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Number of Photos I took: around 50
The rain hasn’t stopped around here, stalling any chance of getting back in the field for the boys and making things slow right down even here in the yard. My Saturday was pretty relaxed, slept in til 7:30 and as soon as I stirred, Jakey was right up next to me for his morning pet. I then fed the little man before stepping on the treadmill for my 2 miles and headed out to the shop to check on my chicks..refreshed their food and water and took a few minutes to hold them all so they get used to being around humans
After lunch, I enjoyed a hot cup of tea while watching Pride & Prejudice..a sure fire way to spend a relaxing Saturday afternoon – no?
For supper, we decided to ignore the rain and bbq a couple of steaks..and it was delicious!! We had a night full of conversation and when Adam told me my chicks had been getting rowdy lately, we decided to upgrade my chicks to a bigger home because they have been growing so fast and now? They are so much happier with more space!
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  • dawn - Hi Dawn,

    Great photos and journaling for the day. Too bad about the rain, that’s no good for the farm I’m sure. Hope it clears up soon for you. Way to go on getting that 2 miles in first thing in the morning, that’ what I do also.
    Sounds like the perfect rainy Saturday, warm and cozy inside with a good dinner. How cute it must be to have those baby chicks running around.
    Hope you had a good Sunday. I got my haircut, the sun was out, my son had tennis so it was a good one. Haven’t painted in a few days though so my hands are itching to get messy.
    This week went by fast, kinda sad it’s over.
    Thanks for sharing your day with us!ReplyCancel

  • dawn - I forgot to mention how pretty your window is in the second photo. What kind of house do you live in? Looks so nice in your photos.

    You did great on your self timer in the first one also.


Number of Photos I took on Friday: approx 50
Friday was a much slower paced day due to the weather. It has been raining non-stop, making it impossible for the boys to work in the field so yesterday we both slept in til 7:30, fed the dog and I made us a hot breakfast of porridge since we finally had the time to enjoy it! Then I headed out, rubber boots & all to check on my ever growing chicks (I seriously cannot believe how huge they are for 3 weeks old!) then splashed in some puddles with the pups on my walk back home. Its kind of weird seeing all our machinery parked in the yard in April, but I took a photo of it to document out week anyways! Then I came in, in just enough time to scoop up a few favorite kits/stamps at Studio Calico before making lunch for the boys.
Because it was raining all day, we all sat in the living room after lunch and watched “Just Go With It” on tv for a couple of hours. After they left I sat around folding laundry and doing odd errands before making them supper. After which I headed back out to clean my chicks’ brooder and checked on “Dharma” my little baby that we just found out has a crossed beak! I freaked out when Adam first spotted her and contacted the breeder who told me I might as well get rid of her as she will be a waste of feed since she’ll never get big enough to butcher/lay eggs. Obviously this lady doesn’t know me well though because no pet of mine would ever be killed just because they might be slightly defective. This check is 100% healthy, she can drink & eat and until I see her prove me otherwise – she will always have a home here..laying eggs or not!
At the end of my day, I finally took an hour to get some scrapbooking in and I chose a layout of my niece’s 1st birthday party which, yes, was almost 3 years ago..but hey, I’m getting there!!
And that was my Friday!!!
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  • dawn - Hi Dawn,

    I love hearing about your farm life day, have you seen that movie FLY AWAY HOME? It’s kinda old but so sweet. Seeing your little chicks remind me of that movie. Good for you keeping and loving the one that may not be good enough.
    Great job on the angles your getting for your photos, fun to see them. We have cold temps here today that are keeping us mostly inside and being lazy. Not to many photos for the day but that’s ok.
    Thanks for sharing again and for stopping by my blog. Hooray for scrapping time!!ReplyCancel

  • Jennifer Levin - Hi Dawn! There are so many things I’m loving about your post today! Of course I’m loving the photos! I like all the angles, the baby chicks, and the photo of the computer. I LOVE that you’re keeping the imperfect chick, but love even more that it’s name is Dharma!

    You wrote about what tv shows you were watching and I think that’s a great idea! I’m going to go back to my journaling and add in some of the favorite shows my kids are watching. Thanks so much for that inspiration!

    I also love (and am very impressed by) the fact that you fit in two miles on the treadmill AND some scrapping in your day. Awesome!

