With harvest running us ragged, we haven’t had time to unload my belongings since I moved in here 2 weeks ago, nor have we set up a proper home. Now, I don’t know about you…but I love being “home” and I miss it so much! I explained to Adam that when I say I miss being home, I don’t miss a specific house back in Alberta..I just miss that feeling of being home, the warmth, the comfort, the freedom…that is what I miss
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I miss my puppy (he’s at my parents’ home until I get this farm Jakey-proof), my afghan that mom made me which I like to cuddle up in every night, my PVR, my popcorn (we’ve been working 12-16 hour days and am too exhausted when we get home to make any. I miss my family – our visits and Sunday night suppers and I miss my friends. But what I am learning here is something extremely valuable:
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Home is wherever I make it. Home is where Adam is. Home is in his arms. Home is waking up with him every morning and falling asleep with him every night – without missing a beat. He gives me love, friendship, laughter, silliness, freedom..he gives me everything I could ever ask for.
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So well yes, I miss my pumpkin spice latte’s and my scrapbooking time (which will come once we’re set up) … I know that it is all worth it because I get to be here, with this guy (below), for the rest of my life!
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And, just in case you were wondering, we have just 51 days left til our wedding!!!
Have a great day everyone!!! Happy Crafting!!
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Well, I’ve officially been a farmgirl for a week! It still feels as though I am on holidays and due back in the office any day now, but then I remind myself..”nope, this is your life now!” We are in the midst of harvest here in SK and things are going well after a rainy day last week caused us to lay low for 3 days. We’re working some 16 hour days and although we are tired and ready to hit the sack..we’re extremely happy! Things have been interesting for me..trying to carve out a piece of me here has been a little more trying than originally thought..but I have faith that it’ll all work out sooner rather than later. For the most part, I have been filling my days riding around in the semi’s with Adam. Loading up with wheat, driving it back to the yard to unload in to the bins, moving augers, moisture testing the grain and going right back out to do it all over again! Today though, I decided to stay close to home in an effort to get a few things done. So far today I have tackled my fear of using the zero turn ride-on mower (big check off my to do list!) It was a little bit of a shakey start, but I got a hand of it eventually. The best part was all the grasshoppers jumping towards me..which of course led to mini freak out sessions, followed by a lawn mower going off course. But I laughed til it hurt and I got it done..I think I may get this farm girl thing down eventually!! Afterwards, I came in to the house where I have been baking my little heart out. Cookies & a cake that…now that I think about it, needs icing shortly Happy Crafting everyone! I woke up this morning with butterflies…the realization that a completely new life is on the horizon for me, is still a little unfathomable! I can’t wrap my head around the details just yet. Its crazy to picture my life now with this amazing future we are building and although its a little overwhelming, I simply cannot wait! But the reality is, this afternoon and tomorrow are all I have left of work in my office. The firm I work at is where I feel I grew up a lot in these past 4.5 years. I’ve learnt so many new things and met so many amazing people..its bittersweet to be leaving it all behind, even though this is something I’ve wanted for a very long time! ![]() ![]() Paris….ahh, je t’aime
Now, why would I think of Paris? Well that’s easy..it’s a stop in our European honeymoon that begins in 80 days! Yes, my farmer sure knows how to spoil me! I cannot believe I get to see the Eiffel Tower in person..I am so unbelievably lucky!! So yes..when things seem overwhelming and my seemingly lovely city life beckons me from the country, I’ll remember just how truly lucky I am to be walking towards the life I’ve been given 😉
photos via Pinterest
As I am working down my last week of work, I have a mix of emotions/thoughts in my head. I’m excited to be making such lifechanging decisions & moves but nervous as to what the future will hold for me. And then I found this and I knew that no matter what happens…I’m going to be alright.. ![]() ![]() I am not the type of person that enjoys change..in fact, that statement alone is quite the understatement! But, thankfully I do not fear change and because of that ability, it allows me to experience so many crazy events in this whirlwind journey we call… life..
My life has been a roller coaster this past month and I fear it has only begun! In just over a weeks’ time I will be starting my new life with Adam. Living on the farm in another province entirely, prepping for our wedding in just a couple of months and opening a whole new chapter in our lives’ story. Lately I have been spending my evenings packing up my belongings and stacking them, waiting for Adam to come this weekend and pick them up! I have been training my dear friend, who will be replacing me at the job I have been at for 4.5 years and all around just trying to wrap my head around all these immense changes!
My future is up in the air and while it has been scaring the crapola out of me..I’ve decided to view it from a different perspective entirely now. Yes, my life is changing..in a HUGE way, but what lies ahead of me is the man of my dreams, my best friend and a blank slate that I get to paint in whichever way I want. I can get caught up on my scrapbooking, continue designing my greeting cards..my gosh, I can do ANYTHING!! Its such an amazing feeling…look out blog world..I’m going to finally have the time/ability to create and write as much as I’ve always dreamed of! The possibilities are truly endless!