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It so does not feel like a Friday to me today! The week back from holidays is always brutal, but in the winter when the days are really feels like I’m dragging my butt by 4:30 every day! Today is no different, my alarm went off at 6 a.m and I actually prayed that it was only 4 so that I could get 2 more hours of sleep in! But, since that wasn’t possible, I got up and decided to weigh myself as I have officially completed my first week of working out on the treadmill (4 sessions) and what did I see on the scale? I actually gained 3 lbs! Now, I don’t know about you..but is that normal? My first week..I was expecting to lose half a pound, hoping maybe 1 lb loss…but gain?! How does that happen? So..not only do I have lack of sleep working against me, I also have this lovely little 3 lb weight gain on my brain…so NOT a good way to start the weekend! I guess next week I’ll just have to be that much more focused!!

Today after work I will be taking off for the farm again..Adam will be working steadily on the new house all month before we go to California in February for 2 weeks, so we agreed that I will be making the trek all January so that we can still be together:)And the farm? Well its just an oasis for me..I mean look at it!

It gives me peace and tranquility from the city life and I look forward to it every weekend I’m there!!

Once I’m back home on Monday I will be focusing more on my card business, Tailored Sentiments and my Etsy shop as well as preparing products for a tradeshow I’m in in March!! So much to look forward to this year already!!! Have a great weekend everyone:)Happy Crafting!

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I have been working on a “2010 in Review” layout that will capture all the momentous occasions that occured in 2010..let me tell you, it was a busy year!!! I’ve pulled some of my favorite photos to use and thought I would share my year in photos…so here we go!

                             January 2010 – Happy New Years, Bought my First home and Pole Class!! 

February 2010 – My 26th Birthday ( I was Greek dancing)

March 2010 – Sandra’s Birthday – the Night of the Lemon Drop
April 2010: Took Possession, Petrick Easter Egg Hunt and Jennie is Engaged!!

May 2010: Jaelyn Petrick is born and Renovation Central at my home!
June 2010: Fell in Love …
July 2010: Moved in to my home – Reno’s Complete!
August 2010: Robyn’s Stagette, First Harvest, First Magazine Publication out on newsstands and
Petrick Family Reunion at the Lake! Whew!!

September 2010: Robyn and Ian got married!!

October 2010: Our first Halloween together and Makiya’s 3rd Halloween!

November 2010: Adam surprised me with a trip to Niagara Falls!!

December 2010: Makiya’s 3rd Christmas and our First Christmas together!

What a beautiful end to a beautiful year!! 2010 was amazing and very busy, but I know that I will love 2011 even more! Bring it on! I’m ready for you!!

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So I realize its a few days past wishing everyone a Happy New Year, but I’ve just come back from holidays and getting settled is much harder than I thought it would be! The tree is still up and my house is a mess from Christmas..and in truth, its so overwhelming, I just don’t know where to begin! But, today after work I resolve to begin tackling my room at a time until eventually it actually looks like a human being dwells in it again:)

How were your holidays? Mine were fabulous and very, very busy! I haven’t done that much driving…EVER! Christmas Eve and morning were spent with my family, then that afternoon we drove out to the farm..where we stayed til the 28th, then we came home to visit with a cousin of mine that I hadn’t seen in 7 years, then on the 29th we drove down to Great Falls Montana in possibly the worst driving weather ever and since we were headed for the mountains, we spent a night in the city in possibly the worst hotel room ever! On the 30th we proceeded to drive through the mountains to our cabin..where the scenery was like this:

Isn’t it beautiful? We woke up the morning of the 31st and went for a hike to some waterfalls and we ended up spending two and a half hours enjoying the fresh air and beautiful scenery..I felt invigorated after this! Because this was a pretty quiet corner of the State, most of the snow was left untouched and I hadn’t seen this much beauty in a long time..Montana definitely left an impression on me 😉
Now its a whole new year and although I usually try to make resolutions, I never end up keeping them anyways. So this year, I have set goals for myself..(one being more scrapbooking!!) and I will keep track of them to see how I do over the year. One such goal was using the treadmill regularly once again..I did so good in 2009 and lost a fair amount, only to have let it go through the Falls months in 2010 now, its a new year and I will start all over again!! Wish me luck!
Also, I am officially on countdown for our roadtrip to California next month!! One month today I will turn 27 and one month from tomorrow we are headed to the Golden Coast! I’m so excited!!! 2011 is going to be amazing, I can just feel it!
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Merry Christmas Eve, Eve!! haha

I’m still plugging away at the office so it doesn’t completely feel like the holidays yet, but we are coming in again tomorrow til noon and then I’m off for 10.5 glorious days!! I’m so excited!!

Last night I spent some time with my mom, wrapping a present for Adam’s family, eating dinner and watching “Four Christmases”.. and then Jakey and I drove around to look at lights before coming home to wrap presents on the floor by the tree watching my all time favorite childhood Christmas movie, One Magic Christmas…do you remember this movie? It was made in 1985 (I was one!) and mom taped it for Curtis and I and we watched it every Christmas! I haven’t seen it in years so last night I poured a glass of wine, PVR’d the movie and felt instantly giddy watching a movie that made me feel like I was 4 years old again, waiting for Santa to arrive!!

Adam and I will spend some time with my family tomorrow night but when we go home, we will snuggle up on the couch and watch this movie together..I am so excited!!

Other than that, I have a few small errands to run and I am ready for Christmas!! Have a very Merry Christmas everyone!!!!

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I don’t know if its just because the end of yet another year is upon us or I’m just feeling a little nostaligic, but I have been spending some time thinking about what all has happened in 2010 and how blessed I feel for everything and everyone in my life. Yesterday I went through my day planner and wrote out everything significant that happened so that I could create a layout chronologically organizing my past year..and it was amazing! I bought a house, took a fun class with girlfriends, got published in Paper Crafts magazine for the first time, found out friends were getting married/having babies, met “The One”..the list goes on and on!

This made me realize how truly important it is to keep scrapbooking. I’ve let it slide over the years, but I would really like to keep an updated scrapbook for 2011. Every month review what all happened, create layouts for specific events, etc. Time goes by so fast now a days, and I want to remember everything I can!

With that in mind, I went to my besties’ house last night for our gift exchange with each other, as well as with my niece Makiya. We’ve done this every year, but the last three years has been even more special with the birth of my niece. Now that she is 2 1/2, she is SO much fun at Christmas and so excited for Santa (it helps that you can tell her Santa is watching when she starts pouting too!). I went home and downloading my pictures from the night on to my computer and realized I have captured a photo of her and I every Christmas since she was born..and it mystified me as to how much she has changed! And with that, I give you my 3 year Christmas with Makiya in review:

Here she and I are for our very first Christmas together! She was born in August, so would have been 4 months old here…awww:)

And here we are in 2009, she turned in to such a munchkin so fast! I love her goofy little grin here…gosh I hope she knows how much she is loved!
And finally, our annual photo, taken last night:
Poor sweetheart has had the flu bug that’s been going around, so last night she was allowed a couple of chocolates from her princess advent calendar..just so she could catch up! She has an amazing personality and my Lord she is busy! Running and playing and laughing! There are still moments when I have absolutely no idea what she is saying, but at that age you can nod and play along with them and they won’t know the difference 😉 She warms my heart and I love her so much..and I’m so excited for next Christmas, where she will be the big sister to a little boy or girl!!! 😉
Happy Crafting everyone…I hope you are taking in everything that the holidays has to offer and cherishing every moment!
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