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Its the 21st…can you believe it?! This month has completely flown by! In fact, this entire year has gone by so ridiculously fast..I can hardly stand it! In just 10 days it will mark a YEAR since I officially bought my new home that I am now in! A YEAR?!? Jeez…time really needs to slow down now..

But since it is only 4 days til the most wonderful day of the year arrives we are busy putting the final touches on presents, buying those few last minute gift ideas, baking cookies and watching holiday movies. My favorite holiday movie by far is – Elf. Who doesn’t love Elf? “I’m singing…I’m in a store…and I’m SINGING”..hehehe, love it 😉

Adam will be home on Friday and will be busy wrapping presents to place under the tree..and we are so excited to start our holiday festivities!! Its pretty dang cold out there but it makes me happy to know that means we’ll have snow for Christmas!!

I’m off to continue my merry making…hope you are all ready and settled in for the holidays!!! Happy Crafting everyone!

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Officially in countdown mode..only one more weekend to finish your Christmas shopping!! Adam and I will be spending our weekend in Calgary, visiting a Christmas filled Heritage Park, going shopping and visiting with his best friend and his wife. I’m really excited to get away for a mini holiday with Adam..we both love just disappearing for awhile!

This past weekend was another busy one for us. Friday night we visited with mom and dad over beers than went on a date to the movies to catch, “Due Date”. The movie was funny enough, but nothing I would see again unless it were on tv. I am always so disappointed when all the funny scenes are shown in the previews!!

Saturday morning we had visitors over, my cousins and their 6 month old daughter as well as my parents came to visit while I did a photo shoot with the little girl..she was such an awesome poser for me..just sat there, all content..not one tear all morning!

Then we headed out for lunch with mom and dad, ran some errands and got ready for my office Christmas party! Before we knew it we were at a friends’ house for pre-party drinks, hopped in a cab and away the party went! We went to bed around 3:30 that morning..and let me tell you, I’m still paying for the lack of sleep today!

Needless to say, yesterday was full of laziness. We laid in bed til 11:30, had a quick breakfast and ran some errands that Adam needed to do for the farm, grabbed lunch and ate it while watching “Fred Claus”, had a nap and before I knew it, it was time for my beau to leave me again:(I always get a knot in my tummy when he goes to leave..but I’m thankful that in just 4 more days he’ll be back for our weekend in Calgary!!

Now tonight I’ll be finishing my wedding photo cd and starting the edits on Jaelyn’s first photo shoot..very excited to see these!! Hope you are all having a wonderful start to your week..take care everyone and Happy Crafting!!

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Once again, its snowing here. I’m not complaining because its December, and December is the only month that I love when it snows…but I still don’t like the cold! I don’t like that I have to start my car 10 minutes before I have to leave for work just so that it doesn’t feel like I’m sitting in an ice cube tray while driving to work. I hate when I have to scrape my windshield for what feels like forever until my arms feel like falling off, just so that I can see where I’m going in the darkness of the early morning. And I hate..I repeat HATE being cold! But no, I’m not sir, not here!

Today starts off another busy weekend and I’m super duper excited because

A) Adam is on his way here again (YAY!);
B) I have my cousin’s 6 month old daughters’ photo shoot tomorrow morning at my home; and
C) Tomorrow night is my company Christmas Party and they all finally get to meet Adam! Oh, and there’s free food and booze (and who wouldn’t love that?!)

How are you all doing on your Christmas shopping? I approached this year in a very zen-like manner. I had no gifts going in to December..and I wasn’t stressed or panicked or freaking out as per usual. No, I just kept slowly picking up presents, one after another..until yesterday I realized I’m pretty much done! Just like that! No one night shop til you drop marathon, no stressing over what to get whom..nope, I made my list…I checked it twice..and before I knew it: its time to wrap prezzies! And oh how I love to wrap prezzies 😉 Last night I realized I had a few gifts out for Adam that needed to be covered so I sat down with 2 new rolls of Hallmark wrapping paper-goodness and wrapped to my hearts’ content. I’ve left them without the icing (the ribbons and bows and accessories I lovingly add to all my presents) just so that I could sit down and really wrap them up nicely another night!

