Well, Sunday marked Day 7 of this project – the final day of 2012’s WITL!! Sunday morning started off dreary {pretty standard lately} but by late evening, the sun was shining, the birds were singing and it finally felt a little warmer around the yard. Which is pretty typical for a Sunday evening, no? I don’t know about you but I can remember plenty of weekends where the weather was not the best but the sun would ALWAYS come out Sunday around supper time, always!
This Sunday was pretty typical for us, the boys still stayed in the yard to work due to the saturated ground. Thankfully we are already about 1/2 done seeding and only need about another 4 good days before we have all the acres seeded that we wanted! Adam & I slept in til 7:30, he went over to his parents for morning coffee, I fed Jakey then had to run to my inlaws anyways to bring my mother in law some yeast for baking buns so decided to stop for some coffee as well and join in on the conversation. Then I came home, prepped a chicken and threw it in the oven for lunch, walked my 2 miles on the treadmill {pretty excited for the ground to dry up so I can get back to walking outside!}, showered & got ready for the day, prepped the rest of lunch and then sat down with Adam and ate the best tasting roasted chicken I’ve ever had {thank you Martha Stewart!}
After lunch I watched Friends with Benefits on tv, baked cookies and took them out to the boys for their afternoon snack with coffee. When I noticed the sun had finally come out, I ran out with my rubber boots and took in the sunshine while checking in on my chicks {who are enjoying their new home quite a bit!} before heading back over to the inlaws for Sunday night supper and a night full of conversation! We didn’t get home til late and of course I didn’t capture any photos over at my inlaws..but thats okay too!! Thats the beauty of this project..make it your own and don’t panic about not getting “all the shots” in, its whatever you want it to be!
Thoughts on WITL: Looking back over the week, I can definitely say I am so happy I decided to join in on the fun this year and very pleased with myself that I was actually able to commit to this project fully and complete an entire week. In fact, this may just be the first project I started on this blog AND finished! Thats quite an achievement for me!! And, I have to say it is because of this project that I have started picking up my big girl camera again and actually using it alongside my IPhone. It was gathering some dust since I got my new phone and this past week has finally reinspired me to start using it again! Capturing a week in our life as newlyweds was very important to me, I truly do believe we will look back on those photos and enjoy them for years to come! The fact that this project occurred right while we started seeding is even better, its capturing history of the farm, how we work, what we do and even how Mother Nature can throw a wrench in a farmers plan and keep them for doing what they do best..its all here on my blog and {hopefully soon} in my Project Life album as well!
Next Up: Now I will be taking the next few days to figure out exactly how I want to incorporate my photos into my PL album. I will get my photos printed and work on these pages and would like to have these all shared here on the blog within the next week or so, fingers crossed!
Finally: I’d like to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for stopping by my blog this past week and for leaving sweet comments or emailing me questions/compliments. It means a lot to me and I appreciate every word you left here! It was so nice getting to know more about each of you and making a few new friends along the way! If ever you have a moment, please come on back and stay connected, I’d love to have you!
studiotwo28.com - Omg! Love seeing your PL album! It SO doesn’t matter what week you’re on…just keep going. I’m about 3 weeks behind right now which is ok. My goal is to be completely caught up by the time we start traveling this summer.
Looks like you had a great time in Hawaii! Beautiful photos. I love the one with you and your birthday cake! Thanks for sharing your week. Have a great weekend. ~Jennifer
dawn - WOW, how awesome that you went to Hawaii for your birthday!! That is the one place on my wish list to visit one day!! The photos are beatuiful and you both look so happy!! Great job on these pages and I also love the one of you and your cake. I don’t think it matters where you are or what pages you want to work on, just keep doing it and enjoying it that’s what counts most!!!
Hope you had a nice weekend and that the weather has been good for you and your gardens. We had a busy but good weekend, just did a happy post on my blog.