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Alrighty so the sneak peaks have been coming out for this years’ Fall/Winter 2011 CHA show and I…am…in…LOVE! I just called Adam and told him I’m really nervous…and, of course, he couldn’t possibly understand why. so I informed him I’m nervous because I feel an empty bank account coming on in future months 😉 hehehe

Today I’m showcasing my favorite lines from craft company: Crate Paper!!

Now, this was surprising to me considering I’ve never been a huge fan of this company. Not sure why exactly..just never seemed to be persuaded to pick up their lines before…but this year…well, they stole me heart with their Peppermint and Farmhouse lines!!

First up: Farmhouse!

I love the warmth of this line! Perfect for Autumn photos, Family gatherings and pictures of us in our new home! Now yes, maybe the fact that in just 6 weeks I will be moving the farm and am only 3.5 months away from becoming a farmer’s wife might be a reason why I was pulled to this line as well..but thats
Next up: Peppermint!

Now, I may not be a fan of all of the colors and designs in this collection but the paper above and all the embellishments are what truly hooked me on this line..I know I already have a tub full of Christmas goodies..but that never meant I couldn’t buy more…right?! there are my top picks for Crate Paper’s new CHA releases!! Can’t wait to dig up some more key finds for you soon!!
Take care everyone..and happy crafting!
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listening: to the trains pass by my office building

reading: forms and applications for work

watching: Criminal it crazy that it spooks the heck out of me, but I still love it?

eating: crackers and Boursin cheese..yum

drinking: water … water…water….

wearing: my fav zebra flats!

feeling: moody..but super happy its a Friday!

weather: raining, grey & windy..

playing: with travel themed scrapbook supplies

wanting: my farmer to come in to the city for once so I don’t have to drive this weekend

needing: to get rid of this mild cold I caught last weekend

missing: my Grandpa Petrick, who passed away 13 years ago today..and I still think about him almost daily

waiting: to be done my office career in 44 days!

enjoying: popcorn…lots and lots of popcorn!

thankful: for everybody and everything I have ever been given in my life

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When I was a little girl, my parents took me to my aunt’s house with no other explanation other than they had a surprise for me. When we arrived, I walked in to see a baby fawn strolling around her living room! It had been rejected by its mother after hunters got too close and placed their scent on it and a few people got together to arrange for it to be transported to the Calgary Zoo. And since it was needing a home for a day or two, my aunty opened up her place and that allowed me to get up close and personal with my own version of Bambi.

I have always been grateful for that experience! Not many people can say they get to play with a fawn (nor should they, as its always dangerous for an animal if humans get too close). I’ve talked about that day a lot lately, especially now that I’m out in the country a lot with my farmer. And just the other day, I was complaining to Adam that I hadn’t seen a fawn yet..which worried me considering our winter was so harsh this year! But last night, on my way home..I found this little baby stumbling across the highway

I turned off the highway to make sure it was okay and found it laying against a fence, calling out for its mama. When I noticed there was another couple keeping watch of the fawn I went to talk to them and this little thing just ran towards me. I tried escaping it, knowing what human scent could do to it, but it wouldn’t leave my side. It was young, it was hungry and I’m betting it was scared. Once the police and bylaw showed up, another lady came and told us that the exact same thing happened the day before and she called Fish & Wildlife. She fed it baby formula and put it under a tree as directed, but yesterday it was still roaming around, trying to find its mom. It had been surrounded by people for at least 2 days and before I knew it..this happened..

I don’t promote this..please don’t think I do. But I have a huge, soft heart and when a baby fawn needs some love, I can’t refuse it. It kissed my chin, snuggled up to me and wouldn’t leave my side! Every once in awhile it would try to walk back towards the highway, but we kept it close to us, to make sure nothing happened. After 45 minutes, Fish & Wildlife came..they just wanted to put it under a tree again and let nature take its course…I wasn’t happy with that!
The policeman that was with us spoke up and made his concerns known about the dangers of causing an accident on the highway and so F&W packed the fawn up in a kennel and moved it to a nearby park that is more sheltered and known to house deer. I felt better, but still not satisfied
All night I laid awake, wondering if the fawn was safe. Did it find its momma? Was the momma dead? Did another herd take it in and keep it safe? Would it be there, in the dark, scared, hungry and crying for its mom? Or is it safe? Did someone take it to a rescue sanctuary? It burdened me all night. I woke up with puffy eyes, imagining the fate of my little Bambi and drove to the park to ease my mind. The fawn was nowhere to be seen, nor was it anywhere near the highway! This made me a little relieved/a little worried. But in my mind, it found its momma and is now hiding somewhere, safe and sound!
I am so blessed I got to be so close to such sweet wildlife twice in my lifetime. What an amazing experience!
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Happy June 1st Folks!
 Can you believe it? Its June!! Our weather has definitely been all over the map lately…warm, cold, warm and lots & lots of rain! But nevertheless..its June..summer is around the corner..and I’m going to make every sun-filled day last!!

As I had posted yesterday, I am participating in a 30 day photo challenge for the month of June that I found posted on my new favorite obsession: Pinterest. Today’s challenge was to take a self portrait..and here is mine!

After very little sleep last night I realized this photo made me look very, very tired! With that being said I overexposed my photo and even lightened it some more to give it a bit more of an airy feel:)Day 1 – Completed!

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Morning Everyone!

So I found this on Pinterest the other day and knew it was something I wanted to participate in! I’m a sucker for anything to do with photography, so I know this “challenge” will be so much fun for me!

Tomorrow is June 1st and with first photo challenge: Self Portrait!!
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