Has this not been the longest week ever? And still .. its only half way thru the morning!! I’m sitting here, antsy to get on the road to see my farmer this weekend..and time is seriously craaawwwling..ugh
BUT the good news?
A) Its Friday {as previously mentioned}
B) Its sunny out; and
C) Its going to be a beautiful weekend!
This weekend I will be sitting in what is known as the “buddy” seat, next to my farmer while we spray & seed the fields for this years’ crops. As I met Adam last Spring, this will be my first seeding experience..and although its not everyone’s cup of tea..I’m actually excited! Last August I spent 5 hours riding around with Adam, spraying a field of weeds, and honestly? Loved every minute of it! Thats what’s so cool about A & I, we can do anything and have a blast, as long as we’re together! *sigh* .. I miss him