Something tells me that if my blog were a hallway and I yelled “Hello” right now, all I’d get back would be echo’s of myself! I know, its been really quiet around here..and each post I promise to be back and then make a liar out of myself. I’m so sorry I’ve been gone for so long..sometimes when life takes you through the ringer things drop off your priority list and unfortunately this little blog-o was first to go! But I will say, I’m starting to feel normal again..not 100%, but I’m getting back to the me that I know and that should mean creating isn’t far behind!
So, where have I been? Well I’ve been making HUGE life changes..all personal ones, but all ones that I feel I can share here on this blog with any of you that may still be checking in on me. Last month I made the decision that after 9 years of being in a relationship that wasn’t a good fit, it was time to cut my losses and do it on my own. It was a scary decision for me to make, leaving the comfort of a relationship I’d known since I was a teenager, to being completely on my own. Sure, I had a few panic attacks in the middle of the night but I know in my heart that I made the best decision for myself and thats whats keeping me going day to day. That and the amazing group of family and friends I have surrounding me (seriously, you guys are awesome!)
So, what do you do when the life you’ve known for the last decade is no longer there? You pick up the pieces and move on. And thats exactly what I did when just a few weeks ago I bought my very own house..a sweet little cozy bungalow all to myself (and my loveable furball Jakey, of course). Of course it will need a bit of work, but I’m already gathering a troop of people to help me and will show pictures this summer that will show you the work from beginning to end. I’m considering this my “Project of 2010”..something for me to focus on, put all my energy in to and keep me busy..I’ll learn lots and I get to do this for myself. Its exciting!!
So now that, that is all out of the way I have a huge exam to study for at work and I’m busy decorating my new home (in my head) and getting super excited. I’m taking fun classes with my girlfriends and am determined to get back in to scrapbooking, photography and everything that makes me, I hope you stay with me during this journey..I think its going to be a year worth remembering!!
Take Care everyone..I’ll see you all very soon 😉
Denise (peanutbee) - Cupid exploded on your desk….HEHE, that made me giggle. This is sooooo beautiful, inside and out!