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My love for my garden has not faded one bit. In fact, last night after coming home from being at the lake all week, the first thing I wanted to do {besides check on my chickens} was check out how my garden was doing. It looks amazing. It is finally starting to really take off and grow exactly how I had pictured it in my meander thru the pathways I staked and find vegetables growing all around you and the cutting garden has come alive with the most beautiful colored actually takes my breath away.

Because I don’t have flower beds this year {temporary garden and all} I took to planting flowers by seed this year and decided to focus mainly on a flower I grew as a little girl with my dad, the zinnia. I haven’t grown this flower since, but let me tell you, I’m kicking myself for it now. Zinnias are freaking gorgeous! I will make sure I have a huge bed of these beauties every year from now on, you can count on it! They have a soft, spicy scent to them and come in the most gorgeous of colors..I just can’t stress it enough, you need to grow these..seriously.

I planted over a hundred seeds and they are producing daily. I have purple ones, mixed ones, giant ones, peppermint spotted ones…ugh, they are to die for! Okay..I’ve gone on are some photos for your Friday viewing pleasure…have a great weekend everyone!!

the beginnings of a new love affair..

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  • dawn - WOW WOW WOW these are gorgeous and so colorful!! They look lovely like this, would be nice to just walk by and smell the flowers. Good for you growing flowers. These would be perfect to grow anywhere!! Glad you got a weekend away, hope it was fun.

    CONCRATS ON YOUR CARDS BEING PUBLISHED, THAT’S AWESOME. I don’t recongnize that magazine from our library but will check Walmart next time I go. You should be very proud of yourself, it’s hard to get picked for these articles. Keep it up!
    Take care and thanks for the comment on my art blog, glad you liked my new fabric pages. HUGS!ReplyCancel

  • Anonymous - wow those are from seed? Amazing garden DM you should be very satisfied with yourself!ReplyCancel

HAPPY AUGUST EVERYONE!! Its officially the last month of summer…enjoy it!!

Since we are spending our week at the lake, I thought it would be fitting to share with you a camp themed card I created for the August 2012 issue of CARDs magazine. I am so ecstatic to have 3 of my cards featured in this issue, its an accomplishment that I am quite proud of!!

For this project, I used all October Afternoon: Campfire products and loved the final result!!
I tried scanning in the actual page from the magazine but my scanner didn’t realize it wasn’t the weekend anymore and didn’t want to wake up and help me out. Suffice it to say, my submission photo will just have to do 😉
Thanks so much for stopping by today! Have a great Wednesday everyone!!
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I have chickens. <– that statement still gets me
Yup, after almost 4 months..I’m still just as in love with my chickens as I was that very first day we went and picked them up. They are hilarious and so funny to watch. Each have their own personalities and ways of going about their days and I can still sit for hours and just watch them play with each other. All 14 of my beauties are healthy and happy and I can officially tell you that 5 of my flock of 14 are roosters. At first, I was really scared about what that might mean {I just don’t think I could butcher a chicken} but, so far, they are all getting along really well and have not turned on me one bit. The only rooster I seem to ever come across really is Dharma {I can’t change his name, its just too suiting..what with the cross beak and all} He is obsessed with eating and paces back and forth after I let them out in the morning while I gather food for them, its actually pretty funny. And, if I take my time? He lets me know by pecking at my finger while I drop the feed into their trough. Before I had chickens I was really scared about being pecked but it really doesn’t hurt at all, especially when they have a crossed beak!!
Probably one of my favorite things about my chickens right now is that I let them out in the morning, feed them and then, on my way home, I usually stop in the garden to see how things are doing and end up picking weeds or what not. And, while I’m in the garden, I can hear the roosters crowing over and over again and it just confirms how much I love living in the country and how badly I wanted this life before I even knew I did, it makes me that happy
Earlier this month my parents came out to the farm to visit and meet the flock. With them, they brought an amazing roost that my dad built for them and they LOVE it!! They are on it like clockwork every night, huddled together as they drift fast asleep..
My chickens have grown a lot, thats for dang sure..I’m guessing they about 4-5 lbs each now {there full weight will be about 6-8 lbs} and in about 1-2 months I should be receiving my first eggs, and I cannot even tell you how excited I am for that!! Alright, enough are some of my latest photos of the flock..
On the left is one of my Black Australorp hens and I cannot tell you how much I love these ladies. They coo instead of cluck and are so calm when I go to pick them up and hold them. They are the sweethearts of the bunch for sure. On the right is Dharma, my pesky little rooster that I love
This is Roo, my black Australorp rooster that is by far the biggest rooster in my flock. Although he is one of the loudest, he is also the sweetest. He’s very calm and relaxed and always lets the girls eat before him. What a
This here is Lacey, my gold laced Wyandotte. i’m still not sure where exactly she is in the pecking order of the flock. Sometimes I see her being bullied and I worry about her, but then I turn around and she’s pushing right back. She’s feisty but loving and so calm!
Above is one of my Barred Rock hens. They make hilarious ninja sounds when they are happy that make me giggle every single time. I don’t spend a lot of time trying to catch these ladies, they have no interest in being held but will happily eat from my hand, if offered
and of course, a chicken post wouldn’t be complete without a photo of my Eleanor
I remember before I knew she was for sure a hen I was always so worried she would turn out to be a rooster because we were so close and cuddled every day. Well, she isn’t a rooster but, she kind of got over being held {much to my dismay}. If I can catch her, she will sit with me calmly but catching her is so hard! At first I was truly heartbroken that she would run away from me, but, I quickly got over it when I realized..hey, I did it..I raised them up to be healthy “teens”, they made it past the danger zone and thats all I care about!
Yup, I’m in love with my chickens. They are a dream to care for and they truly start and end my day {literally} and I wouldn’t want it any other way!!

