that was enought to make me a little sad!} -I want to remember Adam & I turning on Hocus Pocus and carving our pumpkins out the night before Halloween -I want to remember roasting my pumpkin seeds and this being my first Halloween where they actually tasted amazing! I think I’ve finally figured out my technique {soak the seeds all night, then strain, lay out on a cookie sheet, sprinkle with sea salt then bake at 375 for 20 mins..YUM!} -I want to remember baking my favorite cupcakes for Halloween and decorating them for coffee break on Halloween day. The family loved them and I reveled in every single piece! -Speaking of which, I want to remember that, although I baked 18 cupcakes..I was able to only eat one..{yay weight loss!! haha} -I want to remember spending Halloween night watching Practical Magic, eating pumpkin seeds, shrimp, scallops and endamame beans..aaaand now I’m hungry again
-I want to remember opening up my new holiday shop on November 1st! I worked so hard to get everything ready and was beyond excited when my first order came in from a lovely lady all the way in North Carolina!! -I want to remember family frustrations this week. Sadness, drama..is this normal? -I want to remember spending the day in town yesterday with my hubs, picking up lumber and building supplies for the dome,while also grabbing a few new Christmas ornaments that were freshly placed on store shelves {Christmas & Glitter = Happy Me!} -I want to remember hearing a few friends of mine {personal & blog friends} are expecting this week, so excited for them!! -I want to remember spending the entire day today putting up Christmas lights on the farm! It was so much fun and I was beyond grateful that Adam took the day to help me out, I loved doing this with him! This morning we put the lights up around our deck and then, this afternoon we went out to the main driveway, met up with my mother in law and took care of a few big trees using the telehandler..SO FUN! The Christmas lights are on and & twinkling tonight..it just makes me smile
-and finally, I want to remember this feeling..right now. The lights are on for the very first time tonight and it brings so much warmth and magic to the farm. I love everything they symbolize..the spirit of the season, the excitement…it makes my heart leap and it makes me giddy. Here comes the holiday season my friends…lets do this!!
Hi friends! Its November 1st!! Can you believe it? Halloween has passed and now I can officially obsess about Christmas without feeling {too} guilty 😉 And with that, a fun little announcement!! I have been a busy little elf lately, designing and creating all new holiday cards and gift tags to sell on my brand new holiday website!!
I am loving these cards and cannot wait to hand them out to loved ones this holiday season. If you would like to stop over and take a peek inside, I’d love to have you!!
Follow the link below to head on over to my holiday shop, and, I will be adding a link to my sidebar that will take you there as you please. Happy shopping everyone!!
love, dawn 2012 holiday shop
Hey everyone!!
I can’t believe its Halloween already, seriously! Where do the days go? I have been busily working on a fun new project that I will reveal tomorrow and it seems like the spooky holiday of all hallows eve just kind of snuck up on me! When I lived/worked in the city, I really quite enjoyed Halloween. We dressed up every year and I would throw a potluck lunch that would take me all morning to decorate for and, I loved it! It was so fun! For me, Halloween as an adult gives you one day to pretend you are a kid again, you can dress up and be anyone you want to be! But, being out at the farm? Not so much. Its just another day around here, working on the dome, taking care of the chickens, and absolutely not one trick or treater will be coming to my door tonight {insert sad face here}, I miss it. But, because its not like me to sit and mope when I can still have some sort of a holiday to celebrate, I decided to make the most of it!
Tonight my little man will be doing some trick or treating of his own, yup, my Jakey will be dressing up in his oh so favorite costume, Lil Stinker and will be heading over to grandma and grandpas to see if you can stir up a little bone, er, treat 😉 Ain’t he cute?
And then we will be lighting our pumpkins up out on the deck for all passersby to see. We don’t have major traffic on the highway, but anyone who does drive by will be sure to see them!! We spent the night last night watching, “Hocus Pocus” and carving our pumpkins together..so fun! I love how they turned out!
And, although we won’t have any trick or treaters tonight, I figured we still needed some sweets around the house so I baked up a few holiday cupcakes for all of us and they sure were a hit!!
and that was our 2012 Halloween (which also, incidentally, marks my very first Halloween on the farm!) Hope you had a fabulously spooky Halloween, wherever you may be!
Hi friends! So sorry I haven’t been around this week, it seems like everytime I leave the farm for a few days, I always need a few days to settle back in to my regular routine {who am I kidding? I’m a farmers wife now, there is no such thing as a regular routine! Every day is different!} We have had a busy week around here and there are a lot of things I’d like to remember about it (so glad I’m keeping up with this post!!)
