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Happy Tuesday Everyone!!

I’m starting off the week (yesterday I was at the farm, so today is my version of a Monday!) with another TE Sketch Challenge! I haven’t participated in these challenges in awhile, things keep coming up, but I’m finaly back at it! I love these weekly challenges! They give you a sketch for your imagination to play with and for me, that’s half the battle!! This is this week’s challenge sketch:

And here is my take on the sketch!

I used PTI Kraft CS for my card base, new MME DP and the stamp set is from PTI as well

My sentiment was stamped in Versamark ink and stamped on to a tag cut out from my Spellbinders tag die

I just love this fun!! I topped off my card with a bow made from True Black ribbon (PTI) and Vintage True Black buttons also from PTI. And that’s my project for this week’s challenge! If you are interested in playing along, you still have time!! Sketch challenge closes this get crafting everyone!!!

Have a great Tuesday and Happy Crafting everyone!!

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So I’m sitting here..thinking I should post something, but not sure what to I’m going to write out my random thoughts and send them out to you in blogland! I have a few new creations from my studio to share, but haven’t taken the photos to upload them I guess that’ll have to wait til next week now! I’m headed back to the farm to visit Adam after work today..funny how 5 days can leave you missing someone so much! So excited to hit the road and drive to that farm and see him and Simon their retriever standing there, waiting for me, tail wagging (Simons, not Adam!)

On my mind today? Hmm..Autumn, pumpkins, changing leaves, the colors of yellow, orange and red, cozy sweaters, pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks, fuzzy warm Ugg boots, Gilmore Girls and all makes me very, very happy

Photo source unknown

Also I’m trying to decide if its normal that every year around this time I always wish I had a black cat as a pet. Not sure why considering I’m allergic and, well, they kind of scare me with their creepy yellow eyes..but I always think to myself that it would be nice to have one..hmm, maybe I can convince Adam to have one on the farm?!?

What do YOU love about Autumn? I’m getting pretty excited to start my October journal next much ahead of me next month..Bustin Loose race for Breast Cancer next weekend, mom and dad’s 32nd wedding anniversary, Thanksgiving (here in Canada), Adam’s Birthday and, of course, Halloween!!

Have a great weekend everyone!! I’ll be back on Monday!!

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Last night I came home from work, loaded my camera and Jakey up in my car and took off to take some pictures of the changing leaves around me. It’s been years since I went out with the main purpose of photographing things and let me tell you, it made me very happy! I drove in to the same parks I’ve visited for years, walked around and gathered images that spoke to me and made a plan to visit these same spots once a week for the rest of Fall to capture the season in all its glory

Taking the time to stop and photograph these images was good for my soul. Besides fighting with Jake over which direction to go in to, my mind was still and peaceful and just like any other time I’m creating, I really felt like I was in my element

So, here’s the plan: every Thursday I will be back to post pictures of Autumn in my neighborhood..I’ll document the changing of the seasons and reflect on how quickly things can change in a week’s time..until next week, I’ll be curling up with a good book, clean up the remaining foilage in the yard and indulging in one too many pumpkin spice latte’s..

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Happy First Day of Fall!!

I don’t know what the changing of the season’s look like in your part of the world but here in Alberta the trees are slowly turning golden with hints of red & orange. I keep telling myself to get out and take pictures..hopefully tomorrow the sun will come out a little and not rain on me and my camera for once! I’ll be sure to post my pictures…if I ever get around to taking them!!

I’ve been busy making a few holiday cards here and there and this is one of my absolute favorites as of late..

The image is from Crafty Secrets, DP is October Afternoon

My favorite addition to this image was the Flower Soft I added to Santa’s hat and cuffs..just added some magic to the image, don’t you think? Then to give it even more Christmas magic I added this sweet little jingle bell..

The colors of this card are fresh but seasonal..I’m really in to the aqua and red lately..I’ve been seeing it everywhere!! What are your favorite color combo’s? I’m off to my studio to see what else I can make with all the goodies that have been coming in..happy crafting everyone!!

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It’s halfway through September already!! The leaves are changing and every day on my way to work I make note of the trees I want to photograph and am hoping I don’t forget about it before its too late! And since time has a way of slipping away from me easily lately, I’ve decided to take a page out of Kelly Purkey’s book and document my month of October. I’m going to find a super cute binder to hold all of my documentation in, get a large plastic baggie to hold all of my papers and found items in and this binder will hold everything that occured in my life for the month of October. Pictures, receipts, memories..all there for me to record.

I’m hoping this project will get me to slow down and realize what actually occurs on a day to day basis. I’m always jealous of all those bloggers who get amazing photos of every day life when the truth is, I could do the exact same thing, if I just took the time!

And since October is my favorite month of the year, what better month to stop and smell the changing leaves? Wish me luck, I’m going to need it! I’ll share my progress with you all next month!!

Photo coutesy of Kelly Purkey

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