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Currently on 06.13.2012

Our little family driving home for the weekend
listening: to the potatoes boiling in the background for supper
reading: The $100 Startup – am loving it so far!

watching: The Mentalist..Adam & I have become obsessed!

eating: roasted chicken, mashed potatoes & green beans for supper..yum

drinking: wine…since Italy I just.can’t.stop!

wearing: my farm uniform: sweatpants, tank top and a sweater..its rainy today so dressing pretty cozy!

feeling: content

weather: rained pretty good all morning but now the sun is out, a little breezy:(

playing: with new stamps for an upcoming call!

wanting: popcorn…mmm, its been a few days

needing: sunshine

missing: my family, always

waiting: for the dome to be done so that A & I can finally get in to our own home

enjoying: being married

thankful: for everything. Its a blessed life I get to live here!

I can’t believe its already almost the middle of June! Time is flying! Am pretty excited that next week is officially summer, cannot wait for the heat and all the fun plans we have coming up in the next couple of months. The garden is really starting to grow, I find myself in there every day, observing, weeding, is so amazing to watch it grow right in front of me! are going to be awesome!

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