This week was full of snow, construction, exciting ideas and transitions and even Christmas lights (yes, you read that right! Christmas..). It was a full week to be sure!
and with that, here is what I want to remember about this past week!!
– I want to remember waking up Tuesday morning, opening my eyes and watching out the window as the first, magical snowfall arrived and coated the ground with a beautiful frosting of soft, frothy, glitter
– I want to remember walking out to my chickens, snow crunching underfoot and loving how peaceful it always seems to be whenever it snows – I want to remember opening the coop door to let my chickens out and, upon seeing the snow and unsure of what to make of it, they plugged up the opening with their bodies, side by side, looking at the white ground and wondering what to do! It was hilarious! -I want to remember waiting by the phone, waiting to hear from my mom about how dad’s drs appt was..I hate being away from my family at times like that -I want to remember asking Adam to start practicing his Christmas carols on the guitar..my extended family has our Christmas party on Dec 1st and we always sing carols..but guitar music would be nice to help drown out some of our “noise”..lol. Adam plays guitar beautifully but has never really played carols..and I think its time that changed 😉 -I want to remember construction has officially taken off, the second floor was finished this week and we spent many hours walking the floor, envisioning the rooms, marking walls and closet spaces and getting ridiculously excited at seeing more work being completed! – I want to remember that because the snow fell on Tuesday, it made me excited for Christmas, which then of course made me excited for decorating for Christmas. And, because its still too early for even me to start decorating, I decided to work on our exterior lights! For the past few years we have hung red/white lights and I decided to add green to the mix this year. So there I sat, lights sprawled out in front of me, changing every bulb, testing the old ones and cleaning up any broken glass along the way..I was in…my…bliss, people! -I want to remember taking the boys for a walk while the snow was blowing and laughing at the fact that, a week prior I was sweating my butt off and now, one week later? This:
-I want to remember convincing Adam to watch Elf for the first time this season {I am obsessed with Christmas guys, I really am} I mean, I’m patting myself on the back because its the end of October and I’m just now starting to watch my holiday movies..the past me would have started watching them in August! -I want to remember going to the coop the other morning and hearing an odd sounding crow, one I hadn’t heard before {every rooster has their own distinct crow} so I peered thru the window and was shocked..my Eleanor, my baby, the little chick that would hop up on my palm when I was near..was in fact not a hen but a rooster! He waited almost 7 whole months before revealing his true self to me and I was pretty disappointed!!
-Speaking of said roosters..I’ve made a decision on them {remember my previous post?} well, yesterday while Adam & I were down at the coop, we started noticing some of the hens were going bald and losing a lot of feathers on their back. And then we witnessed one poor hen being taken down repeatedly by not 1 but 4 roosters and in that moment, the decision was easy. The roosters have to go. I’m disappointed and sad but my hens deserve better and they do us no good as pets if they are stressed out 24/7. We have decided to get rid of 4 of my 5 roosters {I’m keeping Roo, my black rooster} and getting rid of the rest. My decision to keep one {I don’t need him for eggs} is based purely on the fact that he is a big, strong but gentle rooster that can protect my hens and make them feel safe while not stressing them out anymore. He will have free reign over his girls but I know he’ll take care of them. As for theother roosters? Well we are going to ask our friend who has chickens of his own if he is interested in taking them {I know they will make dinner out of them eventually} or Adam has offered to take them away for me, no questions asked. All I ask is that I don’t see it & I don’t know what happened. Its easier for me that way. *sigh*, the life of a chicken owner 😉 -I want to remember working on the house all morning yesterday with Adam and my inlaws and then taking the late afternoon off to sit in our pjs and watch a movie while the snow fell outside our window, trust me, that hasn’t happened in a long time!
Whew! I’m tired just thinking of this past week! So fun and so many things happening, love it! Today, Adam and I heading down to Havre, MT for the day to do some fun/Christmas shopping..I’m so looking forward to it!! Have a great Sunday everyone!!
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Lynette - Congratulations Dawn:-) They say that the first 7 years are the most difficult. My DH and I have been married for 34 years and we have grown so much together that we finish each others sentences and know what the other is going to say before we say it. Uncanny and I wouldn’t change it for the world.
Dawn Cosgrove - Congratulations Lynette!! I cannot wait to say Adam & I are celebrating out 34th wedding anniversary 😉 my mom & dad just celebrated their 34th last month too!!
Thank you for the congrats, it’s hard to believe we are already celebrating..time truly goes fast when we’re having fun!!
dawn - Hi Dawn,
I will mention this on my blog, sorry for the late reply. Sending you an email later too.
Coming back to comment more, gotta go wake up the kids for school. I LOVE LOVE YOUR TREE AND LIGHTS!!!