I had such an amazing night tonight! After work I went and stocked up on some much needed groceries – and I know that this seems like a chore to so many people, but I for one LOVE grocery shopping! Restocking my shelves and trying new things always excites me!! Nothing like a fully stocked pantry to make this girl smile
Then, once home I tried a new recipe from P Dub and I have to say..it was heaven on a plate! So easy peasy to make (my favorite kind) and tastey!! Look at what I did!! I turned all this…
In to this!! Mmmm…
Then, after cleaning up the kitchen I headed out with this guy:
handsome lil devil ain’t he?
To pick up his “presents” before garbage day and I am proud to say that although it took me 3 days to do it..my yard is completely clean now with not one speck of poop in it! A first since I don’t know when..
I just did a happy dance..

THEN to my delight…I found these..
After all the snow and cold and drudgery…Spring is actually here..my tulips have broken ground and I was so giddy I had to run inside to grab my camera after taking some pics with my phone and sending them to Adam to prove how wonderful of a gardener I must be 😉
And then I was on a mission..what else could I find growing? Sure enough..my lilacs are in full bud too!!
Also I found a peony shoot in the ground (YAY) .. but didn’t photograph it..sorry but my hands were already dirty from mucking around!! I am so excited though…I have so many plans going on in my head..I can’t wait to get growing!!
Now its bed time for me..I have a phone date with my beau and then tomorrow is another new day!! Have a great night everyone!