…to photograph, that is 😉
I’ve been wanting to update you all on my flock of the most perfect chickens in the world..lol. So I thought I’d take my camera with me on one of my visits but I have got to tell you, chickens are the least cooperative of subjects to photograph! They don’t sit, stay or listen whatsoever..I guess you can’t expect them to though now, can you?
My 14 chickens are doing amazing, I love them so much! They rise with the sun every morning, the roosters crow their hearts out and 5 of my 9 hens lay their eggs throughout the day for me to gather, all while happily clucking and scratching for grains amongst the ground. A typical morning for me looks something like this,
Wonderful, isn’t it??
Here they are, happily going about their days..I can sit & watch them forever. They are so entertaining!! What I am really loving lately is that my flock has truly grown attached to me..and it makes my heart melt every day! After lunch, every day, we have gotten in to this routine that its treat time (I feed them kitchen scraps of veggies, berries, raisins, etc). I walk down to the coop with my bucket full of goodies and all 14 of my babies come running towards me, happily clucking and cooing! I just love it!! If you are near the coop, don’t be surprised when you hear me talking away to my chickens…I know they don’t understand but its fun anyways to pretend they do 😉
Okay so the best photos are coming up..while photographing my chickens, the roosters (& some hens) kept photo-bombing my photos..you’ll see what I mean below 😉
These photos are blurry but my gosh do they ever crack me up!!!
While I love all of my chickens, there are a select few that easily pull on my heartstrings. They get excited seeing me come up to their pen, they sit comfortably when I hold them and even if I’m just sitting outside their pen, they sit as close as they can to me..and it makes my heart melt a little more each time! Two of these such chickens are Eleanor and Maggie..
Eleanor, a Silver Laced Wyandotte has always been one of my favorites. We bonded from day 1 and I think we always will be buddies 😉
and then there’s Maggie. Shes one of 5 Black Australorp hens but she stands out for having green/brown eyes (which is a distinguishing feature seeing as Australorps are known for having black eyes). She is gentle, quiet and so very loyal. Shes a softie and I protect her from the roosters (and their testosterone) as much as I can!!
So there is my flock!! I was just thinking the other day about adding to them next Spring and the different breeds I’d like to bring home with me next go-around. For sure I’d like more australorps and even more wyandottes, but I’d really like to add Buff Orphingtons (brown chickens) and even some ducks (they’re just so dang cute!) of course I have to watch myself, before we know it I could be running a funny farm!! 😉
Ahh, sweet Autumn. My favorite time of the year! The sights, the smells, the colours, the change that occurs all around us. The sweaters, the hot drinks to warm our tingly fingers, the crisp morning air, the crunch of leaves underfoot..Autumn, I have been waiting for you!
Its no secret that a huge perk of being Canadian is the drastic change in seasons that we are priviledged to witness. Sure the snow that follows Autumn isn’t always wanted ( I LOVE snow from November to February, but then I’m done with it and it can go away any time) but Sept/Oct is the time of year I look forward to most every year! October is my 2nd favorite month, December being my 1st of course 😉
Every morning I wake up, feed Jakey and my chickens and then we get out and enjoy our 2 mile walk (I’ve been walking 2 miles again every day!) and I can’t help but revel in the crispness thats in the air, the crunch of the leaves under my feet and the sweet smell in the air, it just makes me giddy
As the leaves around our farm have been slowly changing the last 2 weeks, I have been taking leisurely strolls around the yard, taking photos of all the beauty that surrounds us..I cannot wait to get these in to my Project Life album!!
every day I walk past this old car in a field and I was so glad I had my phone with me to snap this photo, it turned out so pretty!!
pretty trees, all in a row!
I recently harvested all my pumpkins, ain’t they purdy??
the boys on one of our strolls
I just look at these photos and think, I’m so lucky to live here! Its just gorgeous this year!
And, of course, Fall just isn’t Fall without a little interior decor, now is it? I decorated our home last week and changed it in to a Fall/Halloween filled space and I’m so happy with the results, heres a little peek at this years decor
Have you decorated your home yet? I’d love to see it!! Link up in the comments below and I’ll be sure to stop by and take a peek!! Have a wonderfully cool & crisp Tuesday everyone!!
So sorry its been a week since my last post, I’m really sucking at blogging lately hey? I don’t know what it is, it just seems like the computer starts to become my last priority lately with all the happenings around the farm. But I will try to become more constant again, I promise!!
As I left off on my last post, today I am taking you on a little tour of our actual fishing expeditions! In total, between the 5 of us, we caught approximately 600 fishies (25 of which we actually kept to bring home – its the legal limit) It was such a fun experience to have a rod & reel in my hands again, its been years and years, but the minute I started casting..it all came back to me!! My paternal grandfather would take all of us grandchildren out fishing at the lake when we were kiddos and I remember I used to love it and I loved spending long days out by the water so it was only natural that I would enjoy my days up North, fishing alongside my hubby.
