The last couple of days have been quite a startling change from the heat of Summer we had been experiencing. The rains came, once again, and with them brought wind and even a light dusting of snow! Snow is September isn’t exactly new to us Canadians but, it has been a while. I was so hoping for a long, warm Autumn for us..maybe things will turn around but right now, its hard to tell! We are only 1/2 way through our harvest (yikes!) and it keeps raining on us every week..silver lining of course is the moisture will be good for our 2015 crop. But first things first..lets get 2014’s over with 😉
Yesterday morning I woke up to this:

As excited as I am for Autumn, it pains me to see all this beauty fade so quickly and die. I haven’t loved my garden this year as much as I should have. finding garter snakes in your beds unexpectedly will do that to you. But, I did love going outside and being greeted by all the beautiful colours that nature provided me with. Every seed I planted, every bulb I dug..everything is gone again for another year.
And now all that is left to do is to pull everything up, compost what I can, store the bulbs, save some seeds and say goodbye to these beautiful sights til next year when they can all begin again. Even though it barely seemed like we had a Summer (late, wet Spring) I think the plants as well as ourselves are almost looking forward to a nice, relaxing Winter.