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This Valentine’s Day will be our first as a couple..and we’ll be spending it somewhere on the Golden Coast:)And because I wake up every morning, grateful that this amazing man has been placed in my life, I want to acknowledge it in a special way on Valentine’s Day! And I have no idea how I’m going to do it yet:( So as I am perusing blogland daily, I come across inspirational bits (quotes, photos, etc) and I need a place to “store” here we go:)

I found this quote today:

I think I love you. Is this love? I never imagined I’d know it for myself. My heart… It feels like my chest can barely contain it. Like it’s trying to escape because it doesn’t belong to me anymore. It belongs to you. And if you wanted it, I’d wish for nothing in exchange – no gifts. No goods. No demonstrations of devotion. Nothing but knowing you loved me too. Just your heart, in exchange for mine.

-Neil Gaiman

And it accompanied this photo on Etsy:

I love bleeding hearts..I have them in my own gardens and many photos such as these that I’ve it too girlie for my farmer?!? Nevertheless..I love it and am SO glad I found these bits of inspiration!! What are you doing for Valentine’s Day?!?! We have 21 days left to plan!!

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  • Lauren Elise - Hi Dawn! Thanks for the comment on my blog today. I’m obsessed with the Handmade Weddings book & if you’re planning your own big day, I highly recommend it. So much inspiration! Seriously, you’ll love it! I just wanted to let you know that you can get 40% the book if you use the coupon from Delphine Press here:

    Actually the 40% works for any of the great Chronicle Books! Definitely check out Delphine Press’s blog too because it’s lovely.

    Just thought I’d let you know since you mentioned wanting to buy it! Have a great week!ReplyCancel

Happy Monday Everyone!!

I had an amazing time out at the farm this past weekend and am still reeling with excitement over spending as much time as possible with my farmer:)We are inseperable and I wouldn’t have it any other way!! We watched movies, cuddled, talked excitedly about our big trip that’s coming up in just 12 days and we spent a lot of time with family. In fact, yesterday my parents made the 2.5 hour trip to come to the farm, meet the parents, see the new dome home in construction, broke some bread and shared a few laughs. It was amazing to see my family at the amazing feeling of joy filled me while looking at our two families as they came together. My two worlds have finally collided! The.Perfect.Weekend!

Unfortunately the drive home was less than favourable and the side road that gets us from the farm to the main #1 highway was a skating rink! I drove 60 km/hr on a road that usually sees me double that! And I was so thankful that my parents were right behind me, every step of the way! But, we made it and sound and thats all that matters!!

I have pictures on my camera that have yet to be downloaded on to my computer, so words will just have to do my experience justice for now!!

Other than that, I am busy working away at paperwork and deadlines that need to be completed before we take off next weekend and catch myself dreaming of warmer weather, which is just around the corner! With that, I will leave you with this beautiful photograph I found here:

Happy Monday and Happy Crafting Everyone!!

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Happy Wednesday Everyone!!
I had about an hour to browse blogs today and I couldn’t help but feel so inspired by the images from around the world, that I wanted to started collecting them for my own personal “image library”. Often times, I click on one link that sends me to another and other and before I know it I end up with a photo and no source of how to find it again! It can be so frustrating!! So I’m going to try a new method of cataloging my loves…wish me luck 😉
Also, I love going to inspiring blogs such as Postcards and Pretties, the way they collage their inspiration is wonderfully delicious for someone like myself and although I’m new at the collaged image, I thought I’d show you some of my favorite love images from my search today..
Photo’s Courtesy of TinyWhiteDaisieis
Forgive the black I said earlier, I’m new at this! 😉 But aren’t these images some beauties? I want to crawl in to that teepee and eat fresh berries and drink champagne while planning my next big adventure…*sigh* .. oh right…
keep it movin’
Anywho..I have big changes coming in to my life in 2011.. BIG! And I think starting inspiration boards for focusing on my goals as I move through these changes will be the perfect medicine! I can’t wait to see what I come up with! most often looking at other images inspires me and I can’t figure out why..then I either print it out or move on and forget about it and I leave the inspiration in a dark corner of my brain, just waiting to be sparked again. I think its time to ignite that spark, don’t you?
Whatever dream/inspiration it is you have been holding back on in your life..this is the year to see it come true. Breathe life in to it and live an inspired year with everything you do (easier said than done, I know!). I am going to sit down with the ideas swirling in my head, I’m going to pull them out, write them down, plan how to make them come true and see myself open doors to possibilities I never thought possible before! You should too!
And since I can’t be all talk and no action on this blog, I’m going to list 3 personal goals of mine right here, right now {gulp}, here goes:
1) Get published in a paper crafts magazine, again. (My first published work was in Paper Crafts magazine’s Sept/Oct 2010 issue!!)
2) Gear Tailored Sentiments towards generating my sole income; and
3) Design my own line of wrapping paper for Christmas 2011 (FUN!)
Okay…there it is, out in the blogworld for anyone and everyone to see…no taking it back now! Now its your turn..I can’t wait to see you plan, focus and realize your dreams this year too! Keep a look out for more inspiration boards/images on this blog and Happy Crafting everyone!!
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  • Lauren Elise - Gorgeous roundup of inspiration! I absolutely love it all. I say, crawl inside the tepee and eat the cupcake! Good luck with your new year’s resolutions :)ReplyCancel