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  • Lynette - Oh what a sweet post. I love it that you have names for them…for sure they will never get near a cooking pot:-)ReplyCancel

  • dawn - Hi Dawn,
    So glad you did a chicken post, miss seeing and hearing about them. They all look gorgeous, love the names and the way you describe them all. Happy you have some roosters in the bunch and hope they will be good ones. YOU should be very proud of them and of yourself for being such a GOOD MOM to them, they are growing up healthy and HAPPY!! You moved me to tears with these words and I’m thrilled that your living the dream you wanted. Keep up the good work and enjoy them!!ReplyCancel

It was a few months ago, while out for a 2 mile walk, that I thought to myself ” I need a challenge like this to walk 2 miles every day for the summer” .. do you remember that challenge?! Yeah, I don’t either. Failed at that one, big time. Don’t get me wrong, I do a lot of walking in my days..walk to the chicken coop, walk around our yard, down to the shop to visit Adam (we have about a 7 acre yard so I walk a pretty decent amount) but thats not the point. Nope. My goal was to walk an additional 2 miles every day, specifically for exercise..and I haven’t held up my end of the bargain, not even close. I’d like to blame it on the garter snake I came across in April/May that has forced me to rarely walk down there again, but thats not true. Yes, I avoided it for quite some time but I do have other roads to walk down and I also do have a treadmill…

So, 304 in 152 is pretty much dead in the water..done. And I’m okay with that. I’m not built to hold on to these kinds of things and fuss about it. Instead, I just move on. I have never been one of those girls that could eat anything and get away with it. I’ve always had to be mindful of how much I ate or else it would creep up on me without much notice. But, since I met Adam I was blissfully unaware that I would try and match him, plate for plate of whatever he ate. He’s a farmer with a big appetite folks and let be the first to tell you that in the last two years, I have officially gained 31 lbs…gulp, there it is. No, I didn’t need to announce it to the world but I’ve got to be honest with myself, its the only way I’ll deal with it. My annual physical was 2 weeks ago and, although I knew the number wasn’t going to be pretty, I was still shocked when I stepped on the scale and she read that number out. Embarrassed and humiliated, I sat there in disbelief that someone else was now in on my secret..I’d let myself go. It ain’t pretty and its a really hard journey, but I’m working on it. Every day I force myself up on our treadmill, I walk at least half an hour, I’ve cut back on my portions, I’ve cut back on my soda intake and increased my water intake ten fold…and I feel good. I’m lucky if I’ve lost 2 lbs yet, but I’m working on it. I have set a goal of 20 lbs by October and if I meet it, I’ll be ecstatic. If I beat it? Well, even better!

So if, like me, you’ve found yourself a little heavier, a little rounder and a little depressed about it..please know you are most definitely not alone. We all go through it, we all struggle with it. Its best to be honest with yourself and work from there, and that is exactly what I am trying to do. Hopefully I can keep on track with my goal and when/if I do, I’ll be sure to keep you in the loop on here. Some days I might even come on here just to celebrate a one pound loss, and I hope you will celebrate along side me!! Have a great Monday everyone! We are off to the lake this week for a much needed break before Harvest but I have some posts scheduled and I will be back next week!


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  • Lynette - Not an easy one. I know I FORCE myself to roll out of bed, get into exercise clothes and onto the treadmill at least 4 times a week. I have to walk regularly to strengthen my core since I had spinal surgery 5 years ago. So if I skip 3 days I start getting backache. Good luck Dawn.ReplyCancel

    • Dawn Cosgrove - It’s such an important aspect to take care of our bodies, isn’t it? I’ve been on my treadmill now every day and although there are times I’d rather be doing ANYTHING else, I am always proud of myself for getting it done! I’ll be thinking of you & encouraging you to keep walking :) thank you so much for your support and encouragement..I really need it!! Have a great Monday!ReplyCancel

  • dawn - Wish I was there to give you a hug and be your walking buddy. I am right there with you, haven’t walked since May when I had my health issues. The summer is HOT and I’m just not motivated anymore to get out there. I NEED TO START AGAIN THOUGH, HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF THIS ALMOST 43 YEAR OLD BODY!! My shorts are tighter this summer and I refuse to buy new ones, want to lose the 20lbs. I gained back over this year.

