Hey Everyone!!
Ummm…what happened to February?! I cannot believe how long it’s been since I was more of a “regular” round here! As you can probably tell, we still do not have Internet at our place on the farm .. Adam is working on it as we speak and only a “teeny” bit frustrated, can’t blame him of course 😉
But since I now have my very own IPhone, I can rejoin society, even if I am way out in the “boonies” as some have mentioned! Only problem: how do you upload photos on to blogger thru IPhone, any tips out there??
And since it truly has been a while since I have caught you all up on my life, here is a little February in Review:
On January 29th, Adam & I were off to Hawaii for a family vacation with his parents & aunt/uncle. This was my first time to Hawaii (or anywhere tropical!) and I fell in loooove…hard!

On February 4th, I celebrated my 28th Birthday with a day of sunshine and my very first luau, very awesome!!

On this trip I learned to snorkel, which was huge for me considering I have had a fear of water for years! (2 instances of near drowning does that to a person!) I was pretty proud of myself and soo happy to be back in the water!

On Feb 10th I received “happy mail” from the editor of Paper Crafts that a couple more of my cards are being published!! Eeek! I don’t care if its your first or tenth email, it always makes me giddy!! On Feb 12th we flew home, only after I made Adam promise me we would be back next year 😉
On Valentine’s Day, we went for dinner to our favorite restaurant (Tony Romas) and saw “The Vow”..anyone else see it yet? While I did like the film, I wanted more from it. The Notebook is still my favorite though..hands down!

On Feb 15th, we brought my baby home to the farm..FINALLY!! Unfortunately though, the resident farm dog, Simon was not to keen on Jakey being here and my lil man had to go home for a few weeks til we deal with Simons aggressive behavior

Since then, my brother in law and his girlfriend have been down to visit us and we’re settling back in to regular farm life. I am getting ridiculously excited for Spring to arrive for farming to begin again…PLUS, I have a lot of plans of my own!! For instance: I’m getting chickens!! SO excited!! And I have been busy planning my first ever vegetable garden…I can’t wait to get my hands dirty againAny one else desperate for Spring to arrive??

I am so sorry for the delay in blogging but for those still checking in, thank you! I’m here and will be posting more as soon as I can!! Take care everyone…Happy Crafting everyone!!