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I figured since I am so far behind in PL (but still determined to get er done) I’m going to have myself a party and do weeks at random! Sound good? I chose to work on Week 5 the other day for 2 reasons:

1) Week 5 was my Birthday week {yay!}, and
2) Week 5 was the week we left for Hawaii

This week included an insert just because there were just so many pictures that I didn’t want to disclude

Let’s take a closer peek at the left hand side first

There really is no order to my photos this week, they are pretty much a jumble of the wonderful vacation we had and I didn’t want to leave any of them out! I also included a postcard we picked up in Hawaii, just because I loved it:)In the “This Week” journalling card I documented what we did each day for our first week in Hawaii but in simple terms..not a lot of documentation going on this week
On the Right hand side:

On the right hand side I included photos of some of our stops or favorite scenic views as well as a photo of the farmers market and luau we went to on my birthday. In the journalling cards I went in to further detail about our week in Hawaii as well as my top 5 favorite details of the week! So fun!
The insert I included for the week was mainly photo based, minus a journalling card that was stamped with the days of the week:

The reverse side of the insert:

And that my friends is Week 5 in the books! Its such a great feeling to get these memories/photographs down and in the album. Especially now when I am so far behind on this project! But, I do have to admit, its kind of fun to go back in to the first 1/3 of the year and relish the memories again!! How are you doing with your PL albums?
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  • - Omg! Love seeing your PL album! It SO doesn’t matter what week you’re on…just keep going. I’m about 3 weeks behind right now which is ok. My goal is to be completely caught up by the time we start traveling this summer.

    Looks like you had a great time in Hawaii! Beautiful photos. I love the one with you and your birthday cake! Thanks for sharing your week. Have a great weekend. ~JenniferReplyCancel

  • dawn - WOW, how awesome that you went to Hawaii for your birthday!! That is the one place on my wish list to visit one day!! The photos are beatuiful and you both look so happy!! Great job on these pages and I also love the one of you and your cake. I don’t think it matters where you are or what pages you want to work on, just keep doing it and enjoying it that’s what counts most!!!

    Hope you had a nice weekend and that the weather has been good for you and your gardens. We had a busy but good weekend, just did a happy post on my blog.


May is a busy month for us around here. Lots of birthdays, seeding/farming, planting my garden, appointments in the city and a to do list to complete that is about a mile long. What I love about May is that after months of cold snow on the ground, flowers are starting to appear again, the smell in the air is sweet and the days are longer than they have been in a very long time. May is the month we celebrate the life of my paternal grandma, its the month we tell dad he’s gotten another year older, its the month we tell mom there’s a day just for her and its the month that used to mean a weekend of camping with my high school friends at the lake but now usually marks the time we go and open up the cabin for the summer. Its an exciting time around here for sure!!
This month:
I am going to plant my very large {read: overeager} vegetable garden
I am going to scrapbook at least 10 layouts for my albums
I am going to walk 62 miles as per my personal challenge
I am going to try & lose 5 lbs
I’m going to learn how to cook something I never made before
I’m going to bake often so my hubby always has something homemade in his lunches
Have you set any personal goals for yourself in May? I’d love to hear about them!!
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  • dawn - WOW what a list you have!!! I’m excited your planting a veggie garden, my hubby has the green thumb so he does the garden stuff. GOOD LUCK ON YOURS!! How lucky your hubby is to have you and the sweet things you do for him. I’m sure after working all day he’d like something homemade. I’ll cheer you on thru the month on all your goals!! GO DAWN GO!!

    We have a busy month also, my oldest has a birthday on Sat and we have a baby shower that day. My girls have their end of the year chorus concerts, my son has his first field day at school, MOTHER’S Day, my oldest is coming home for a week from Florida and I will be trying to enjoy every last minute of freedom before the kids are home on summer break, lol

    I hope to get some scrapping done and finish WITL, lots of painting and walking outside each chance I get.

    Let’s remember to have fun this month between all the busy things!!