I’m writing this entry from my desk, which has a view of the cold snowy afternoon that is upon us. It has snowed and snowed and snowed and quite frankly..I’m ready for it to pack up and leave! Normally I love winter..sure, I could do without the cold..but I find the irridescent glow of the fallen snow beautiful and inspiring! But, once you’ve seen as much as we all gets a little old:( my entry title suggests..I’m longing for life! I’m longing for the day when I can walk out my front porch and breathe in the dirt and the smell of the freshly cut grass and the life that happens all around us when flowers are in bloom..when life actually happens!

Thankfully this year I get a just 19 days we are off to the Golden State..some place where I have never been and some place that I know will fill my soul with inspiration, beauty and a feeling of belonging. The more I research California, the more I realize I feel a kinship with this beautiful state..I feel like I could belong there and I’m so excited to take it all in, in just a few short weeks! I was laying in bed this morning thinking..I cannot believe I’m going to be in San Francisco in 3 weeks! I am going to Disneyland! I’m going to Venice, CA!! Its unbelievable!

Photo Courtesy of Flikr
And so, I’ll be dreaming of Cali to get me through the next 3 weeks and if, when we get back, I’m still longing for life..I’ll focus on photos like these..that make me giddy for Spring!!
Photo Source Unknown

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  • Lauren Elise - Hi Dawn! Thanks for the comments on my blog today and for the ever-so-sweet words about my spools. I love that project too because I’m a sucker for vintage spools. I’ve enjoyed perusing around your blog too. I’m in love with the second picture you posted here, the pink and blue tablescape. And funny enough, I know where it came from. I originally saw it posted on the blog of a Dutch magazine, 101 Woonideeen.
    It’s a great design website, although not in English but I translate it! It’s such a fun picture…I seriously need to exist within that picture. Looks like a fun party :)ReplyCancel

Happy Friday Everyone!!
We are being bombarded by snow this just won’t go away! I hope to sneak out and take some photo’s of all the white stuff..but until then, you’ll just have to take my word for it! I usually plan on heading to the farm on Friday’s, but due to the weather I think its best if I stay home and off the roads. So I will be busy visiting with my family and friends, cleaning my house, scrapbooking, making cards for my tradeshow in a couple of months and watching movies with Jakey:)
This has been a strange and very long week for fact, this card I made on Monday describes me to a “T” about how I was this week!
Yep, just hand over the chocolate..and no one gets hurt. That’s me alright! Work was emotionally draining and stressful and took a huge toll on me, but I made it through and I’m excited to move on:)
So, a few randoms for the day:
– I wish I could take the afternoon off for a “Snow Day”, I’d cuddle up with some popcorn and pop in “Pride and Prejudice” with Kiera all time favorite Jane Austen movie to date!
– I am really, really bummed that I won’t see Adam for another week
– I have big plans for Tailored Sentiments in 2011..its actually keeping me up at night, excited with the possibilities that exist! I can’t wait to start sharing these ideas with you!
– My bestie has her ultrasound next Thursday and I get to see my new niece/nephew for the first time!!
– I’m so excited about scrapbooking this year..but have only done my title page so far! So many ideas and no idea how to put them to work
– There is just 22 days til we leave for California..and I’d bet that its going to be a life changing vacation for us 😉
– I’ll be 27 in twenty-one days, and it doesn’t bother me at all! I’m actually looking forward to it!
– I google the Weather Network daily to see what the temps are like in San Fran and LA..somehow knowing that its +28 C there makes my -18 C world feel warmer..
So much “stuff” going on in my life right now..I just love it!! Have a great weekend everyone, I know we are all getting hammered by the weather..stay home if you can, stay warm and happy crafting to you all!!
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