Hello everyone and welcome to a brand new project that I am beyond excited about!! This past fall I was contacted by Lisa, a fellow Saskatchewan farm wife/photographer about creating a blog circle in 2015 that would invite you all in to our world as farm wives in the Canadian prairies. Her first email caught my attention immediately and I have been excited for this endeavour ever since! And now that 2015 is here, I welcome you with open arms to the Farm Life Inspired Series!

Each month, on the last day of the month, we will be sharing an insiders view of life on a Saskatchewan farm through our lenses. Our collaborations span from my Southwestern corner of Saskatchewan to the Southeast and Central areas of our province. Our hope is to give you a unique perspective of real working farms and daily farm life from across the great province of Saskatchewan! You will see a range of monthly topics in the series from prairie landscapes, to farm life, gardening, recipes, farm house, kids and of course the farm’s furry critters!
*I will be making some changes on my blog this month to create a new page for these monthly collaborations, so be sure to look for a link in my sidebar soon *
I moved to our farm in the Summer of 2011 from Alberta and had no idea how much this lifestyle would change me. My roots are now dug in deep to this land we call home and I am proud to call myself a farm wife living in the ‘land of living skies’. When we go back in to the city to visit my family, I feel myself yearning for the quiet of the country. The drive home that entails concrete giving way to the open fields feels freeing and ever so inspiring. Our life is simple yet beautiful. We work hard and we love every minute of it!
When asked what it is about farm life that inspires me – my answer is always the same. Its the simplicity of it all. Living out here you get to witness mother nature at its prime. You can witness a sunrise for miles without interruption, you can tend to the lives of your animals and teach your children where there food comes from, you reap what you sow and you grow the food that feeds the world…I find every day out here to be a blessing worth photographing.
This month we are each sharing one photo that shows how farm life inspires us. For myself, this photo is absolutely a favourite from this past Fall. It sums up life here on our farm for me..which is witnessing a beautiful sunrise right after I let my chickens out for the day. Scenes like this one inspire me to capture our lives here on the farm whether its a walk with my boys down a country road, handing out treats to my lively flock or soaking up the sun drenched fields of a harvest afternoon. Farm life on the prairies is so uniquely beautiful and I cannot wait to share it with you through this collaboration!

Thank you all so much for joining me here today, I cannot tell you how honoured and excited I am to be a part of this group of wonderfully inspiring farm wives! Speaking of which, please join me in welcoming our next contributor in the Farm Life Inspired Series – Laurie Johnson
Crystal - I live next door in Alberta and I’ll be following this series to learn more. Your photos are beautiful! Happy February!
Dawn Cosgrove - Hi Crystal!! Thank you so much for joining us!! Can’t wait to show you what all we have in store this year!!
Linda - Oh wow Dawn i love all of your photos but this one is spectacular.
Dawn Cosgrove - Thank you so much Linda!
Naomi - this is a far cry from our Australian experience. Thank you for the glimpses into your world. It’s certainly a sight to see. Bless.