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Can you believe its Christmas Eve already??? It really sprang up on all of us this year and although I wasn’t really feeling the spirit of the season up until last night, I can say that I truly have Christmas fever now!! We went driving last night, looking at lights and eating candy canes and although I work today (for 3.5 hours!) I’m truly enjoying the season..including a casual setting with my coworkers..

Tonight my only surviving grandparents and my uncle will be joining my family for a big feast of turkey and all the trimmings and then tomorrow we will wake up bright and early, open our stockings and our presents and enjoy the day as a family.

We have a full day of movie-watching, boardgame playing, Wii competitions planned for us and I am so excited! Isn’t that what its all about??

So in my last post for the week..I would like to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas!! I will be back next week! Take Care everyone…

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Christmas, to me, is definitely a time for families and big get togethers. All my life, every Christmas, we would all get together (I’m talking grandma and grandpa, aunts, uncles, cousins) and have a large sit down dinner, followed by a Chinese gift exchange and, of course, Christmas carols.

We have clung to these traditions even now, more than 25 years later..and it only gets better!
Today was our Petrick family Christmas party and it honestly warmed my heart to be sitting in the same room with all my family, even cousins from out of town come in for this day to sit together, talk, laugh, catch up on our lives and share a few Christmas carols…

Most of my cousins have started families of their own now and although its crazy to have 6-7 additonal kids running around with all of us, it just makes the home and the holidays that much more cozy, you know? We got together for a big luncheon, opened some presents, sang some carols and just sat around talking. It made me so happy I wanted to cry!

Now, don’t get me family is NOT perfect! In fact, we are the Griswalds! (Have you seen Christmas Vacation? Yup, thats us) We’re perfectly imperfect and we love each other very much. We lost Grandma and Grandpa in 1997 & 1998 and we miss them dearly, but they would be so proud to see us now and see how far we’ve all come!

The icing on the cake? 10 years ago we wrote down on a piece of paper our age, the date and what was happening in our lives..and today we opened that box and it made us laugh and it made us cry..gosh how off we all were in our guesses for the future!! Then, we sat down and wrote another one which will be opened in 10 years from now..I can only imagine what life will be like then!!
So with that..I’ll leave you with a parting shot of my dear cousin, her daughter and my aunty..rocking the Christmas carols…have a very happy Sunday everyone…
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  • Anonymous - Dawn, your words inspire the heart! You exude such passion for life! May you never lose it! God bless you & Merry Christmas! All the best to you & your family!ReplyCancel

Well it looks like I’m definitely going to have to add, “Blog more” to my New Years Resolutions! I can’t believe how bad I’ve been lately! I’m so sorry! I do promise that at some point, hopefully in the near future, I will be back to my regular blogging self.

I have a lot of things going on in my life right now, some good and some not so good. All I can say is that 2010 will be a fresh start for many reasons! One reason I do want to share with you is the my dad is officially done chemo and is now cancer-free! Its been a very long battle, but we made it through and he even still has some hair left:)I’m so proud of him and I know my entire family is breathing a sigh of relief right now.

I also cannot get over the fact that next week is Christmas already! Where on Earth did December go? Usually I’m completely ready… gifts wrapped, cookies baked and anxiously awaing Ol’ St. Nick’s arrival..but this year, its just not happening. It makes me sad but I’m going to make the most out of the next week and a half. Tonight, dad and I are finishing our Christmas shopping together..and then I’m going to watch all my favorite Christmas movies and take time to enjoy my family as well as take in a few Christmas parties this coming weekend..that ought to do it, no? Are you ready for the holidays?

So, needless to say I have no new projects to share with you today. But I have a few ideas mulling around my head that I’ll be sure to get out on to paper in the very near take care everyone and enjoy these last few days leading up to the most magical day of all:)

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Happy Saturday everyone!

Just wanted to quickly pop in and let you all know that I haven’t dropped off the face of the Earth!! Instead I made a decision about 2-3 weeks ago to surprise a very good friend of mine and fly over to Victoria, British Columbia for the weekend for an all out girls weekend!! I lived here about 5 years ago and try to come back every year since..if you have never been here, I highly recommend it! The city is so beautiful and refreshing and such a difference from the Albertan prairies!!

This morning we are off to shop downtown, sit by the ocean and catch up on everything we’ve missed in the last year or so! Its weekends like this that make me realize how important your friendships are in life and I feel extremely blessed for all those around me.

I’ll be back next week with more cards and hopefully some new layouts for my Journal Your Christmas 2009 entries. Have a beautiful weekend everyone!

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Morning everyone!!

I’m so excited that today is the 1st of December!! I woke up this morning feeling just a little more cheerier than usual..and its all because of Christmas being only 25 days away!! As we get older, the Holidays seem to cause more stress than joy and I find that we often lose sight of what this season is really all about. No I’m not going to get all religious on you, although that truly is the reason for the season..but for me, its all about family and loved ones, spending time together and remembering that its the little things in life that make it full. To help me get in to the spirit of the season, I have signed myself up for the Journal Your Christmas class over here at

Every day from December 1st to January 6, 2010..we will receive a prompt for our daily journal..its a way of reminding us to step back and recount the little moments of each day and document them in our history forever. I tried this last year using Ali Edwards’ December Daily but only made it a few days as I felt so much pressure to do something “Christmasey” every day..but now I know that isn’t the case!!
I plan to post some of my layouts here throughout the month..and hopefully this gets me back in to scrapbooking as I know I have a stack of photos just waiting to be put in to an album:)wish me luck on this journalling journey and hopefully it reminds you as well to take a moment this holiday season and really take it all in:)
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