    I saw your comment on my blog, THANK YOU THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR THE HAPPY WORDS, GLAD YOU LIKE IT!! I can’t wait to see yours when it’s done!!
    Have a great weekend!!ReplyCancel

I recently vowed to myself that I need to start getting more scrapbook pages into the books {alongside Project Life}. There are about a million photographs that I have taken in the last few years, all begging to be embellished and placed prominently in one of my albums and these photos were no different. I apologize that there is only one {poor} photo of my layout and no detail shots but I was in a rush to get this post together!
This layout is about my niece’s first birthday party, back in 2009 and her 1st experience tasting cake! It was priceless for us to sit and watch her contemplate this food in front of her..take a hunk of it, bite in to it, think about it and then smile the largest smile I had ever seen her smile! She was experiencing pure joy in the moment and I was so proud to have captured that feeling in a photograph!
My niece will be turning 4 this summer {ack!} and even though I am really behind in scrapbooking, I am so glad that this one is FINALLY completed!
Layouts completed this year: 3
Layouts to go: 2,001,000 … ugh
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As per the personal challenge I set for myself last week {you can read all about it here} I have completed 2 miles of walking every single day. And? I feel great! I have always loved walking and knowing that I’m completing yet another challenge for myself, it kind of makes me giddy!! Even though we had rain Friday, Saturday & Sunday – I still got my 2 miles in on the treadmill! Of course I prefer to walk outside when I can, but I am not about to let the weather stop me..nope, not a chance! So, here is to week 1 down on the record books and here is to week 2 ahead of me! Please keep sending the encouragement, I do appreciate it!!
304 in 152 so far:
Challenge Began: April 24, 2012
Challenge Ends: September 22, 2012
Miles down: 12
Miles to go: 292
Pounds lost: 1.5 (yay!)
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  • dawn - Hi Dawn,

    WAY TO GO ON BEING SO POSTIVE AND EXCITED TO MEET YOUR GOAL. I’M CHEERING YOU ON ALL THE WAY!!! GOOD FOR YOU MAKING SURE TO GET THOSE 2 MILES DONE EVERYDAY NO MATTER THE RAIN OR SUN!! I need to kick up my walking now too since summer is coming, want a good pattern going before kids are home for summer. I like the collage you did for this, looks great!!

    I just posted my Project Life pages, now the real work starts on getting my WITL album done.
    Sent you an email also, I’ve been busy, lol

    KEEP RUNNING!!ReplyCancel

  • dawn - saw your comment on my blog, thanks so much. I checked the email address and it’s the same one I used. Sometimes that happens with mine, not sure why. Here is my email address if you don’t mind starting it then I can email you back and see if it works. Could it have gone to your spam/junk mail??
    Have a good Wednesday!!

    Dawn rikm@adelphia.netReplyCancel

  • Jennifer Levin - Way to Go, Dawn! It’s SO NOT EASY to exercise every single day! You should be feeling pretty proud of yourself! I’m in the midst of losing weight, too. For me it’s definitely one day at a time. I love the collage of photos of you walking.

    Keep up the great work and keep us posted! I’m here to cheer you on!!

    Happy Wednesday! ~JenniferReplyCancel

Well, Sunday marked Day 7 of this project – the final day of 2012’s WITL!! Sunday morning started off dreary {pretty standard lately} but by late evening, the sun was shining, the birds were singing and it finally felt a little warmer around the yard. Which is pretty typical for a Sunday evening, no? I don’t know about you but I can remember plenty of weekends where the weather was not the best but the sun would ALWAYS come out Sunday around supper time, always!
This Sunday was pretty typical for us, the boys still stayed in the yard to work due to the saturated ground. Thankfully we are already about 1/2 done seeding and only need about another 4 good days before we have all the acres seeded that we wanted! Adam & I slept in til 7:30, he went over to his parents for morning coffee, I fed Jakey then had to run to my inlaws anyways to bring my mother in law some yeast for baking buns so decided to stop for some coffee as well and join in on the conversation. Then I came home, prepped a chicken and threw it in the oven for lunch, walked my 2 miles on the treadmill {pretty excited for the ground to dry up so I can get back to walking outside!}, showered & got ready for the day, prepped the rest of lunch and then sat down with Adam and ate the best tasting roasted chicken I’ve ever had {thank you Martha Stewart!}
After lunch I watched Friends with Benefits on tv, baked cookies and took them out to the boys for their afternoon snack with coffee. When I noticed the sun had finally come out, I ran out with my rubber boots and took in the sunshine while checking in on my chicks {who are enjoying their new home quite a bit!} before heading back over to the inlaws for Sunday night supper and a night full of conversation! We didn’t get home til late and of course I didn’t capture any photos over at my inlaws..but thats okay too!! Thats the beauty of this project..make it your own and don’t panic about not getting “all the shots” in, its whatever you want it to be!

