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Happy Thursday everyone!!!!

With these chilly temperatures we are experiencing (-34 celcius, -29 F with the wind chill), I am up early this morning, checking blogs, answering emails and getting myself ready to leave the city and head home to the farm again. But I just wanted to stop in quickly and point out the little blog refresh I have been working on with Heather Rolin!! I had been thinking about updating the name of my blog for a few months now and just before Christmas, I approached Heather to see what we could do.
 The result is up (new banner and sidebars) and I’d love to hear what you think!
Have a great day everyone and stay warm if you are anywhere near this extreme winter weather!!! Happy Crafting!!


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Have you ever wondered what your “thing” was in life? Have you found it? Searched for it? Struggled to get it? Such a strange concept to imagine everyone has a “thing” in life, but, I truly do believe that we all possess the ability to create something..anything, that is unique to our being. As a young girl I would daydream of my future and the endless possibilities that it seemed to hold. And, while in college, I would be inspired by so many things but never fully understood how to carry it out to completion, be it a project, a business idea or anything in between. And, even today, I am still always wondering what exactly it is that I should/want to be doing in life.
I can spend hours online, searching thru inspiring blogs and telling myself I should be going out more and taking those beautiful photos I saw or creating that layout that made me get off my butt… but when I walk away to bring that motivation to my own life, I seem to lose the inspiration, why is that? Do you ever go through this in your own life?
So far what I have learned is that it is alright to keep working at figuring out who you are. It will always be healthy to work on yourself, grow, expand and learn something new. Through the growing phase its only natural to question your path but I know that it’ll always work out, just the way it was supposed to. And if you yourself have questioned this exact same topic, please keep the following in mind:

Just something to ponder…have a great night everyone! Happy Crafting!


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Hey Everyone!!

I hope you all had an amazingly wonderful weekend!! Preferably in an area that did not get hit by that freak winter storm??!? (Okay yes, it is the middle of January..but you CANNOT drop 20 degrees in 1 day and not complain!!) I had plans of coming home to the city to visit my family yesterday but due to the storm, I stayed at the farm an extra night and came home today. Needless to say, I am missing my hubs back at the farm now but quite cosy in my old bedroom at the folks’ house for a few days while I fill up on good ‘ol city vibes 😉

Speaking of which, matter #1 I wanted to take care of was to stop by the photo centre where I have been sending all of my Project Life photos so I could get down to documenting my first 2 weeks of January..upon arriving at said photo centre I was informed that my photos were nowhere to be found..nowhere. Even though I received a confirmation email 5 days ago that my order was complete…nadda…ugh. So, I have resubmitted my order to a different photo centre and will be picking these up this week before returning home!! I really can’t wait!
Any of you out there attempting PL without the Design A Photo Protectors?!? I have read that others are printing their photos and jotting down notes so that when the protectors are back in stock next month, they can begin documenting their PL…I don’t know about you but I know myself and, if I don’t work on it now, I never will!! So, with that in mind I have taken to writing down my notes in my daily agenda, plus sticking my photos in to a photo sleeve that holds 6 horizontal 4×6 photos to simulate the Design A me an idea of how it will actually look upon completion next month. I think this idea kind of rocks (definitely rocking my world) but…what are you doing til they are back in stock?!?
Speaking of Project Life, today while driving home on roads such as these:

I happened to look to my left and you will never guess what was flying next to my drivers side window:
Yup, a snowy owl!! Just flying right alongside me….how cool is that?!? I couldn’t believe it!! I, of course, immediately called Adam to let him know what I had just experienced (he, of course, did not find it as life altering as I had, but thats okay). This experience is definitely going in my Project Life this week and although I did not take my own photo of him..I will definitely print one and add it to my album!
Although I haven’t created a layout for PL yet, the photos, the documenting and the “being mindful of the everyday” have been amazing. I cannot wait to get our lives down on these pages to document and remember for the rest of our lives.
Well its getting late here so I should get my sleepy self to bed…hope you all had a wonderful start to your weeks..Happy Crafting everyone!!
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  • Kim H. - Seeing a snowy owl IS so great! We had one on our neighbors roof and I tried to get a good shot of it… no luck…scared him off! And for PL – I am doing the same exact thing as you. Exactly. And I dont have any plans of moving it over to the A sleeves… I will leave it as is… and order the A sleeves once they are available. :) Thanks! have a great day.ReplyCancel

Hey Everyone!!

Back at the inlaws 😉 So here comes another post!! Today I was able to spend the afternoon in my studio and get some crafty goodness off my desk. While most of my creations are for submission to publications, I did create a special goodie just for the ol blog ‘o! Since today marks just one month til Valentine’s Day, I thought I would create a sweet little something for you…

All products used today (minus the Divine Twine: Valentine ) are from Papertrey Ink 😉
I loved Conversation Hearts as a child and thought this card was a cute nod to the mini sweets I always enjoyed as a little girl. Have you started your Valentines yet? I’d love for you to link them to me so I can see them!! Have a great weekend everyone. Happy Crafting!!

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Us driving to Saskatoon this past Monday!!
listening: to the absolute stillness of the country-side

reading: a stack of new magazines (LOVE new magazines!)

watching: Big Bang Theory…cracks me up EVERY time!

eating: popcorn, of course!

drinking: wine…since Italy I just.can’t.stop!

wearing: my farm uniform: lulu’s and a sweater!

feeling: excited

weather: cloudy this morning, snowy this afternoon and now the most beautiful stars have lit up the sky

playing: with new stamps for an upcoming call!

wanting: Reese’s Peanut Butter Easter Egg…yum

needing: my Jakey:(

missing: my family

waiting: for everything to come together

enjoying: being a newlywed!

thankful: for everything I have been given in my life

I can’t believe its already almost the middle of January! Time is just going so fast!! I have been keeping up with my Project Life, taking photos and jotting down notes of random thoughts and events in our daily life. I finally received my Core kit in the mail today so can actually begin proper journalling (cannot WAIT for the pack A photo protectors to be coming back in stock next month). Have any of you decided to participate in Project Life this year? I can’t wait to see it all come together, I’m so excited for this!!!

As a side note, we still do not have internet but I’m hoping that won’t slow my blogging down. Even if that means I need to start coming over here to the In-Laws daily just to keep this blog updated, I am definitely willing to do that!! I hope you all had a great week and are looking forward to an amazing weekend!! Happy Crafting everyone!


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