My first fish was a 6lb jack fish
Cool eh?
My Father in Law would fish off the dock every morning while waiting for everyone else to get ready and, without a doubt, every morning he would catch a fish! He made it look easy 😉
The 5 full days were a blur of different kinds of fish, I kept taking photos, thinking I’d remember which ones were which (I do remember a few!!) but, for the most part, they could’ve all been the same fish and I couldn’t tell you any different! With that in mind, heres a quick peek of our best catches..
and I know what you’re thinking..no, fashion was not a factor while up North 😉
One of my favorite memories from the trip was our shoreline lunch that happened on Day 2 of fishing. Adam & I caught and kept 2 trout and then we all met up at a designated spot for a lunch that included trout fillets cooked over an open flame..let me tell you, it was SO tasty!!
Our chefs! (my hubs on the right and my 1 brother in law on the left)
aaand, our lunch. YUM!!
And that, folks, is Part II!!! I hope you have enjoyed my little peek inside our family fishing trip! I plan to share another post of odds & ends photos sometime later this week, I hope you come back to enjoy those as well  Have a great Monday everyone!!
P.S!! On a side note – did you notice my new blog banner for the month of October {at the top} SO excited for October to be here!!
Howdy friends,
I’m back from fishing!! Well, technically I’ve been back for a couple of days but I had to unpack, settle in, do about 7 loads of laundry to get the campfire/rustic/fishy smell out of our belongings and head in to the city to grab Jakey who was staying with my parents while we were gone. The trip was better than expected, I can’t tell you enough how much I enjoyed myself!! It was truly a bonding experience for me and my new family. My hubby, my mother and father in law and one brother in law of mine all crowded in to the dually truck and drove 1500 km (800 miles) one way, hopped on to a plane for a quick 20 min flight that dropped us off on the dock of our cabin and we were the only 5 people for miles and miles. You would think that would be creepy but I have to tell you, being that isolated and that reliant on your own skills to survive is pretty freaking awesome!
I had to take this photo of the back of our truck, it makes me laugh every time I see it. Its like the Clampetts went fishing!!
Adam, my Mother in Law and I snuggled in the back seat as we began our *long* journey
The first night was pretty low key, we settled in, unpacked, made dinner and just got used to our surroundings. Of course the boys made my MIL & I practice our casting off the dock before heading out in the boats the next day. And, because we were only 120 km South of the North West Territories, it was quite cool (thus explaining my outfit)
Our camp was…rustic. But it was comfortable and we settled in within the second night. My favorite part of our camp was the wood burning stoves we had to keep us warm, I swear the sound of logs crackling as you fall asleep is just perfect, its hard not to romanticize it! My least favorite part? I’d have to say the outhouse! We had no running water so an outhouse was our only ‘powder room’ but I will admit, when the breeze was blowing the right way, you could *almost* forget it was an outhouse!
Least favorite part
Definitely my favorite part
Tomorrow I will post some fishing pictures but for today, I thought I’d just share some of my favorite shots from around camp 
all the boats, in a row
the most beautiful sunsets
hanging wet clothes to dry over the fire
feeding my chipmunk friends peanuts..loved them 
our backyard
freshly chopped firewood, ready to keep us warm at night!
I have to admit, after looking thru the photos in this post, where we were was pretty beautiful. I felt so relaxed, calm and inspired while we were there. It was truly breathtaking!! Can’t wait to share more photos tomorrow, have a great Monday everyone!!
Its here! Its here! Fall is officially here!! Anyone else ridiculously excited for the changing of the seasons?!
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Lynette - Oh Dawn…you talk about them as if they are your kiddies…it is so sweet. The roosters seem to love being photographed;-)
Dawn Cosgrove - Yes, my husband tells me these are the best cares for flock in the world 😉 I have grown quite fond of them 😉 I can only imagine how I will be when we are blessed with a family of our own!!
Yes, I am starting to suspect they are quite fond of the camera!
dawn - Hi Dawn, how cute and sweet this post is. I love the way you talk about your ladies, such a good mama you are to them. It is easy to spoil your babies when they are this cute, nothing wrong with that.
So funny those close up shots were, they must like the camera. How exciting if you get more chickens, you will be very busy then.
Dawn Cosgrove - Thank you so much for your sweet compliments!! I do love my chickens although, I’m pretty sure that’s obvious 😉
Yes..they are so curious about cameras and phones! Every time I bring either out, they come right up to peck and investigate!
I cannot wait to add to my flock..it may be the start to yet another addiction!