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With tomorrow being a holiday, today is officially a “Friday” for me! I’m gearing up for another busy weekend at the farm plus our annual Easter Egg hunt here in town with all my family. The family Easter egg hunt is a tradition in our family .. one that I never want to see end! We have a home video from 1989 in my grandparents’ back yard .. I was 5 & kinda cute and the video makes me smile, giggle and tear up every time I look at it. Traditions are important. Hugely important. Please don’t ever stop them in your family, please create new ones and work hard at keeping them in your lives!

I’m a little sentimental today. You may have noticed 😉

Currently, I am going thru all the photographs of the 27 years I’ve been on this Earth. Some make me cringe, some make me want to find a match, but most make me smile and bring me back to all sorts of days when life seemed never-ending and simple! For these ones, I am thankful. I am thankful that someone thought to pick up the camera and take those shots, I am thankful that those days existed to create these memories and I am thankful that I grew up in such a loving home!

And now that I’m older, I’m thankful for this man

He is seriously everything to me .. he makes me laugh, he makes me feel loved, he gets me and I get him and he takes really, really good care of me. Every girl wants to marry someone like her daddy when they are older..and let me tell you, he’s “The One” .. words cannot express how truly, madly, deeply I am in love with this man beau, my farmer, my hubby-to-be!
And of course, I’m thankful for this little man

He is a furball, a lab, a puppy at heart and my baby. I adopted him almost 4 years ago now from the local animal shelter..and let me tell you, I think he’s saved me more than I ever saved him! He is my constant companion, my buddy, my fellow foodie and snuggle buddy. He gets me out walking, we have one sided conversations often and when I made the big decision to leave my 9 year relationship and start fresh..I couldn’t have done it without him! I don’t fear living alone because he protects me, he waits for me til I come home from work every day, he guards our home and he loves me unconditionally. *sigh*
And this

I’m thankful for this relationship..this amazing, amazing relationship! I envied my grandparents and my parents..they had a love I thought I would never attain .. but I watched, I listened, I learned and I went with my gut and I found him..the love of my life. There is a peace that now exists in my life, its comforting and exciting and we are going to have an amazing life together, we just know it 😉
Wherever you are .. I hope you have a lot to be thankful for today too!! Have a great Easter weekend everyone..Happy Crafting!

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Happy Friday everyone!!

We went an entire week without snow!! (knock on wood). Although the weekend temps are still looking a little cool & windy, it still promises to be a great  weekend to do a lot of Spring cleaning and organizing of the flower beds! Adam is on his way in to town as I type this and we have a VERY long to do list awaiting us!!  This weekend we are cleaning up the yard, taking down the Christmas lights (finally) and taking a load out to the dump from my interior Spring cleaning. Then we are shopping for things like toilets, bathtubs, showers & sinks for the new place PLUS a few wedding errands as well 😉

And with that, here are my Friday randoms.

– Today is the 2 year anniversary of my daddio being cancer free!! Its a huge, huge day and definitely something worth celebrating!! 2 years ago my dad was under the knife in Calgary and my mom, my aunt and I spent the day out and about, trying to take our minds off of everything that was happening. We shared a few laughs and a lot of tears that day..and now looking back, I am so grateful for the way everything has turned out

- I am working hard at purging my home and cleaning like a mad woman, for I plan to list it on the market for May 1st..the decision is bittersweet for me as I love the home I have created in the past year, but I am excited to move on to the next chapter of my life with my future husband and our new home!
-I have now successfully submitted 18 projects in to Paper Crafts Holiday Cards & More fingers are crossed as this is something I have wanted for years..April 29th is when the acceptance emails will be sent out..please cross your fingers with me!!
– I am cooking up a nice dinner for Adam and myself tonight..complete with homemade brownies for dessert (my specialty) .. was pretty ashamed when I realized we’ve been together 10 months now and I can count on one hand how many meals I’ve actually cooked for him 😉 Don’t get me wrong..I actually think I have a pretty valid “excuse” .. most weekends I’m there at the farm so we eat with his family, and when he comes to me, its a treat for him to go out to restaurants or we eat with my family! my life is going to change in just 4.5 months!!
Alright folks..looks like that’s all for me this week!! Have a super awesome weekend, enjoy the sunshine (if you get any) and I will see you next week! Happy Crafting everyone!!
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Last summer was my first in my new home and I was bound and determined to slowly but surely turn it in to my beloved, an English Cottage garden! I worked tirelessly researching the right plants and watching my yard for shady and sunny spots, weeding, planting, staking…it never ended! And I loved every minute of it!

Now with Spring on the horizon, a gardener’s thoughts turn to the outdoors and visions of peonies dance in our heads…I’m so excited to see what has survived this brutal winter of ours! My tulips are now a good 2.5″ up from the ground in my backyard..and my lilacs are in full bud..I will be checking in on the rest of my “brood” in the week to come, but right now we are under a wind/rain warning so I think I’ll leave that task for a few more days! And since this will be my last summer gardening at this house (its bittersweet), I have plans to lovingly care for all the plantings I researched and bought just one Spring ago (seems so soon to give them up!) I’ll add a few sprinkles of plant seeds in the back, just for good measure!

now that its Spring, what are you anxious for?

Photo: Jupiterimages
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Morning Everyone!!

It has been feeling more and more like Spring lately here..til of course we woke up to more snow on the ground this morning ..


But thankfully there isn’t too much and it’ll melt by noon with the warm temps we’ve been getting! What are your plans for this weekend? I’ll be home – cleaning, purging and creating!! I am working hard on my Holiday Cards & More submissions (due on April 25th!) fingers crossed I can pull it off and get published again!! (One of my 2011 resolutions!)

Other than that, here are a few other random happenings in my life:

– I have a sick puppy (again). Came home to another mess in my basement yesterday and quite a few bathroom runs during the middle of the night! I’m keeping my fingers crossed he’ll be alright while I’m at work today:(
– There are 211 more days left til I’m a Mrs 😉
– Further to my previous comment, I’m having a little trouble with my inevitable name change in Fall – do I hyphenate my name? Or completely drop my maiden name? Hmmm
– We are having our annual family Easter Egg Hunt on the 24th again this year and I am so, so SO excited! I love our family gatherings..traditions are good for the soul!
– Since I am working on submissions for PC’s Holiday Idea book, I figured I needed to get in to the Christmas spirit so popped in my favorite holiday cd .. Adam found this rather hilarious and now I am wondering if I in fact do the love the holidays a tad too much?!

Other than that .. my life is crazy, busy and very exciting!! I am looking forward to a productive weekend and I hope you have a wonderful one yourselves!! with that, I’ll leave you with a wedding card a created last month for one of the many weddings we have coming up this summer!

All products used are Making Memories:)

Happy Crafting Everyone!

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I woke up this morning feeling slightly overwhelmed with all the things on my to do list! I have Spring cleaning on my brain and of course after a long, cold winter my house is in dire need of some attention! Items have been dispersed around the house in a disorderly fashion and I find myself stepping over things just to get across my basement! It simply will not do any longer!

And now with a full free weekend ahead of me (beau will be staying at the farm and me in the city) I am looking forward to a weekend spent on my house, purging, organizing and cleaning .. and oddly enough its exciting! I can’t wait to have a nicely clean house..ready to shine!

And because I can’t leave you without a is a pic of my boy Simon and I out at the farm a few weeks ago..*sigh* I love my dogs!

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