Anyone who knows me knows I love a good bonfire! Every since I was a little girl, camping with my family, a campfire has been a symbol of so much to me. It symbolizes carefree summers, camping, childhood, peace, happiness, good food..the list goes on! So when we finally got a free evening to do as we please, we gathered our firewood and sat down for an evening of campfire, wieners and roasted marshmallows..and boy, was it good!

Adams brothers are both staying at the farm, helping us with seeding, but because they live in the city and rarely get a chance to come down for a visit – we take every opportunity we can to hang out with them and create precious memories while chatting and reconnecting

The following picture speaks a 1,000 words to me. Its happiness, joy, contentment, love. And most importantly? My parents recently commented that Adam looked like my Grandpa P with his crooked ball cap, and a similiarity like that makes my heart truly happy. My Grandpa P passed away 14 years ago and Adam never got to meet him, but I know one thing for sure..he would have really loved him!

And I couldn’t let my BIL, Scotty, get away without snapping a photo of us – he hates having his photo taken!

At the end of the night, we all agreed it was such a great idea to build a campfire and spend the evening together. We also agreed that this would be the first of many fires this summer..and I have to tell you, I cannot wait til the next one! I can taste those marshmallows already..
dawn - ooohhh yes the campfire, we LOOOOVE those also. The kids get sooo excited about them, we usually wait till schools out to do ours and if it’s warm enough. Love that first photo, your fire is a serious one!!
How sweet that you got to spend some family time and get some photos to remember. Cute one of you and hubby! Hope you share more of your bonfire photos over the summer. We also make smores at ours, YUMMY!!
I just posted my new fave color post peek when you have time.
Enjoy your weekend!
Dawn Cosgrove - Hi Dawn!
Yes, we are very “serious” about our fires..lol. The bigger the better 😉 we made s’mores as well but I have to tell you, they really aren’t my favorite! Give me a plain old roasted marshmallow anytime!