When I was expecting Hudson, I had the usual fears and worries about parenthood. I never, ever expected our journey in parenthood to begin the way it did and life in 2014 surely threw us some major curveballs. But you know what? We’re still here. We’re smiling, we’re together and we’re stronger than ever. Hudson has filled this void in our lives that we didn’t even realize was there. He’s our breath of fresh air and his personality and smile make my day..every. single. day
But a curveball that was thrown at us at the end of November was that Hudson was diagnosed with an early fusion of the metopic suture. What that means is the frontal plates of his skull fused earlier than they should and his brain can no longer grow forward the way it needs to. It won’t inhibit his brains growth but it could lead to a head shape deformity, pressure, migraines, eye problems..the list went on.
We were told we needed to make the decision on his surgery within a week as they like to do them before babies are a year old (bones only get harder as we grow) and Hudson turns one this Sunday (Jan 11th). The surgery would have Hudson put under for 3 hours. An incision would be made in his hair line from one ear to the other and it would involve the removal of his skull so they can break the fuse, reshape it and finally, replace it. He may require multiple blood transfusions and would be so swollen he may not be able to see for a couple of days.
It was a heartbreaking & shocking appointment. We went in to check on his lip (which was fine!) and came out with a major cranial surgery looming over our heads. That silent, tearful walk to the truck that day will forever be etched on my heart.
Since then we have done our research and asked multiple doctors and family members their opinion. Our confidence has grown in our decision to go ahead with the surgery and I am hopeful that everything will be okay. But I would definitely be lying if I told you I wasn’t scared. So many fears have crept up on me. My baby and cranial surgery, how did this happen?
So here we..his surgery is happening Wednesday and I am reaching out and asking you keep my little boy in your hearts this week. We know what to expect from our research and we know it’s going to be hard. But we also know that Hudson is strong, so so SO strong and he is surrounded by a huge support group to help pull him through. The light for me in this dark time is knowing he won’t remember any of it. Not the needles or the pain or the days of being so swollen he won’t be able to see. And I am so thankful for that
And on top of his strength? I know that babies are resilient. He will (hopefully) be back to his smiley, giggly self within a week and that lightens the nerves we have right now. Hudson will be in the PICU for 3-5 days and then we’ll be released on Tylenol (wow). It’s amazing and it’s terrifying what they can do these days!
So my friends? Please.. Please pray for Hudson as we embark this week on the scariest thing we have encountered in our first year as parents. Keep Hudson in your heart and your thoughts this week as he goes under and recovers..I can’t tell you enough how much we’d appreciate it.

Mary Palumbo Collings - Your beautiful baby boy will be in the hands of wonderful doctors , i’m sure! I can imagine how scared you both must be, but know that I, and certainly many others along with your loved ones will be praying for and thinking of your sweet little one …
Dawn Cosgrove - Thank you so much Mary! Your sweet comment means the world to us!
Lynette Jacobs - Dawn we will pray for little Hudson and trust that the Lord will have him in the palm of His hand for the entire operation. Praying for you toomfor strength through this time xx
Dawn Cosgrove - Lynette, thank you so much for this!!!
Lynette Jacobs - Dawn…please read Psalm 91 over your little Hudson xx
LetticiaRose - I will be praying for little Hudson!
Dawn Cosgrove - Thank you so so much!!
Joyce Peterson - Will be praying that God gives the surgeons exceptional skill and wisdom while performing the operation; that He would provide kind and caring staff to care for Hudson during his hospital stay; that He would surround you and Adam with His love, comfort and peace as you prepare for and wait through the surgery; and that Hudson will not only emerge from it all successfully, but that once his recovery is complete, he will THRIVE! Love and hugs to all of you!
Dawn Cosgrove - Joyce…thank you, thank you, thank you! I’ll write you tomorrow as promised!!
Kristi McDermott (Gordon) - Thinking of you guys! I’m sure he’ll pull like the trooper his is, but you must be terriffed. You both have a family that’s here to support you and we’ll be thinking of you guys on Wednesday. If you’re having the surgery in Calgary and need an escape, please feel free to call us and come over for tea. Love to all three of you, xo
Dawn Cosgrove - Wrote you back!!! Xox
Linda Gale - Hi mommy daddy and grandparents
Please know we will pray for Hudson asking that each professional do their work with the goal being a quick recovery of your little sweetie. Trust you are stronger than you ever thought you could be. With love Linda and Stan gale
dawn - Hello Dawn, he is so cute in this picture! I see both you and Adam in him and he’s getting so big. You know I’m praying friend, thankful for the doctors we have and how much they know now. He will be in safe hands and in God’s hands healing him. He will be back to his cute little ways in no time. Take care of yourself so you stay strong and healthy for him and the next week of care. Love and hugs for all of you!! xo
Anonymous - We’ve been praying for you and for Hudson, and we’ll be holding him in prayer especially tomorrow and the days following. Love from the Toeckes Family
Dawn Cosgrove - Thank you so much Denise!
Linda - Oh My gosh, you all are in my thoughts, wish i could help in some way.Will be thinking of you all week and stalking IG.