I did a few of these posts last year and really enjoyed them, especially when it came to looking back over my year and seeing how things changed {or didn’t!} I am hoping to get at least one of these posts in every month or maybe even a few! We’ll see…how about you?

Photo taken yesterday when Adam surprised me for breakfast before heading out again
Drinking: coffee! I used to hate the stuff growing up but now I’ve grown to actually enjoy it in the mornings. I find it to be a quiet, calm way to start my mornings before all the hustle/bustle begins! Also drinking more water every day. I was never much of a soda drinker til I met Adam and then I was getting to drink 2-3/day in 2012 and that just isn’t healthy for anyone! So, while my diet coke will still be stocked in the fridge..water will be my drink of choice in 2013!
Eating: a lot of soups lately. With mom and I being at the hospital 8-10 hours every day, we haven’t being cooking much and are enjoying some hot soups at the hospital or those that are homemade by family
Listening: actually, I’m enjoying the quiet this morning. The sounds of the hospital can get to you pretty fast! And being a girl from the country..I like my quiet moments 😉
Wearing: super soft PJ pants from Jacob and a favorite plain white old tee
Reading: I haven’t read in awhile and I’d like to start again. Am thinking of re-reading Pride & Prejudice again to start me off..any one else read some good books lately?
Feeling: Stressed, anxious, nervous and hopeful. Its a ball of emotions up in here lemme tell y’all!
Weather: Gorgeous! For January at least. There is snow on the ground but its just below freezing and we actually have birds chirping outside our window…its a rare sight to behold!
Wanting: to clear the clutter, to keep up with Project Life and to get my dad home and healthy again
Needing: my dad to get better
Wishing: our current situation wasn’t really our current situation
Thinking: about ways to incorporate my one little word: BRAVE in to my every day life
Enjoying: sleeping in most mornings and not hearing construction below me
Loving: the start of a fresh, new year
list of currents inspired by Amy
Mary Palumbo Collings - Dawn, my best wishes to you and your family for your father’s health. Sounds like a hard time , but you really sound positive. That’s great…
dawn - So happy to see this post Dawn, LOVE it when you do this. I think it’s a great way to keep you looking for the little bit of good and happy right now during this tough time. Stay postive and be brave my friend!!
I’m a quiet person and I love tea every morning since I was in high school. Use to drink soda too and now it’s ice tea which isn’t much better should drink more water. LOVE soups, I could live on soups and be so HAPPY and WARM.
Thanks for the awesome comment you left on my blog, thank you for the support on my PL. Hoping to post today on it, computer giving me hard time though.
Thanks for keeping us updated too, prayers and thoughts for all of you daily!! Sending in special ones at church tomorrow too.
Did you get my card? Hoping it shows up soon, not sure how long it will take. Wishing it to cheer you up and make you smile though.