This is my first full week back at the farm and I’m loving all the time I’m getting with these little cuties!!
Drinking: DavidsTea…so many flavours that I couldn’t possibly choose a favorite! But, I have to say, if you are sick and have a sore throat? North African Mint is the best for making you feel better!!
Eating: lots of comfort foods lately..and trust me, its been tasty. Maybe my waist doesn’t need the creamy homemade soups or the cheesy pasta, but my heart sure loves it 😉
Listening: lots and lots of country music – I have it playing in the background when I clean, when I cook and especially when I create!
Wearing: all black – my favorite for just laying low
Reading: I’m currently getting back in to all my chicken books I bought last year..trust me, I’m a woman obsessed! I’m adding to my flock in a few short weeks and now that I’m accustomed to my layers, I need to brush up on my chick knowledge!
Feeling: Sad, emotional, hopeful…each day brings new challenges and emotions but, I’m taking it in stride. Not sure how to deal with the emotions of losing a parent so young but learning as I go
Weather: Its sunny but cool…we still are under so much snow and I desperately want Spring to come!
Wanting: my Daddio
Needing: my Daddio
Wishing: our current situation wasn’t really our current situation
Thinking: about Spring. about Family. about possibilites. about things to come
Enjoying: the quiet peacefulness of the country. This is definitely the best place to hide out when you want some downtime!
Loving: Pinterest!! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again..Pinterest is my favorite past-time…dinner ideas, reno ideas..you name it, they’ve got it! Follow me here
Linda - Great post, I know nothing about chickens but I love free range eggs does that count?
Started following you on Pinterest, I really need to get back to pinning.
dawn - Dawn, thanks so much for sharing this us! I loved reading each line and knowing how your doing. Hiding out in the snow sounds good to me, I love the quiet! Wanting Spring to come soon too, don’t want to rush time though either, lol
I haven’t started Pinterest yet, there is lots of awesome things to see and find though I know. Enjoy looking thru it and finding new inspirations!!
can’t wait till you get new chickens!!
Hugs and love!