First off, let me say WOO HOO!! We made it to September…the kickstart to my 4 favorite months. October and December are definitely the top two but Autumn is just…magical. Happy September everyone!!

Drinking: a LOT of water. I have always known how important water was for you but never really the biggest fan…until I became pregnant of course! Now I always keep a glass with me and drink them often. It tastes good to me, its good for me and most importantly, its good for the little one 😉
Eating: Well, I go in spurts! The last few months have seen a lot of fruit come my way. Now it seems we have moved on to my homemade pickles are getting a workout! I have currently eaten an entire jar about a week… *gulp*
Listening: to the wind whip thru the wheat field outside my front door. It has turned golden now and so beautiful. I am going to definitely miss seeing it when we harvest it in a couple of weeks time!
Wearing: truly…anything comfortable! I can still fit into most of my pre-pregnancy clothes so I take advantage! That being said, some outfits make me look as though I just raided the nearest doughnut shop so..have to be careful 😉
Reading: What to Expect When You’re Expecting. I swear, its become my bible. On more than one occasion I have actually exclaimed outloud “YES!” as if this book understands me and knows exactly what I’m going thru because, you know…it does!
Feeling: excited for Harvest 2013 to come to a close so we can work on finally switching houses and getting settled in to our very own home. Excited to start setting up the nursery for our little one and feeling a little anxious, but mostly excited, to meet our little one this Winter! I have never been in the hospital before so I will openly admit..I’m fearful. Lets just pray I can remember when its time that my body was made for won’t break..and I can do it!
Weather: I am sooo over Summer. So over it! I cannot handle the heat this year and lately, its been a scorcher! So I stay inside during the day and my poor garden has definitely suffered the consequences. Its hot out, I’m hot just thinking about it. Please bring on Fall… ’nuff said
Wanting: a magical packing fairy to come in here and pack all of our belongings for me. Its overwhelming how much *stuff* I have…part of me wishes I could just chuck it all and start anew..but the other half of me loves every item I own so wouldn’t dare parting with it. Ahh, such a conundrum, lol
Needing: to figure out what all we need to buy before baby comes. I mean seriously, why is there like a million strollers and car seats to choose from? Which one is better? I have no idea..
Wishing: I could move ahead to February to see our new life with the little one in our home and see how life has changed! So curious, so excited!
Thinking: how lucky I am for this lifestyle and for all those around me. Feeling very rich in life indeed
Enjoying: our harvest this year. So far things are going very well and with the boys in the field, I have lots of quiet around the home making afternoon siestas quite delightful for the little one and I 😉
Loving: the changing of the seasons already. For a couple of weeks now I have noticed the leaves turning and while many say “noooo!” I say, “!”