    Hope you have a relaxing Sunday! ~JenniferReplyCancel

  • Cindy Welch - Love all the color in the photosReplyCancel

Number of Photos I took today: 25

I definitely did not take many photos today!! This morning I woke up to a cool, cloudy & very windy day, fed Jakey, made lunch for Adam, unloaded/loaded the dishwasher, ate breakfast while watching Ellen, walked my 2 miles on the treadmill, did laundry then went down to check on my chicks before I drove down to Havre with my mother in law around noon and spent the rest of the day with her running errands and doing a little shopping before rushing back to make the border and coming home to unpack my purchases and settle in for the evening – none of which I photographed. A little disappointing for me BUT I do love the freedom that comes with this project, it can be anything I want it to be, it does not have to follow any rules!!

Thoughts so far: I am loving this project and am so happy I decided to commit myself to it. I have peered in to the lives of many others through the years and always regretted not starting/following thru but this year – I am making the conscience effort to remember the memories..the every day routines that make up our lives. It is a blessing to look back on and realize what happened on a regular day of our little farm life in the country and I know it will be something I will cherish for many years to come!

What did your Thursday look like? I would love to see your blog post! As always, feel free to comment below, adding a link to your blog!! Happy creating everyone!!

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  • dawn - Hello,

    Love your photos again for the day. Great job on the self timer ones of yourself. I esp. like the one of you making the bed and the angles you used today like on the treadmill. They came out so fun and really shows your routine and everyday life.
    Good for you staying committed to the project, it is time consuming and draining some days. I’ve done one completed WITL and another one that didn’t get finished. This time I’m sticking with it also. The end result is sooo amazing to look at. Keep up the good work!!!
    I did a theme for Thurs. photos about looking for the new in the everyday routine which I really liked doing.
    I’m about to post my Friday photos now, not sure how this one is going to go.
    By the way how are you putting yours together? I’m thinking of couple different ways so I need to make a decision quick so I can get started next week.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog, hope you can again. I also signed up to follow your blog.
    Enjoy the weekend.


 Found this surprise photo Adam left on my IPhone this morning:)

Number of Photos I took today: 73

This morning was a crazy busy one for us, followed by a much quieter afternoon (for me). Adam woke me up at 5:30 to say goodbye and then I fell back asleep til 7:15. I got out of bed, got dressed and found out from Adam he needed me to help move vehicles down South, to which it ended up being more like 3 trips (our land down South is 30 miles away) and took my entire morning to complete. One of the drills broke a shank off so my father in law had to fix it in the field, but thankfully, it was no big deal. On our way home we passed a couple of resident moose who love to hang out by a lake near the road we travel every day
Once I got back to the yard I quickly made Adam’s lunch, walked across the highway to the field to eat lunch with him and stayed for 1/2 hr of spraying in the field. Then it was time for my 2 mile walk where I came across my first snake of the season {I have an intense phobia of snakes} and I freaked out and ran away screaming the entire way home!!
This afternoon we had a mini thunderstorm pass through so I took the time to bake our favorite bran muffins. While they were in the oven I took the time to do some much needed cleaning in the house then made sure to sit down and eat a muffin fresh from the oven with a glass of cold milk before bringing one out to Adam {the dogs thought it should have been for them}
I couldn’t resist adding this photo of Simon near the end of my day – he loves getting snuggles and will sit up on this bench just to make sure you can reach him while sitting down 😉

What did your Wednesday look? As always – link your post below in the comments, I’d love to see what happened in your neck of the woods!! Happy Creating everyone!

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  • dawn - Hi Dawn, what a great name you have!! I love love your photos, looked thru all of them from this week. I have always dreamed of living on a farm like this and my hubby does too. How awesome to have all the land and nature and quietness around you. Was fun to see and read about farm life, hard work but soooo worth it. How cute those little chicks are, we love pigs and horses too.
    I think it’s great you set your goal to walk 2 miles everyday and aren’t into the skin/bones look. Things changed for me when I turened 40 and now I walk when I can, but really need to do this more. Just feeling healthy and having more energy is why I do it.
    How sweet to have lunch with your hubby each day, would love that. The photo of Simon is so cute, how funny he is to do that.
    Thanks for a wonderful time here and sharing your days. You can check out my WITL and I also do Project Life on my blog…
    Have a good day!ReplyCancel