But I’m not going to lie, I look at the calendar and mu heart sinks a little when I realize there is only 2 weeks left til the jolly old elf arrives. I know that is a strange sentence, but its true! It makes me sad that as we get older the month of December (just like every other month in a year!) just flies by us..there are so many things that make this month special to me and I hate how fast it goes by! 2 weeks..thats all we have left. And then its on to a whole new year with all new goals and hopes and dreams..something I look forward to as well!

So here it is, my goal for the next 2 weeks:
-Take every day and make it special. Do something Christmas related every day: bake cookies, wrap presents, watch a holiday movie, go for a drive and look at Christmas something to take in the holidays! And, scrapbook the month as I remember. Keep contributing to my Christmas Journal and add in whatever extras I want to..this year is so special for me, my whole family together, my amazing man by my side and his family, my new family..all around us. It truly is a magical time of year!

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Last nights’ Holiday Train was awesome! Jodie picked me up after work with Makiya and we made our way down through the mass of people to find our spot in the crowd. Makiya was amazed at the lights on the train and for the first time since I was a little girl, I remembered what Christmas was like through the eyes of a child…and it was amazing. When the train door opened and Santa Claus appeared she was beaming and waving “hello” and my photo’s captured a sparkle in her eyes that makes me melt!

I will upload my photos this evening and add them to this post, I can’t wait to see them all myself! Also, a photographer from the Medicine Hat News took our photo last night and now we are in the local newspaper today!! I tried to scan the image in to share here today, but alas, it won’t work:(But trust me, its cute!!

Now today I’m meeting up with a friend of mine that I’ve known since Grade 3 but due to our lives being so crazy lately, we only get to see once every couple of months..and we have SO much to catch up on!! I just love the holidays, don’t you? Take every day in and make it worth remembering…you’ll be glad you did!!

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Just a few random things today, nothing important..nothing prolific..just pure randomness:

1) I started something on Saturday that has now become a full blown obsession of mine: watching “Keeping Up With The Kardashians”. There was a full day marathon happening on the “W” Network and I started watching it and could. not. turn. it. off!! So I PVR’d it and have been watching episodes ever since!!

2) I can’t sleep at night lately..must be due to late nights this past weekend talking to Adam, editing photos and watching tv/movies. Let me tell you, this sure makes my 7:30-4 day job totally suck!

3) My best friend and I are taking her 2 year old (my niece) to watch the CPR Holiday Train tonight at the local train station. Those of you outside of Canada, or those Canadians who don’t know about this, the Canadian Pacific Railway decorates some of its cars up in twinkling holiday lights and pulls in to cities and towns across the country to raise money for local food banks. I was there 2 years ago and it was great! Once the train pulls in to town, a car door opens and musicians sing carols for the crowd while we drink hot chocolate and marvel at the lights. When I was there 2 years ago, Johnny Reid performed and I started to really love his voice!

Photo Courtesy of CP Rail

4) I’m officially getting LOTS checked off of my Christmas list lately!! I may have a few stocking stuffers left for Adam, my mom, my best friend and Adam’s parents are all I have left to buy for and I already know what I’m getting them, which is half the battle!

5) My house is a complete wreck. There are messes everywhere from the front door to my reading room and stresses me out! But, of course, Keeping Up With The Kardashians (Refer to point #1) is taking up much more important time in my life (oie)

6) I just found a local photographer today that I can absolutely say I want to shoot my wedding..whenever that may be 😉 since I am always the one behind the lens I thought it would be really difficult to find someone in town with a style that I loved and believed in, but I was proved wrong today when I stumbled across her site, pretty much accidently! I emailed her for pricing and info, just so I had it and now I know I want to hire her..for every photo of our future family that I do not take myself! In fact, since I’ve started this photography journey recently..I would seriously be honored to shadow this lady and learn from her..I wonder if she would take me?! Hmm..need to check that out!

And that my friends is pretty much where my head is at today! Wow, what a mess of thoughts!! Anyways, off to the Holiday Train!! Have a great evening everyone!! Happy Crafting!

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