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Happy Monday everyone!!

How was your weekend? Mine was quiet, cozy, crafty and for the most part, uber-relaxing!! Of course this is all after Friday night, which, if you read Friday’s post was rated among the most nerve-racking days of my life so far! Friday night was my first wedding as the photographer…I say “the photographer” because I was the only one shooting & the only one responsible for capturing every precious moment of the special day between two complete strangers to me and a room full of no one I knew..yeah, it was nerve-racking and I made myself almost sick thinking about it! But after work I slipped into more comfortable “photographer” clothes, drove myself over to the reception hall and started snapping pictures..and the more I snapped, the more calm I became! I am proud of myself for getting through it and now, looking back I can say its pretty darn cool to think I was a photographer for someone’s wedding..and I know it won’t be my last ðŸ˜‰ I remember stopping in between formals and thinking to myself…”this is so cool!”, “this is so much fun, I can’t believe I am getting paid to do this”, I loved it! All I want to do now is keep practicing, learn more, research more..get really, really good. Here’s a couple of my favorites so far, I had taken over 600 photos in just over 4 hours so to say I have a lot of work ahead of me wouldn’t be stretching the truth..but again, its so much fun!!

Okay this seriously my favorite of the night, so beautiful!!

So those are just a few of the hundreds I took. The feedback I’ve received so far has been amazing, its actually made me giddy! And the bride loves them, which means the most to me!! I’m actually looking forward now to shooting their newborn baby pictures in the Spring!!
The rest of my weekend was spent watching movies, making cards, talking with Adam, visiting family and doing some Christmas shopping. No, I didn’t work on my Christmas journal but I’m not worried! I know exactly what I want to put in each days’ entry so far..just need to sit down (hopefully tonight) and finish them!!
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Alrighty, my JYC page for Day 2 was completed last night and I must say I am loving it! I will add it to my lil bloggy here this weekend once I get a chance to photograph it! You see, I’m photographing my very first wedding tonight and to say that I’m a little distracted and freaking out would be a slight understatement! The blushing bride and groom were introduced to me thru common friends and before I knew it, I had my first wedding gig booked! Now, I’ve been shooting cameras for years..but being someones’ actual photographer?! This is fairly new..I’m very excited for this experience, but so nervous that I won’t live up to my standards I’ve set for myself…keep your fingers crossed for me, please?!

Other than that I will be home this weekend, scrapbooking, making cards for my cousins’ store and addressing the envelopes for this years’ Christmas cards which I just received this morning from Mr. Postman (I love you Mr. Postman!)

And since I have no photo to share with you just yet, I found this one from Urbanic’s blog and it just made me happy…oh how I love you pretty papers and ribbons!

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I know…I can’t believe it myself either..I’m actually posting a scrapbooking layout!! ON TIME!! Its insane, its a miracle..its, well..its Christmas time 😉 If you have read my earlier blog posts you will know that I am taking part this year in Shimelle’s “Journal Your Christmas”, a fabulous online course that helps you focus on what’s truly important this time of year! Yesterday, being December 1st was naturally, the first day for entries. Day 1 was all about creating a manifesto.. and here is what is now sitting pretty in my little album:

Whenever I actually do some kind of scrapbooking, I always end up doing a 12 x 12 album, therefore, nothing has changed with this one either:)I’ve also decided that although I will follow the prompt topics, I will also include anything else I find relevant about my month as I go along..this is, afterall all about my own personal experience with Christmas 2010!

Just a couple if little close-ups of my page..I’m really in love with the “clustered” look that iIve seen on the pages of my scrapbookers I adore, so tried my hand at it..I’ll get better at it too as I go along:)And no, Adam would not be surprised to see that I found many ways to add glitter to my page!! Snuck it in with the pointsettia image, the “Joy” sticker as well as added some red gemstones to the centre of my flower, just because I could! 😉
Alright folks, todays’ page is all about wintry weather and I’ve got my journalling already completed, my images I just shot on Monday all printed and ready to go..can’t wait to scrapbook them tonight and (hopefully) share my Page #2 with you tomorrow!! Have a great Thursday everyone..Happy Crafting!
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Today is day 1 of my 2010 Christmas Journal!! Today’s prompt is all about creating a manifesto for your album..something that describes why you are creating this book, what it means to you, what your goals are for this holiday season and what you hope to create by spending time daily on this book. Shimelle provided us with some inspiration to share on our blogs and so here it is!!

As I received this prompt late last night, I spent some time writing my manifesto in a journal, to which I plan to copy to my album page tonight and share with you as soon as I can!!

Happy December 1st everyone!! Christmas is 24 days away!!!!

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Its here! Its here! December 1st is just around the corner..and its the most wonderful time of the year! I’m so excited!! I have so many blessings to be thankful for and much to look forward to..I can’t wait to take in all that the season brings!

I have also vowed to actually complete my journal this year, which, if you remember at all, last year went about as far as …. well, thats about it! If you haven’t heard of the unique month long class, Journal Your Christmas, then you need to check it out. Sign up once and you are free to join in for the rest of your life! Beginning tomorrow, December 1st you will receive a prompt in your inbox with helpful photography tips, journal ideas..the works! I picked up my album last night and have already been busy taking my holiday photo’s …

Okay, not that I’m bragging..but,  “hello, beautiful Christmas tree!!” hehe..sorry, couldn’t help it, I am very proud of myself for this one 😉
Anyways..the motivation is huge, the photo’s have already been started and I’m feeling the love for my 2010 Christmas Journal!! What are your plans for recording the holidays?!? I’ll be back soon with pages from my journal..happy crafting everyone!!
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