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You thought I was going to say “White Christmas”, didn’t you? Nope, not today..although if I get some more painting done tonight in my front porch, you can bet I’ll be downstairs whipping up more holiday goodness! Nope, today I’m talking about my crafts studio (or lack thereof). When I moved in to my new home this past Spring, visions of shelving and painting and countertops danced in my head. And now, 6 months later, there are still boxes everywhere and, well really, one giant mess. It’s so hard to work around and I know that if I just took a few nights to organize my space I’d be lauging, but craft time is sparse for me lately and when I do have a few minutes.. cleaning and organizing are NOT on the top of my list!

But, I do know that the day will come when I can have the studio of my dreams. So, until then I will be collecting images and trying to get a feel for just exactly how I want it to be. For instance, wouldn’t this be devine to have?

Yup, I definitely want one of these! I guess I need to start attending flea markets!! Ohh, or what about this storage unit?!

I just love hunting through other crafter’s just never know what you’re going to find!! Well, back to dreamland for me..happy crafting everyone!

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We’re getting well into September already and Halloween products are lining the store shelves! I can feel the crispness in the air and my thoughts go to pumpkins & black cats and witches riding brooms! The first day of Fall is still 2 weeks away, but I might start decorating for Fall before that (hey it never hurts to start anything early!) With that comes a few new fun Halloween/Autumn cards that I have up in my Etsy being this fun one from Crafty Secrets

I just love this image, SO cute & fun!!!

I used a chipboard frame from Tattered Angels and popped out the fonts to create the word “Boo”

I’ll be putting up a few more holiday cards in my Etsy shop as the week progresses, but after that all that’s really left is decorating my home and convincing myself that no, I do not need to buy a box of 50 Halloween chocolate bars for “the trick or treaters” when really, I know I’ll eat them all myself 😉

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Happy September 1st Everyone!!

There is a definite chill in the air, the Michael’s aisles are filled with witchy goodness and I’m in heaven! September to December is the most wonderful time of year to me and this year will be no different! Sorry its been a little quiet on the blog lately, I was away on holidays (harvesting & family reunion) but now I’m back and the holiday cards keep coming out of me!!

Today, I’m showcasing a favorite Halloween card of mine made from Graphic 45 Halloween papers, Crafty Secrets image and some googly eyes that watch over you..

So much to love about this card, its vibrant and vintagey and just a little bit spooky..

This card actually reminds me of a missed photo op that I didn’t take 2 October’s ago. I was on my way to work, early in the morning, driving down a beautiful street full of yellow and orange fallen leaves and there, sitting on the sidewalk was a beautiful black cat just staring at me in the midst of all this. I thought to myself, “What a perfect shot for Halloween”. But I didn’t have my camera and I didn’t take the photo..and now it’s something I’ll always regret!!

Have you started any Halloween projects yet? Happy Crafting everyone!!

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Something was off this morning when my alarm woke me up..the sun wasn’t up! There was a strange chill in the air, a dampness from the rain during the night and when I looked out my window I saw my first yellow leaf! Now, I’d like to tell you that the sight of this little guy scared the heck out of me, but I’d be lying:)You see, you can’t get more of a Fall lover than me and when I saw this I knew that pumpkins and mums in every color would soon be following and, well, that just makes me giddy!!

So, last night I sat down at my desk to create a few cards for my Etsy shop, I had no real plan in mind but quickly I realized I wanted an Autumn-inspired card and this is what came out of it. I absolutely LOVE it!! It’s warm and cozy and the colors remind me of walking down an orange & yellow leafy lane in October

I used DP from Recollections (Michaels), CS from PTI, vintage image from my stash a sweet paper doilie and, my personal favorite, these wonderful fabric leaves I found last year!!

Now I’m off to Calgary with my mom to see Michael Buble in concert tonight..I’m very, very excited about this!! But, I’ll be back on Friday with something of a jingle bell variety ;)Until then… Happy Crafting everyone!!

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  • Denise (peanutbee) - This is totally beautiful, Dawn! Love the dimensional leaves with that sheer ribbon, the doily, and incredibly beautiful image…love it all!ReplyCancel

It’s here! It’s here! Today has been long awaited my friends! For today is the first day the Sept/Oct issue of Paper Crafts magazine comes out and not one but 2 of my cards were selected to be featured in my very first magazine publication!!! When I got the email back in March I literally bawled, I couldn’t believe it! I was running around the house, screaming and jumping!! So, let’s just say its been a long 6 months for me:)

I’m featuring one of my cards today that you will find in this issue, it is made with kraft, summer sunrise and dark chocolate cs from PTI, dark chocolate ribbon and images from PTI’s Spooky Sweets II stamp set

I came up with the design of this card a year and a half ago and was really proud of it! When submission time came I thought I’d just try it out and sure enough, here we are:)

So this is some of the big news I couldn’t wait to share with you all..thank you so much to everyone for all their support and a special thank you to all my friends and family reading this who have had to put up with my constant excitement the last 6 months over this special little issue! Take care everyone and happy crafting!

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