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the fact that its already November!! I keep thinking about Christmas, as it is my favorite time of year and then I feel completely shocked when I realize its only a month away now!! December is going to be amazing! I am so excited!! Is there anything better than a month full of Christmas magic?!?

This weekend Adam and I are taking off on our romantic trip to Niagara Falls, ON..we fly out on Saturday and will come back home on Tuesday..needless to say, I’m just a little excited 😉 I have no idea what flights we are on, what time specifically we are leaving or arriving, where we are staying…nothing!! Its all planned by Adam and I am l.o.v.i.n.g it!!

Next thing on the agenda? Christmas lights!! I haven’t used them in 3 years and I am soo excited to bring them out of the basement and make them sparkle again in all of their candy cane glory! But before I get too ahead of myself..I thought I would share with you a little of my Halloween weekend!!

I just love being a “good witch” for the holidays!!

Our pumpkins this year that Adam carved!! Aren’t they fantastic?

And of course, my favorite trick or treater in the niece Makiya..isn’t she adorable?!

Another fantastic Halloween season has come and its time to put the spider webs away because Christmas is on its way!!! Happy Crafting everyone!!

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Happy Friday Everyone!!

We are all dressed up here at my office, nothing like a finance building full of witches, bridezilla’s, nurses and superheroes 😉 There is nothing like one day a year to be however goofy, silly ot spooky you want to be!! I love it!!!

I’m extremely excited for this weekend, Adam is coming today and we have a full schedule on our hands! Tonight will be dinner out, tomorrow we’re off to grandma and grandpa’s for a visit, then some shopping, another dinner out, carving pumpkins (the photo above was last years’) and then Sunday we have the cutest little trick or treater coming over in the morning, brunch with my family and a full night of handing out candy!! (I just hope I didn’t eat too much and still have enough for all the kids!!) I’m kidding!! ….. kind of 😉

The front porch is decorated (finally!), the cauldron is bubbling and the spiders are waiting..I’m curious to see how many trick or treaters I will have as this will be my first Halloween in this home..I’m guessing 40-50..we’ll see how well I estimated on Monday!!!

But until then, have a great weekend everyone!!!!!!

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Halloween is in exactly 4 more days and if it weren’t for the freak winter frost we have got going on here..I’d be outside hanging spiders webs this afternoon on my front porch. Fingers are crossed that this happens before Sunday..gotta spook the place up a little, you know? This past weekend out at the farm, Adam and I took a little time out of our day to make my bubbling cauldron of witches turned out fantastic! Just needs a few little touch ups and I’ll be photographing it while placing it on my porch! Its green and filled with bugs and eyeballs..mmm mmm good!

Then, come Monday morning..I’m in full Christmas swing! The Christmas cards have been designed, the lights will go up shortly outside and the hunt for the perfect (faux) Christmas tree will be on! It truly is the most wonderful time of the year!!!

On another note, Adam surprised me Sunday night by telling me he’s whisking me away to Niagara Falls next weekend (I love surprises) So we will be taking off next Friday and returning on the following Monday. I am so excited to get away for awhile! This will be our first holiday together before the big one in’ll be just perfect for us =)I’ve always envied people who get up and go away somewhere for the weekend..reading Kelly Purkey’s blog sure makes me antsy too..and finally I get to experience that!! And, best news of all is we’re wanting to make this a more frequent event in our lives!!

So what do you have left to do before Halloween? Is the candy bought? The decorations up? I can’t wait to see everyone’s photo’s from this weekend!! Happy Crafting everyone!

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When witches go riding and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers, “Tis near Halloween”. Ah, I love that makes my heart beat just a little faster in anticipation of the ghoulish fun to be had in nearly a week’s time! Last night I was out decorating my front porch with all things pertaining to witches (at Halloween I’m obsessed with witches!)when, to my surprise I realized I had inadvertantly locked myself out of the house! Yup, Jakey was inside, the oven was on cooking my supper, rice cooking on the wasn’t good! Quickly I ran behind to my lovely neighbors who graciously let me in to use their phone and once again my dad came to the rescue a mere 10 minutes later!! I’d like to say that will be the last time that happens..but I know myself too well!

But it was fixed in minutes and I got back to prepping for trick or treaters! I hung my witch window cling from Martha Stewart on my front window (she looks so cool at night!) and this weekend, Adam and I will be making a cauldron full of bubbling brew (thanks to BHG!) I’ll post my house photos once everything is up and decorated!!

As for myself, I will be dressing up next Friday for the a witch, of course. I have my long black dress, my spider rings, striped stockings, witch shoes and of course, my pointy hat! I think its great to have one day to be whoever you want to be..young or old its never boring on Halloween!!

On another note, I recently found the super fun application of Poladroid..and with that I’ll leave you with my latest creation..happy weekend everyone!!

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