Thoughts on WITL: Looking back over the week, I can definitely say I am so happy I decided to join in on the fun this year and very pleased with myself that I was actually able to commit to this project fully and complete an entire week. In fact, this may just be the first project I started on this blog AND finished! Thats quite an achievement for me!! And, I have to say it is because of this project that I have started picking up my big girl camera again and actually using it alongside my IPhone. It was gathering some dust since I got my new phone and this past week has finally reinspired me to start using it again! Capturing a week in our life as newlyweds was very important to me, I truly do believe we will look back on those photos and enjoy them for years to come! The fact that this project occurred right while we started seeding is even better, its capturing history of the farm, how we work, what we do and even how Mother Nature can throw a wrench in a farmers plan and keep them for doing what they do best..its all here on my blog and {hopefully soon} in my Project Life album as well!

Next Up: Now I will be taking the next few days to figure out exactly how I want to incorporate my photos into my PL album. I will get my photos printed and work on these pages and would like to have these all shared here on the blog within the next week or so, fingers crossed!

Finally: I’d like to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for stopping by my blog this past week and for leaving sweet comments or emailing me questions/compliments. It means a lot to me and I appreciate every word you left here! It was so nice getting to know more about each of you and making a few new friends along the way! If ever you have a moment, please come on back and stay connected, I’d love to have you!

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  • MJB♥ - Your funny, it was a baking weekend for most lol Love the yellow rain boots!ReplyCancel

  • dawn - Hi Dawn,

    What a great last day of photos these are, enjoyed them all!! I love how the sun finally comes out at dinner too, perfect way to end the weekend I always tell my hubby. Hope the weather improves for your garden this week. Love the angles you got again, how the heck do you take one while on the treadmill, I’d be afraid of either falling or dropping by camera,lol
    The roast chicken and cookies look soooo yummy!! Love big Sunday dinners, my hubby does most of the weekend cooking for me, thank goodness.
    I liked reading your thoughts on this week also, think it’s soooo cool that you have this time in your life to look back on and one day to show your kids. Wish my kids could see something like this of me before having them.
    Looking forward to seeing how you incorporate it into your PL album. You should be very proud of yourself for sticking thru it this week and doing a AWESOME job!!

    I’m looking forward to still reading your blog even though the week is over, was so nice to meet you!! Saw your comment on my blog and had to laugh. The hairsalon I go to is open everyday of the week and my hairdresser always worked on Sunday’s but just started working only one Sunday a month so I was lucky to get in on this day. She works 3/4 days a week, they are flexiable about the hours there. Thanks for all the nice comments you leave me also, makes me smile!
    Have a great Monday!ReplyCancel

  • - Hi Dawn! Those yellow rain boots just make me smile!! LOVE your photos from Sunday, especially that sweet puppy face!

    I’m so glad I found your blog this week! I’ll be sure to continue stopping by! I can’t wait to see what you do with your photos. Maybe if we all plan to share our albums it will motivate us to stick it out and see this project through until the very end! I love that you are capturing your lives as newlyweds. You will absolutely love having these photos later on when life is completely different. If only I’d done the same…

    Have a great week! I can’t wait to see what adventures you have next!