Yes, folks, I’m writing an entire post on tea. Have I lost my mind? To some people, maybe. But to anyone who knows me..this is right on target for my personality. I am a sucker for branding. Proper marketing, good design, typography..it sucks me in every single time. And DAVIDsTEA, is no different!
I had first heard about DavidsTea via Instagram. A few online friends that I follow were posting about how much they loved it or when they stopped by to refuel and, while I was interested, I never thought I’d get in to an actual store and went about my usual Insta-browsing. That is, until I came across DAVIDsTEA in Saskatoon this past weekend. When I strolled up to the store I was completely surprised! I had no idea it would be in Canada let alone Saskatchewan! My impression immediately was a good one. I walked up and before even entering the store a super friendly girl offered a free tasting of Razzmatazz, a sweet raspberry flavored tea that I fell hard for.
I walked in a few steps and was completely overwhelmed by everything they had to offer. Everything looked so pretty and inticing..I didn’t know what to look at first! But then this super sweet girl came up and helped me out, answered all of my questions {and then some}..I was hooked immediately..

After filling me in on everything I needed to know the girl left me to my own devices, checking in on me every now and then to see if I needed any more questions answered. I stacked my basket full people..I just couldn’t choose!! I picked up a super fun “Perfect Mug”, a vast array of teas and even a starter kit, just so that I could pick and choose my favorites by tasting as many as possible..
When I brought out my camera phone to take a few photos, every one that worked there became very intrigued as to why I take photos. When I explained that I was “a nerdy scrapbooker” they just gushed over it. They loved the idea of photographing everything in my life and scrapbooking it. Asked tons of questions and was genuinely interested..I can’t tell you enough about how good they made me feel!! I couldn’t quit gushing! I just wanted to wrap each of them up and take them home with me to be my new friends..I loved them all
After I made my purchases they sent me on my way with a large steaming mug of delicious tea and it sealed the deal for me.. I’m in love with DAVIDsTEA!!

Don’t you just love my new mug?? So far I’ve tried Chocolate Rocket & Cookie Dough..and I can’t choose a favorite..I love them both..tommorrow I think I’ll try Sleigh Ride..or maybe Read My Lips..or maybe Alpine Crunch…hmmm, decisions, decisions….
dawn - WOW, that is a lot of tea, great pictures. I’ve never heard of this kind, all I drink is the Lipton and I’m a big tea drinker too.
Hope you make a layout about this, would look so cool. Enjoyed reading this and your pretty new mug.
Dawn Cosgrove - Dawn, I only heard about this thru Instagram and never thought I’d go to one..but so glad I did! Honestly they were such nice people and so far..the tea tastes amazing!!