    Thanks for being honest here and know your NOT ALONE in this either. It’s a constant battle we women have and a daily commitment to do what’s right whether we want to or not.

    I’m here cheering you on girlfriend!!! This will inspire me to get back out there and walk again also. HUGS!!

    Peeked at your two cards and LOOOOOVE them!! I haven’t done any more of these sketches but need to, wish for more time in my days and that I was a faster crafter. HAVE FUN WITH THEM!!

    Thanks for the comment on my blog, I missed you but know you have busy days on the farm. Take care and enjoy your week!ReplyCancel

Happy Weekend Everyone!!

 I hope you are all enjoying beautiful summer weather, wherever you may be! Its a tad warm for my liking today which is fine by me, more crafting time!! I’m back today for this weeks latest Unscripted Sketches challenge

I loved the polaroid feel of this sketch and knew I had to break out my brand new set from Papertrey Ink called Fabulous Frames for this! Something I am truly loving about doing card sketches again is that it is inspiring me to create for fun again, and, because the guess work is done for you, you just have to come up with a theme and go with it! SO much fun!! Now, the past 2 challenges I have made Christmas cards, but there is another holiday that I love almost as much: Halloween. And yesterday, after coming across my growing pumpkins, I started getting excited for Fall and thoughts of Halloween came flooding in!
So, with is my submission for Unscripted Sketches Challenge #169!
I had a lot of fun creating this card! I used an image from my Crafty Secrets stash as well as some 3/4″ circles punched from Making Memories spideweb paper and the rest was cardstock, die cuts and ink from Papertrey easy!
After making this card, I’m so excited for Fall and Halloween now..September makes me giddy, October I’m in heaven and Nov/December..well, you know how much I love those months 😉 Now that my scarecrow is up in the garden and the pumpkins are sprouting like crazy..I say, bring it on!
and thats my card for this weeks challenge! Thank you so much for stopping by my little world here on the blog – hope you have a great weekend!!
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  • Patrice - Love that Halloween image, Dawn…thanks for linking up at Unscripted Sketches this week!ReplyCancel

    • Dawn Cosgrove - Thank you Patrice! I had to find one that would fit my frame and this worked perfectly (plus it’s just cute!) thanks for stopping by today, have a great weekend!!ReplyCancel

  • SmilynStef - Love those spooky Halloween pals … fabulous design … so glad you joined us at Unscripted Sketches.ReplyCancel

    • Dawn Cosgrove - Thank you for stopping by again Stef!! I always love reading your comments :) have a great rest of your weekend!!ReplyCancel

  • Arielle ~ SnappyStamper - Dawn, this is really a fabulous card! I just LOVE Halloween cards, and you did an amazing job with the sketch! Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving such a sweet comment. I’ve really enjoyed visiting yours, too! I love the pics and story of your trip to the lake! Have a great weekend!ReplyCancel

    • Dawn Cosgrove - Aww, thank you so much Arielle for stopping by my blog, leaving such a sweet comment and reading a few other posts of mine!! Can’t wait to see your next creation, LOVE your style!ReplyCancel

  • Geri - Another amazing card Dawn! I absolutely adore that sentiment (where did you find that gem?).

    Your natural sense of design shines through in the wee details of this card….like the perfect & unpredictable placement of your brads around the star as well as the three button/discs at the bottom of your card!

    Thanks for choosing to play along with our sketch at Unscripted Sketches!ReplyCancel

    • Dawn Cosgrove - I love when you stop by Geri, your just so sweet!! Your comments always make my day! That sentiment is from Papertrey Ink, I think the set is “you’ve been boo’d” or something..
      Have a great Sunday night!!ReplyCancel

  • Sandy Ang - love the cobweb on your halloween cardReplyCancel

    • Dawn Cosgrove - Thank you so much for stopping by Sandy! I love those cobwebs too, I think they add the perfect touch to any Halloween craft!! Have a great day!ReplyCancel

  • Lynette - Your card is super cute.ReplyCancel

    • Dawn Cosgrove - Hi Lynette!!
      So nice to see you here today! Thank you for taking the time to stop by and comment, I always appreciate it so much!!ReplyCancel

  • Tracey - Seriously love the orange and white polka dots, I have ordered that exact same stamp set and die and it should be here this afternoon, can’t wait. Love your card and thanks for playing along at Unscripted Sketches.ReplyCancel

  • Dawn Cosgrove - Isn’t that set amazing? I love anything to do with polka dots and this set didn’t let me down!! Thank you so much for stopping by Tracey, it’s always great having you!! Your comments always make my day!! Have a great weekend!ReplyCancel

  • dstandard - Awesome card – perfect Halloween look! Thanks for playing at US!ReplyCancel

  • Stephanie - super cute card…I love the image!
    thanks for playing at Unscripted SketchesReplyCancel