Happy Friday everyone and welcome to a new post entitled: Friday Farm Dreams. This will be a place for me to dream a little about features I would love to some day add to our farm, be it growing something specific, building, learning…you name it! I am a bit of a dreamer by nature and am always thinking of ways to add more beauty, my life, more oomph to our daily lives and that is when the thought came to me, why not blog about it? When I told my farmer my idea he was pretty excited..a place to keep all my dreams locked away until the day we can start working on them and making them a reality. Now, this feature won’t be posted every Friday, but I have plenty of post ideas to keep me going so, I really hope you enjoy them!!
As the warm weather approaches, I am chomping at the bit to get my hands dirty in my garden and can almost taste the flavors of the fresh produce that I will be able to eat in just a couple of short months. But then I got to thinking, wouldn’t it be amazing to grow my own produce year round? Enter the greenhouse..

I can just picture it now, its the dead of Winter, the snow is falling and I’m inside my warm, light filled greenhouse, tending to my tomatoes, my broccoli, my flowers and maybe even a dwarf lemon tree for good measure. I would tend to my seedlings and harvest the fruits and veggies for year round fresh produce for my family. And in late Winter I could plant all my seeds for the coming gardening year and never have to go without eating straight from our farm again..

even today as I tend to my tomato seedlings I started last month, the smell of the potting soil and the leaves when brushed against them inspires me. It leaves my hands dirty and rejuvenates my soul. I can’t even imagine what an entire greenhouse could do for a person!

Can you see it yet? Close your eyes and envision it. Walking in to a warm, humid lightfilled greenhouse that smells like Summer eternally. Its full of lush greenery and veggies as far as the eye can see. Outside its cold and miserable but here? Here is where you belong..

*sigh* some day friends, some day..
I love daydreaming! Especially when it comes to life here on the farm. I hope you enjoyed taking a moment to daydream with me today..and if you yourself have a greenhouse already, consider me envious 😉 Have a great weekend everyone! I’ll be here at the farm, hopefully prepping for our upcoming seeding season or, better yet, seeding! See you next week! Which reminds me, are you participating in Ali Edwards Day in the Life series? I am going to start this month which takes place on Tuesday, April 30th…I hope you will join me! You can learn more about it here.
dawn - I love this new idea for posting, this is a great first one. Rich also dreams of having a greenhouse, wish so much I could give him one. Hopefully one day you both will get one and you can enjoy it all year long.
Our neighbor 2 houses down has one and Rich says every year he’d like to get one and how nice it would be to start planting earlier.
Keep dreaming and I’m sure it will come true for you both.
YES, I’m joining Ali today for DIL, wasn’t sure about it but decided to go for it.
Seems most of these days have been on weekdays and I don’t have much to record all day with just me here but today it’s mixed up a bit and it’s springtime which will be nice to record.
Can’t wait to see your pictures from today, love seeing LIFE ON THE FARM!!
Happy last day of April, enjoy it my friend!